But now, it's finally done!

Such a powerful legendary elf is now under his control!

This can be said to make Shui Wutong very excited!

The two legendary elves have all fallen under the control of the villain!

After Kyogre finally calmed down under the constraints of the Heart of the Ocean, Shui Wutong looked at the fireworks and said, "President Fireworks, then, we can officially implement our plan!"

Firework nodded lightly: "That's right! With the assistance of two legendary ancient Pokémon, Groudon and Kyogre, our control of the Shenao region can officially kick off!"


Shui Wutong responded: "President of Fireworks, I hope we can cooperate happily in the future!"

"Of course!" Firework replied.

Afterwards, the two old foxes looked at each other with mysterious smiles in each other's eyes!


After successfully controlling Kyogre through the Heart of the Ocean, the group simply chose to return!

The members of the marine team and the Hellfire Guild directly chose to leave the rough sea and return to land!

Thus, the attack plan for the entire Shenno area was launched! !

A group of people rode the elf and approached the shore in a fast 360!


at the same time!

Just after Team Ocean and Hellfire Guild successfully controlled the legendary ancient Pokémon Kyogre!Lin Wen has finally arrived at the destination of this trip!

Pillars of the sky!

The Pillar of the Sky in the Fangyuan area, where Rikakuza lives!

The entire pillar of the sky is a very huge pillar-shaped building!There are five layers of existence!

This is also a very secret place. If it weren't for the location and coordinate information provided by the alliance, then it would be very difficult for Lin Wen to find this place!

However, at this time, with Lin Wen coming here, the system prompt sounded in his ears, telling Lin Wen that there was no mistake in the place he came to!

"Ding Dong, player Yang Yan's Heart, congratulations on your discovery of the Pillar of the Sky, reputation +1000."

Pillars of the sky!

Lin Wen doesn't care much about the prestige rewards that come with it later, so now his prestige has soared to a level that no one else can understand!In this case, Lin Wen didn't care about reputation rewards!

You must know that at this time in the Heart of Yang Yan, the reputation has already spread throughout the entire Elf Century. Whether it is the NPCs in the alliance or the water friends among the players, they have heard of the existence of the Heart of Yang Yan. After arriving at the Heart of Yang Yan, they will respond enthusiastically! !

After hearing the sound of the system, Lin Wen's eyes were fixed on the pillar of the sky in front of him!

here!It is like a copy of the same place!

If you want to get to the top of the Pillar of the Sky, you need to defeat the four previous floor master elves one by one. Only in this way can you log in to the top floor!

This is a place that exists like a copy!

After only staying for a short two seconds, Lin Wen did not hesitate and stepped directly into the pillar of the sky!

at this time!He doesn't know the situation in the Shenao area, and it is very likely that it is already in crisis!Under such circumstances, Lin Wen didn't have much time to think!We can only start the action as soon as possible, find the cracking seat as soon as possible and go back to help!

The entire pillar of the sky has a total of five layers of existence!

After entering the first floor, an elf attacked Lin Wen immediately!

Lin Wen's gaze turned to these little elves, they were just ordinary big-mouthed bats!

Without any hesitation, Lin Wen has summoned two elves to appear beside him!

Leaf Elf + Ice Elf!

Two lord-level elves! (bjag)

Facing the attacking big-mouthed bats, the Leaf Elf and the Ice Elf attacked almost at the same time!

In front of Ye Elf, the grass-type energy quickly condensed, and the seed bomb was completed in an extremely fast time. Then, it fiercely attacked the big-mouthed bat group!

In the blink of an eye, it has already hit the middle of the big-mouthed bat group!



The strong grass-type energy suddenly erupted, and the ferocious force attacked the surrounding bats and their bodies. Under the impact of the seed bomb, I don't know how many bats lost their fighting ability!

at the same time!

Beside the Leaf Elf, the Ice Elf also took action!

The invisible wind blows suddenly!

The weather is a lot colder!

Frozen Wind!

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