We must test their strength!

The power of the legendary elf has already penetrated deep into the hearts of the players, but after seeing two legendary figures just now, these players still raised this idea!

Everyone knows the power of the legendary elves, but how strong are the two legendary elves, Kyogre and Groudon?

This is what no one else can be sure of!

In this case, as more and more players gathered, it was up to the players to start thinking!

They speak of their elf calling out!

Players who can come here and participate in the major events in the Shenao region are all players with certain strength. Looking at the past, the summoned elves not only have many boss-level elves, but also there is no shortage of lord-level elves!

The lineup looks quite strong!

The president of the Hellfire Guild, Shui Wutong, the leader of the Ocean Team, and Shui Wutong, who remained silent, did not speak. Now that the players gathered around them finally couldn't bear it anymore, and the fireworks couldn't help showing a contemptuous smile.

"It's just a group of ants... Do you still want to block us〃々?"

When he made this sound, the surrounding players finally couldn't hold back and launched an attack!

At the moment when they launched the attack, the Hellfire Guild Master Fireworks, who held the Lava Heart, also issued an order to Groudon through the Lava Heart!

"." Groudon, use Earthquake!"

At the moment when the command voice of the fireworks was issued, I saw a flash of light above the lava core, and at the same time, deep in the corner of Groudon's eyes, a red light flashed, and then it suddenly roared!

The sound is earth-shattering!

After roaring, Groudon lifted his big foot and stepped on the ground with force!

Earthquake Skills!

Earthquake skills!

You must know that Groudon is a ground-based elf that holds the power of the earth. Earth-based skills such as earthquakes are simply one of the strongest skills it can use!

Just the moment Groudon put his feet on the ground!

A loud explosion sounded suddenly!


The sound was deafening (Mano's), and everyone was staring at it!

I saw that the big foot fell, and then, with Groudon as the center, the surrounding ground suddenly burst!

It spreads out in an instant!

Too many elves who came to stop the besieging players stepped on the ground, and now Groudon's attack was completely unprepared!

In an instant, he was hurt by the earthquake skill!

In an instant!The elves of the player camp have been reduced!


And... the lethality is extremely terrifying!

It's not just that the boss-level elf is directly killed after being damaged by the earthquake skill, and can't make any effective resistance. Even in the hands of the player, the lord-level elf has been hit by the earthquake skill. Immediately incapacitated! .

Chapter 1239 verbal punishment

Immediately killed!


You must know that it is the elf of the lord-level template, each of which is synonymous with power in the hearts of players!

But now, in the face of Groudon's skill attack, these lord-level elves were defeated without even being able to take a single blow!


The strength of the legendary elf is fully revealed!

at the same time!

The leader of the ocean team, Shui Wutong also drew a mysterious smile and said, "Kaiokka, show them your strength as well, use the water cannon!"

The heart of the ocean shines!

Kyogre, who was controlled by the Heart of the Ocean, had bright eyes, and then, the water cannon skills shot out at the elves of the player camp!

In the blink of an eye, it has come!

As an ancient Pokémon possessing the power of the ocean, Kyogre's water cannon skill is like overwhelming the world... directly covering the entire player camp!

Just now, the elves who were not affected by the earthquake skills had no way to dodge at this time!

Because, Kaioka's water cannon skills, the range is too broad!

next second!

The water cannon bombarded the remaining elves!

037 As soon as the water cannon came into contact, some elves lost their ability to fight. Then, the power of the water cannon continued, and more and more elves lost their ability to fight!

In the blink of an eye, the water cannon skill was released!

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