After Lin Wen's eyes turned to this figure, he recognized the identity of this person!

It is a member of Hellfire!

Lin Wen's eyes narrowed involuntarily.

Unexpectedly, when I chose to ride the Leaf Elf to advance, I even encountered someone who blocked it!

It seems that Hellfire Guild still attaches great importance to him!

the other side!

The road blocker's eyes lit up after seeing Lin Wen's figure!

"Heart of Yang Yan, 363 has been famous for a long time!" The player from the Hellfire Guild on the opposite side said: "Simply introduce myself, my name is Guihuo."

Lin Wen's gaze turned to this player!

I couldn't help frowning slightly!

Next to this player named Guihuo, stood a strange two-tailed hand!

Lin Wen's gaze swept over, and the Wisdom Eye skill was activated, and he immediately noticed the template and basic strength of this two-tailed monster!

This is a lord-level elf!

After the first round of interception was fruitless, the strength of the players who came to intercept Lin Wen again has undoubtedly increased by a level!

If you want to break through here, you obviously have to defeat the opponent, so Lin Wen directly chose to jump off Ye Elf's body!

Since there is no way to leave directly, let's fight directly!

The opposite Guihuo saw Lin Wen's intention at a glance, stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, and then said, "I wanted to fight the famous Yang Yan Xin for a long time!"

Then, he suddenly issued a command voice!

"Two-tailed monster, use high-speed stars on the leaf spirit!"

Hearing the command voice of the ghost fire, the two-tailed monster immediately launched an action! .

Chapter 1228 Pressure

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Chapter 1229 Quick solution

The Heart of Yang Yan is stronger than imagined!

His main elf, the two-tailed monster, was defeated so easily. This was the first time since he started cultivating the two-tailed monster!

This has never been the case!

In front of Ye Elf, the two-tailed strange hand is like a child. Although his body is flexible, he can't make any waves at all, and he is defeated directly and easily!There is absolutely no way to resist!

This is the difference between the strengths!

Both lord-level elfs also have differences in essence, the growth gap between each level up, skill gap, etc., resulting in different strengths of each lord-level elf!

I have to say that the fact that Lin Wen's Leaf Elf can defeat the two-tailed monster so quickly still gave Guihuo a great shock. However, after the slight shock, Guihuo's brows gradually stretched out!

Fortunately... the goal of coming to fight this time is not to defeat you, otherwise, this is really an impossible task!

The main purpose of the ghost fire here is not to defeat Lin Wen at 650!

After all, in the carnival competition, the strength of the heart of Yang Yan has been fully revealed, but it is quite amazing!Having won the heart of Yang Yan, the double champion of the Carnival Competition, in the entire Huaxia District, I am afraid that no one can dare to say that he can win against Lin Wen!

After all, in the carnival competition, the strength of the heart of Yang Yan displayed is really amazing!

In this case, when the Hellfire Guild sent players to intercept it, it was not thinking of defeating the Heart of Yang Yan!

The main idea is to successfully intercept the Heart of Yang Yan and delay his time!

after all!

Today's Hellfire Guild and Ocean Team are in the process of controlling Kyogre and Groudon!

Even, they have temporarily controlled Groudon successfully!

In this case, if they can successfully control the two legendary elves as long as they hold on to the heart of Yang Yan, then even if the strength of the heart of Yang Yan is too strong, even if he is performing tasks and Things in the Shenno area are related, so it doesn't matter! (bjea)

After all, if the Ocean Team and Hellfire Guild can successfully master these two legendary ancient elves, then their strength will skyrocket. Even if the Alliance wants to do something to them, many things must be considered!

Therefore, they sent people to block Lin Wen, originally to block his time, not to defeat him at all!

Just after the two-tailed monster lost its fighting ability, Guihuo's expression flashed in shock, and then he took out another Pokeball!

Then, the Poké Ball is thrown!

After a flash of light, an elf appeared in place!

Emperor Nabo!

Lin Wen's gaze swept across, and the Wisdom Eye skill came into play, and he had already understood the template attributes of this elf!

This is also a lord-level elf!

This ghost fire, even in the Hellfire Guild, is definitely a master, and has two lord-level elves!

At this time, it was intercepted in front of Lin Wen!

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