You must know that there has never been a time when the villain forces can be so arrogant and openly capture the city controlled by the Alliance!


But this time, Hellfire Guild and Ocean Team did it!

With two incomparably powerful legendary elves, Groudon and Kyogre, the Hellfire Guild successfully broke through the defense lines of countless alliance trainers and alliance players, and brought the coastal city under their control in one fell swoop!

This is something that many players cannot accept!

However, they have no way to resist, there is no strength to fight back!

The strength of the two legendary elves, Groudon and Kyogre, is really too strong. Although the players are united, their strength is here after all. Compared with the legendary elves, it is not a star and a half. In this case, they could not successfully intercept the lower Groudon and Kyogre. Although they had experienced hard battles, they still failed in the end, and the city of Binhai fell into hellfire. The first city controlled by the guild.

This situation makes many players feel a little desperate!

The strength of the legendary elf is really too strong, the players, and even the trainers of the alliance, have no way to stop them, even the lord-level elf who usually looks very tyrannical to most players, facing the Groudon, who controls the power of the earth, and Kyogre, who controls the power of the ocean, are not at all enemies. Take the city back! .

Chapter 1241 A Strong Return

Moreover, many players also thought of an even more terrifying point!

You must know that the entire Shenao area is now in chaos, and Binhai City has also fallen under the control of the Hellfire Guild!


The problem is coming!

Hellfire Guild, will this stop?

The answer is obvious!

Certainly not possible!

As a player's guild, Hellfire Guild can plan and artificially involve such a big event. It can be seen that they have been planning for a long time!In this case, their goal is obviously not just a city!You must know that their efforts to plan such a big thing are quite amazing. Under this premise, their ambitions are obvious!

Their goals, their ambitions of "Seven Four Seven", are completely beyond a city's ability to fill!

What they want is definitely more cities, or even the entire Shenao region under their control!

Only in this way can the gain be far greater than the effort!To make their ambitions come true!

And now, Binhai City has fallen under their control!

Players from many alliance camps have thought of a more terrifying point!

What about other cities?

What about other cities in the Shinno region?

You must know that the previous battle in Binhai City has clearly told every alliance player that they want to intercept the Hellfire Guild and the Ocean Team that control the two legendary elves with their strength alone. Totally impossible!

The huge gap between the strengths and the huge gap between the templates makes them unable to make any effective resistance when facing two legendary elves!

In this case, if the Hellfire Guild and the Ocean Team launched an attack on other cities in the Shenno area after integrating Binhai City, how could they resist?

Thinking of this possibility, many players are a little desperate!

Because, they don't see any possibility of winning the resistance!

It seems that the Shenao area can only be brought under the control of the Hellfire Guild step by step!


Just at this time!

Just when the whole forum was gloomy and gloomy!

This post appeared!

Hope not dead!

The title has attracted the attention of countless players, and after clicking on the content of the post, countless players have seen the dawn of hope!

Heart of Yang Yan, a player who is very famous and influential among players, finally appeared!

And, with the legendary elf!

Crack the empty seat!

King of the sky, Cracked Space!

This brings new hope to countless players!

With the help of the legendary elf of the Rift Seat, will the decline of the alliance side be reduced?

This is what all players want to see!

For a time, the post Hope Immortal was stared at the top of the forum. At the same time, the forum became active again, and various posts appeared in the forum!

"The Great God of Yang Yan is indeed cheating! 》

"Empty Seat!Legendary elf, I didn't expect Yang Yan to bring it! 》

"Great, with the empty seat, the alliance side will not still be at a disadvantage, right? 》

"Alliance upup! 》

"I just said, it's impossible to let the villain continue to be arrogant!Justice must prevail! 》

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