Sharp teeth are exposed!

Just under one bite, the vine whip that bound its body was directly crushed!

The vine whip is very sturdy and can withstand a considerable amount of force to break free, but at the same time, its weakness is also very obvious, that is, when facing the cutting, the vine whip is obviously unable to perform, and it can be easily cut. , the role of tenacity does not work!

In this case, when the big mouth of the big mouth baby is closed, the big mouth baby immediately bites off the vine whip and breaks free! "Seven and Eighty"

at the same time!

As soon as he broke free, the big mouth baby started dodging, and the figure was linked, and he left the place, and the speed was very fast!

This point was not expected by Ye Elf and Lin Wen. Just when the big mouth baby bit the vine whip, it was the time when the sun beam was directly charged and shot out!


The fast-moving sun beam came at a rapid rate, but it flew into the air!

The big mouth baby successfully dodged the attack of the sun beam!

As a charging skill, the sun beam has obvious disadvantages, that is, it needs to be charged, but the advantages are also very prominent, that is, the attack speed of the skill is very fast, and at the same time, the power is quite amazing!

However, now, the big mouth baby has successfully avoided the attack of the sun beam, which undoubtedly exceeded Lin Wen's expectations!

But this is actually quite normal!

You must know that when Ye Elf was charging, he was caught in the eyes of the big mouth baby!

Big mouth baby is very clear!

In this case, as soon as the vine whip was successfully cut off, the big mouth baby directly evaded. At the same time, this was also the moment when the sun beam skill was shot. In this case, the figure is not slow. Big mouth baby, actually successfully dodged the attack of the sun beam!

The sunbeam flies into the air!

The sun beam that hit hit the ground fiercely, splashing at any time, and it looked quite amazing!

Lin Wen's eyes froze, and after seeing the sun beam hit the sky, he did not hesitate to speak directly!

"Ice Elf, use extreme freezing!"

If it was normal, Lin Wen wouldn't mind directly letting Ye Elf and Dazuiwa fight alone to improve Ye Elf's combat experience, but now, after all, he still has a mission and can't waste too much time. Under the circumstances, Lin Wen directly chose to direct the ice elf to take action, and once again came a two-on-one, so as to defeat the enemy in front of him and find the Rift Seat as soon as possible!

After hearing Lin Wen's command voice, the ice elf shot in an instant!

Extreme Freezing!

This is the new skill that the ice elf mastered after being promoted to the lord level elf!

Extreme Freeze: Releases a large amount of ice aura, instantly blocking the enemy. The damage caused is related to the special attack. The blocking time is 1-5 seconds, and the specific value depends on the strength of the two sides!

Extreme Freezing!

Just as the ice elf used his skills, a large amount of ice aura suddenly spread out!

In an instant, the entire space became cold!

The strong ice breath permeated the audience, and almost immediately, the big mouth baby on the other end was directly blocked in place, unable to move!

Lin Wen seized the opportunity and said directly: "Ye Elf, use the mysterious sword!"

Mysterious Sword Skill!

Powerful Mystic Sword Skill!

As soon as Lin Wen's words fell, Ye Elf started to act. On its forehead, a light flashed suddenly, and the horn instantly stretched and widened!

Like a long sword unsheathed!

At the moment when the holy sword was unsheathed, Ye Elf kicked his hind legs and sprinted out in an instant. In the blink of an eye, he had already crossed a considerable distance!

Very fast!

In the head-to-head collision between the two elves just now, the two elves were not far away. Although Dazuiwa moved a distance in order to avoid the sun beam skill, the distance from the leaf elves was also quite limited at this time. !

In this case, Ye Elf sprinted in front of Big Mouth Baby in the blink of an eye!

Just when it sprinted to the front of the big mouth baby!

The blockade time for polar freezing has just arrived!

After all, he is a lord-level elf, and he is also the guardian of the pillar of the sky. The strength of Dazuiwa cannot be easily ignored!In this case, the extreme freezing technique can't play the most perfect effect, giving the big mouth baby the longest block time!

but!It's perfect, just right!

Just as Ye Elf sprinted to the front and back of Dazuiwa, the extreme freezing technique just came!

The big-mouthed baby, who had just escaped from the blockade control of the extreme freezing technique, saw Ye Elf and the huge lightsaber on his forehead for the first time!

next second!

The lightsaber suddenly fell!

As a lord-level elf, of course Dazuiwa will not sit still and do nothing when faced with an attack!

Although it was under the blockade control of the polar freezing technique before, this blow was very sudden for it, and there was no preparation time at all, but the big mouth baby still launched a confrontation!

Facing the attacking holy sword, the big mouth behind the big mouth baby suddenly opened, and he was about to bite the leaf spirit into it!

next second!

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