The moment he saw Ye Elf launching his attack, Fenghuo, the master of the strange force, had already opened his mouth and commanded: "The strange force, get out of the way!"

However, his command voice was still a step behind!

If it is normal, when it is in a good state, even if the solar beam is a skill that releases skills extremely quickly, then, under the full blast, the strange force is likely to avoid the attack of the solar beam!

But now, after the double blow of Ye Feng and the seed bomb, the strength of the strange force has been greatly weakened!

In this case, facing Ye Elf's solar beam skill, although the strange force has been alerted and dodged, it is still a step behind!

The sun beam containing powerful power suddenly bombarded the body of the strange force!

This is the last attack released by the leaf spirit!

Because, with Ye Elf's solar beam skill bombarding the body of the strange force, the body of the strange force suddenly fell, and has lost the ability to fight!

In the face of Ye Elf's continuous activation of skill combos, this strange force has no way to cause effective resistance, and directly loses its fighting ability!

This is a direct result of the huge gap between strengths!In the face of the very powerful Ye Elf, this strange force is not weak, but compared with Ye Elf, there is still a certain gap. If it is directly and easily defeated, it will not cause any effective resistance at all!

Just after the strange force was defeated, Fenghuo directly chose to flee the scene!

The strange force is his most powerful main elf. Now that he has lost his combat power, he can say that there is no chance of winning against Lin Wen, so he chose to leave!

Without any hesitation!

After all, the goal of his coming here is the same as Lin Wen!They all want to stop Lin Wen's progress!

Now that the mission has been accomplished, he naturally doesn't want to get into trouble, so he chooses to flee!

Just when Lin Wen was on his way fast!

On the sea, the members of the marine team and the Hellfire Guild, under the leadership of fireworks and water phoenix, have gone deeper and deeper into the sea!

Their ship was directly defeated by the ambush of the lava team, so they chose to ride the elf to the depths of the ocean!

The speed can be said to be quite fast!

Everyone is racing against time!Strive to use the fastest speed to achieve your goals!


at the same time!

Lin Wen's path forward had to stop again!

Because, not far in front of him, an interceptor appeared again!

Unlike the previous interceptor!

The previous interceptors were all players sent by the Hellfire Guild!

However, now, appearing in front of Lin Wen and intercepting him, it is an NPC!

NPC of the Ocean Team!

Marine Corps Officer!tide!

Not only the Hellfire Guild, but the Ocean Team also paid attention to Lin Wen and dispatched interceptors!

Ocean team cadres, tide!

Lin Wen's eyes were fixed on the opponent!

These evil forces obviously attached great importance to him, and they even sent out interceptors one by one!

However, these are destined to be useless for Lin Wen!

Because, Lin Wen's strength has already exceeded their imagination, and it is not that they can send someone to intercept it!

Faced with the cadre of the Ocean Team, Lin Wen had no plans to hide his strength. He directly summoned his main elf, and Mai's UI defeated him!Made 740 for victory!

It is very easy!

After all, Lin Wen is now a powerful existence with five lord-level elves. In the age of elves, they are all ranked masters. For such a cadre of the ocean team, it can be said that it is very easy. Complete your goals with ease!

The five lord-level elves, but the champion of the Shenao region, can be said to be the most powerful trainer in the entire Shenao region, and Hirona was shocked by it!Lin Wen's strength can be imagined!

After defeating all of Chao's little elves, Lin Wen set foot on the road again!

This time!

He finally did not encounter any intercepting trainers, but sprinted very smoothly all the way to not far from the sea!

Looking at the turbulent sea due to Kyoka's awakening, Lin Wen didn't hesitate, put away the Leaf Elf in his hand, and then threw another Elf Ball!

Flash Dragon!

With the appearance of the flashing dragon, Lin Wen directly smashed the back of the flashing dragon, and then, the flashing dragon spread its wings and flew quickly in the direction of the Fangyuan area!

The goal is to point directly to the pillar of the sky in the Fangyuan area!

Find the Rift Seat! .

Chapter 1233 Raging Kyogre

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Chapter 1234 Pillars of the Sky

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