Strong grass energy swept in!Spread out around!

In an instant, the surrounding big-mouthed babies were affected by grass-type energy one after another!

You must know that the previous Leaf Storm and Frozen Aura skills have caused quite serious damage to them, and now they have been attacked by the power of the seed bomb once again, and they have lost their ability to fight!

at the same time!

Ice flash attack!

Bing Shuo itself is not such a powerful skill, but now under the blessing of the attributes of the lord-level elf ice elf, the lethality of these big-mouthed babies is quite amazing!

in a blink!

The power of the two skills spread out. Immediately, the big-mouthed dolls who gathered around and attacked Lin Wen lost their ability to fight!

In front of Lin Wen, only that figure remained!

Big mouth baby!

That lord-level big mouth baby!

At the same time, it is also the fourth-layer guardian of the Pillar of the Sky!

After seeing that the big-mouthed babies around him were defeated, the lord-level big-mouthed baby was obviously a little angry, and his body moved and sprinted directly towards the Ye Elf!

Go fast!

Just in the process of Dazuiwa sprinting!

The wind blows suddenly!

Fairy Wind Skill!

At the same time, its head shone with light!

Iron head!

Facing the big-mouthed baby who was rushing straight in, Lin Wen's eyes narrowed, and a command voice came out in an instant: "Ye Elf, fight him head-on, use his front hooves to trample!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Ye Elf was originally fearless. After hearing Lin Wen's command voice, his body burst out in an instant!

In the blink of an eye, it was already sprinting to the front!

On the other side, Dazuiwa's head exudes a faint light, and it also sprints!

The two little elves are about to collide in the blink of an eye!

Just when the two elves were about to collide, Ye Elf's premise suddenly lifted high!

At the same time, a faint light radiated from the front hooves!

next second!

The front hooves crashed down!

The head-on collision was the iron head of the big mouth baby!



The collision between the bodies made an amazing vibration sound, so that anyone who heard it would be stunned!

The iron head and the front hoof slammed into each other, making a shocking sound!

Then, the bodies of the two elves took a few steps back at the same time!

In the first collision, the two elves came to an even split!

As soon as the elf's body retreated, Lin Wen's voice had already sounded!

"Ye Elf, use the vine whip! Bind the big mouth baby for me!"

Following Lin Wen's command voice, Ye Elf immediately took action, and two sturdy vine whips shot out from behind, heading straight towards the big mouth baby!

In the blink of an eye, he was already in front of the big mouth baby!

The vine whip was very fast, and the big mouth baby didn't seem to react. Facing the attacking vine whip, he hadn't responded yet!

I saw that the vine whip had already shot over and rolled up in an instant!

At the moment when the vine whip was rolled up, the body of the big mouth baby was wrapped in it, and it was firmly bound!

Seeing this scene, Lin Wen's heart was overjoyed, and he continued to command: "Ye Elf, use the sun beam!"

Following Lin Wen's command voice, Ye Elf immediately began to charge up!

Sun Beam is a very powerful skill, but it is a very powerful charging skill. It must be charged when the weather is not sunny!

This is inevitable! .

Chapter 1236 Terrifying Big Mouth Frog

Under such circumstances, Lin Wen's command voice had already sounded the moment the vine whip restrained the opponent!

at the same time!

Just when the leaf spirit started to charge up!The big mouth behind the big mouth baby bound by the vine whip suddenly bit!

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