The effect can be said to shock everyone's heart!

I saw that the players who had just surrounded and released the elves were all defeated!

No life left!

Whether it was a boss-level elf or a lord-level elf, under a round of attacks from these two legendary elf, they failed to survive and directly lost their fighting ability!

The first batch of players who came to stop them will be wiped out!



This scene is deeply imprinted in everyone's heart, and the vibration in the heart can break through the sky!

Although, long before they came to block them, there were already certain predictions about the combat power of these two legendary ancient Pokémon!

As legendary pixies, the strength of Kyogre and Groudon is undoubtedly quite amazing (bjbe)!

But now, after really seeing the strength of these two elves, and seeing the elves who were directly wiped out by the blow, many players found that they still underestimated these two legendary ancient Pokémon !

I'm afraid, even among the legendary elves, their combat power is in the forefront!

The two legendary elves defeated the elves of the blocked players with one blow. The president of the Hellfire Guild, a trace of contempt flashed in the eyes of the fireworks, and then he said, "A bunch of garbage!"

Afterwards, he shouted directly to the members of the Hellfire Guild: "Go, let's move on."

He looked at Shui Wutong, the leader of the ocean team beside him, and said, "President Shui Wutong, I think we can change our original plan."

"Oh?" Shui Wutong was a little puzzled, and then said: "President of Fireworks, what do you mean."

"We don't need everything to attack a city!" The voice of the fireworks revealed confidence: "You have also seen the strengths of Kyogre and Groudon, they all have the strength to attack the city, we can temporarily separate actions, When you need to unite, unite together!"

Shui Wutong pondered, and then nodded: "President Fireworks, your suggestion is very much in line with mine, but I think, for the sake of being conservative, we should work together to attack a city first!!"

Fireworks thought for a while, then smiled: "Leader of Shuiwutong, what you said makes sense!"


This one includes a lineup of two legendary pixies, keep going!

Quickly attack the city of Binhai!

The players in the Shenao area, as well as the members of the Elf Alliance, will of course not let the Ocean Team and the Hellfire Guild leave easily. Although the first siege team was wiped out, it was a big blow to them, but they would not stop there. give up!

Groups of people came to block the Hellfire Guild and the Ocean Team!


Their blocking has no effect at all except for a little time!

Groudon, Kyogre!The strength of these two ancient legendary Pokémon is simply too amazing!

Simply amazing and unimaginable!

In the face of their attack, let alone the boss-level elves, even the ordinary lord-level elves can't stop their blows at all, they will be directly defeated by a single blow, and they will not cause any effective resistance at all!

The strength of these two legendary elves can be imagined!

Crash all the way, fight, and use this extremely fast speed to move towards Binhai City!


at the same time!

The matter in the Shenao region has already spread all over the world, and the forum has long been shaken!

Countless posts about events in the Shinno region appeared!

"Hellfire Guild is too shameless... How can it cooperate with evil forces? 》

"that is!This is a big event that destroys the entire Shenno area, I really don't know how they can do it! 》

"Hellfire Guild, is a group of sb!I have long seen them disliked! 》

"The Hellfire Guild is coming to an end! 》

Looking at the past, I saw that there were countless posts about the Hellfire Guild on the forum, all of which were scolding the Hellfire Guild!


At this moment, a post appeared, but the players on the forum quickly topped it!

You must know that the id on the player forum is bound to the game id of the players!

As a result, some well-known players will be quickly recognized after they bubble up on the forum!

And the person who posted this post is a nickname that is very popular in the Elf Century now!


Hellfire Guild President, Fireworks!

The content of his post is very simple!

"The game is nothing but winners and losers! ".

Chapter 1240 Almost desperate situation

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