The second collision begins again!

0.6 I saw that at the moment of the collision, a figure had already flown out!

Big mouth baby!

Facing the impact of the mysterious sword, the big mouth baby was directly hit and flew out!

You must know that this is a powerful attack that ignores defense. It can be called Ye Elf's strongest melee single-target skill. The power is quite amazing!

In this case, it can be said that it is very easy to repel the big mouth baby!

Just when he was repelled, Dazuiwa's face was hideous, and it was obvious that he was seriously injured!

The power of the mysterious sword is quite amazing after all!

However, the big mouth baby did not lose the fighting ability because of this!

After realizing this scene, without any hesitation, Lin Wen's command voice sounded again! .........

Chapter 1237 Fifth Floor

"Ice Elf, use the glacier chain!"

Time was the most precious at this time, so Lin Wen did not have any psychological burden at all when he used and directed two elves to play two-on-one.

At the moment Lin Wen's command voice came out, the ice elf who had previously cast the freezing technique immediately began to act!

Glacier Chains!

This is also the new skill that the ice elf mastered after being promoted to the lord level elf!

Glacier Chain: Extend a cold chain forward, forcibly drag the enemy in front of you, the upper limit of the weight that can be dragged is special attack x2!

As the ice elf started to move, a cold chain formed by ice crystals was instantly launched towards the big mouth baby, and the speed was very fast!

At this time, Dazuiwa was just repelled by the holy sword, and there was no time to react, and the ice-cold chain had already come to it!

Snap it up abruptly!

You know, this is not a vine whip skill! 19 The toughness is amazing, but the firmness is somewhat insufficient, so it will be pinched off!

Now this is a glacial chain formed by ice crystals, which is very strong!

Dazuiwa was seriously injured under the attack of the mysterious sword, and now facing the glacier chain, he has almost no resistance!

was directly bound!

Afterwards, Dazuiwa's entire body left, and was directly returned by the glacier chain!

In the process of pulling back, Lin Wen's command voice sounded again!

"Leaf Elf, use the seed bomb!"

Seed bomb is a common skill of leaf elves. It is extremely fast and powerful!

With Lin Wen's commanding voice, the light in front of Ye Elf flashed, and the grass-type energy began to gather almost instantly!

In the blink of an eye, the seed bomb has taken shape!

In the next second, it will be launched in an instant!

He attacked the big-mouthed baby who was dragged by the glacier chain!

Time in the blink of an eye!

Before the Glacier Chains dragged the Big Mouth Baby to the front of the Ice Elf, the seed bomb suddenly attacked, directly bombarding the Big Mouth Baby's body.

At the moment when the seed bomb bombarded Dazuiwa's body, the bomb exploded instantly, and the rich grass-type energy burst out in an instant, causing deeper damage to Dazuiwa!Under these successive attacks, Dazuiwa finally couldn't bear it and lost the ability to fight!

The strength of this big mouth baby, as the guardian of the fourth floor, can be said to be the most powerful of the four lord-level elves!

However, the enemies it faces are even more powerful!

The Lord-level Leaf Elf King!

The lord-level ice elf king!

Under the siege of these two elves, even if Dazuiwa's strength is not weak, there is no chance of resistance at this time, and he is directly defeated by a series of combos without even making any effective resistance!

This is the dominance-level strength shown by the leaf elves and ice elves!Ye Elf and Ice Elf are the only lord-level elves of the two kings. The strength of each of them has been said to be quite astonishing. Both are evolutionary elves of Ibrahimovic. The power of these two elves when they join forces is even greater. Unbelievable, quite amazing!

In this case, the Ye Elf and the Ice Elf joined forces, and it was very easy to break directly to the fourth floor of the Pillar of the Sky!

And now, the guardian elf on the fourth floor, the lord-level big mouth baby, has also been defeated!

Although there are many other elves on the fourth floor, they have not hindered Lin Wen!

Lin Wen's pace was very fast, with Ye Elf and Ice Elf, two lord-level elves beside him, facing the elves who were in front of him, he directly defeated them with extremely fast speed, and tried his best to use the fastest elves. Speed ​​can find the empty seat!

The speed of one person and two elves is extremely fast. After defeating the big mouth baby group, as well as the guardian of the first floor, the lord-level big mouth baby, they used extremely fast speed to defeat all kinds of elves along the way. , and soon, the entrance to the fifth floor of the Pillar of the Sky was found on the fourth floor!

After coming here, Lin Wen glanced at the Leaf Elf and Ice Elf beside him, and then resolutely stepped into it!



Just when Lin Wen was in the Fangyuan area, he was rushing through the Pillar of the Sky, trying to find the Splitting Space!

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