And, keep losing!

After all, in the face of an opponent whose strength is doubled, even a sudden attack cannot turn the tide of the battle!

As Team Ocean and Hellfire react, the counterattack begins immediately!

Soon, the people of the lava team could not resist!

Chi Yansong is also commanding the elves to fight, and wants to hinder the Hellfire Guild and the Ocean Team here!


With the current situation of the battle, the Lava Team cannot continue to resist!

The cadre next to Chi Yansong said, "Leader, we can't stand it anymore!"

Chi Yansong glanced at the crowd with regret, the president of Hellfire Guild had to take a deep breath, and then said: "Retreat!"

The members of the lava team were already struggling to support, but now, after hearing the leader's order, they immediately prepared to retreat!

The members of the Lava Team, who wanted to retreat, were using extremely fast speed.has returned to the ship.

Then, the passenger ship suddenly left!

The members of the Ocean Team and the Hellfire Guild all focused on the fireworks, revealing their inquiring eyes!

"No need to chase!"

The Guild Master of Hellfire, Fireworks said.

The other members around nodded.

"Right now, our main goal is to help Team Ocean control Kyogre! So, don't worry about Team Lava!"

"When Kyogre is also under our control, then the Lava Team will naturally have no threat at all!"

The members of the Hellfire Guild and the Ocean Team nodded.

Most of the elves of the ocean team are water elves, so even if their ships are useless at this time, they still cannot stop them from moving forward!

They rode the water elves and thought, heading towards the depths of the ocean!


at the same time!

Above the sky!

The speed of the flashing dragon is fast, and it is heading towards the edge of the sky!

Lin Wen is heading to the Pillar of the Sky!The place where this Rift Seat lives!

The location of the pillar of the sky is located in the Fengyuan area, and Lin Wen has to travel for a long time to get there!


Just after Lin Wen left the Alliance branch, two figures suddenly appeared in front of the Flash Dragon!

They wore uniform uniforms, and they rode two rather powerful statues at their feet, blocking Lin Wen in front of them!

Lin Wen's eyes narrowed slightly!In an instant, the two were identified.

Guild members of Hellfire!

The top guild in the Shenno region, a guild member of Hellfire!

They actually intercepted Lin Wen here!


On the other side!

The two trainers riding the two statues were the top guild leaders of Hellfire.

At this time, the eyes of the two were focused on Lin Wen's body, and their eyes were also cautious.

As early as before, when Lin Wen and Shirona did not continue to perform the task of transferring the Shenao region, some players noticed him!

As a powerful player in the alliance camp, Heart of Yang Yan has undoubtedly received a lot of attention from the Hellfire Guild!

Under such circumstances, Lin Wen and Shirona's departure immediately attracted the attention of the players of the Hellfire Guild. Now, after receiving the information, after receiving the news that the Heart of Yang Yan left alone, I immediately thought that Yang Yan's heart was leaving alone. It is very likely that the Heart of Fire is alone to perform some crucial task!

Therefore, immediately choose to send someone to intercept!

Now, these two players are both experts in the Hellfire Guild. At this time, they intercepted Lin Wen and blocked his whereabouts!

"Heart of Yang Yan!"

The two players who were intercepted in front of Lin Tattoo, one named Caviar and the other named Caviar, belonged to good friends, and were intercepted in front of Lin Wen at this time!

"If you choose to go back in place now, we can pretend that nothing happened!"

Lin Wen's gaze turned to the two players who were riding the eagles standing in front of him!

Under the action of the Wisdom Eye skill, the strength of the two people was quickly known by Lin Wen!

Boss level!

These two eagles are just boss-level elves!

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