Lin Wen's eyes narrowed, and then he said, "What is it... that gave you the confidence to stand in front of me?"

"Heart of Yang Yan!" Caviar said: "We know that your 0.2 strength is very strong, but don't underestimate us, our strength is also beyond your imagination!"

"is it?"

Lin Wen's eyes narrowed: "In that case, Flash Fast Dragon, use Dragon Fury!"

Accompanied by Lin Wen's command voice, the Flash Dragon immediately launched its action!

Just listen, the angry dragon roar sounded!



The ferocious shock wave slammed out towards the Bidiao under the two!

Almost instantly, it hit the bodies of the two statues!

The two eagles didn't have time to dodge, they were directly hit...  

At the moment of being hit, the bodies of these two statues suffered unbearably powerful damage! .

Chapter 1227 The thief's heart is immortal

Amazing power!

Almost at the moment of being hit by the wrath of the dragon, the two eagles let out a whimpering sound, and then they lost their ability to fight!

Fall vertically from mid-air!

The caviar and caviar on his body exclaimed twice, and they also fell down!

There is no resistance at all, and it is directly defeated!

After all, these two eagles are just boss-level elves!

However, the Flash Dragon is a lord-level elf!It is also a very tyrannical existence among the lord-level elves!

The gap between the two can be said to be quite huge!

It was in this situation that the two blocking players were easily defeated by Lin Wen without any resistance at all, so they were directly defeated!

Defeating these two boss-level elves was an easy instant kill without paying any price. Lin Wen's face was also very calm. In these two eagles and the two hellfire players who were blocking the way, he disappeared. In front of him, 19 Lin Wen immediately pointed out the direction and was ready to continue on his way!

It is not a short cut from the Shenao area to the Fangyuan area where the Pillar of the Sky is located. If possible, Lin Wen also wants to travel by transportation!

But now, because of the chaos in the Shenao area, the transportation here has been banned for a long time, and Lin Wen can only choose to ride the elf to hurry!

After the Flash Dragon continued to fly forward for a certain distance, a thought arose in Lin Wen's heart, and then he directed the Flash Dragon to slowly land!

After landing, Lin Wen put the Flash Dragon directly into the Poké Ball, and then took out another Poké Ball!


With the flash of light, an elf figure appeared in place!

Leaf Elf!

After Ye Elf appeared, Lin Wen rode directly on Ye Elf's body, ready to continue on his way!

Before, the appearance of Hellfire Guild members made Lin Wen a little bit of alert!

Hellfire Guild, although I don't know the specific tasks I'm going to perform, but I can definitely guess that during this time period, I, a master among the players, a well-known figure, did not choose to continue to stay in the Shenao area. Instead, choose to leave, then!After all, there is something important to do!

Moreover, under this circumstance, at this point in time, the task to be performed by oneself can easily be inferred to be related to what is happening in the Shenno area!

so!They will send people to block the way!Come and stall for time!

After all, the combination of Hellfire Guild and Ocean Team has not been able to grasp all of Kyogre and Groudon, and I don’t want any accidents to happen!

The reason why Lin Wen chose to take back the Flash Dragon, but released the Leaf Elf and rode the Leaf Elf on his way, was precisely because he thought of something!

It is still within the range of the Shenao area, and there is no need to fly or cross the sea. Moreover, on the ground, the speed of the leaf elves is not inferior to the flashing dragons flying in the sky!Also a great mount!

Moreover, the target of the Flash Dragon is really too big!

The huge flashing dragon, even in the air, is also a very conspicuous target, which can be said to be very eye-catching!Outsiders can set their sights on the Flash Dragon for the first time!

Although the previous Hellfire interceptor did not have any impact on Lin Wen, he was instantly killed by Lin Wen's flashing fast dragon, but, in the same way, his speed was inevitably slowed down!

Now, but time is racing against time, there is no room for delay!

Therefore, in this case, Lin Wen decisively did not continue to be called the behemoth of the flashing fast dragon, but chose to ride the leaf elf before he did not need to cross the ocean, thereby reducing his attention, so that he could quickly Leave the Shenao area and rush to the Fangyuan area!

After all, he doesn't know how much the Ocean Team and Hellfire Guild have control over the two legendary ancient Pokémon, Kyogre and Groudon. Therefore, he can only choose to carry out his mission as soon as possible and find Go to the Rift Seat and find it to help!

on the ground!

Ye Elf's speed is fast, galloping forward!

Right now!

Sudden!Lin Wen's gaze turned to the figure in front of him, and then Ye Elf's body stopped abruptly.

I saw that not far in front of Lin Wen, a figure appeared again!

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