"Alliance Come on! 》

"What about the people of hellfire?You scream again!The Great God of Yang Yan brought the legendary elf to punish you! 》

Heart of Yang Yan, the number one player in Huaxia District, appeared!

At the same time, he also brought the legendary elf, Kakuza!

It can be said that for a while, with the news, the entire forum swept away the previous decline and became active!

The morale of the alliance camp players has been greatly improved!

You must know that from the perspective of overall strength, the players from the alliance camp gathered from various regions, plus the trainers from the alliance side, the overall strength is definitely greater than that of the Hellfire Guild and the Ocean Team!

However, now it seems to be at a disadvantage!

Even the seaside city in the Shenao area, Binhai City, has fallen!

The reason for everything, in the final analysis, is the two legendary elves who are currently not awake and have fallen into the control of the Hellfire Guild and the Ocean Team!

Groudon who wields the power of the earth, and Kyogre who wields the power of the sea!

The strength of the legendary elf is really too strong, and there is no legendary elf on the alliance side, so it will be completely suppressed, and even Binhai City has fallen!

And now!

The alliance side finally appeared the alliance of the legendary elves!

The heart of Yang Yan, who has been creating miracles all the time, appeared with the legendary elf Kia Kongza!

This has given hope to countless alliance camp players!

With the help of the legendary elves, the disadvantage of the alliance side will be greatly reduced!

at the same time!

In the case of the reversal of the trend, there are many posts with the same trend on the forum!

That is about the heart of Yang Yan!

"The Great God of Yang Yan is really amazing, he was able to find a legendary elf! 》

"That's right, I said that in this battle, I didn't see the figure of Yang Yan. It turned out that he was looking for the legendary elf 3.1! 》

"Heart of Yang Yan has always been the well-deserved number one person in Huaxia District, and is good at creating all kinds of miracles. This time, I believe it is possible! 》

"The Great God of Yang Yan upup! 》

"I hope that the Great God of Yangyan and Kaikongza will rush to the battlefield sooner! 》

For a long time, from the earliest days of the Elf Century, Lin Wen's id, the name of Heart of Yang Yan, has become famous and known by many players...  

As he grew step by step, he drove out one earth-shattering event, and the name was almost known by players in the entire Huaxia region.

The name of the first person in the game has also spread!

However, this is not battle-tested after all!


Chapter 1242 You try to be arrogant again


In the carnival competition some time ago, the title of double champion has completely confirmed the title of the first person in the Huaxia District of the Heart of Yang Yan!

The players of the alliance camp have always been looking forward to him!

Even in the previous battle of Binhai City, the heart of Yang Yan, who was the first person in Huaxia District, did not appear, which made many players in the forum very puzzled. In those many posts, it also appeared. Some posts asking about the whereabouts of Yang Yan's heart.

Some players even speculated maliciously that the Heart of Yang Yan would not be afraid of seeing the configuration of the two legendary elves, Hellfire Guild and Ocean Team, so they did not dare to arrive at the scene.

And now, the Heart of Yang Yan finally appeared!

The doubts in the hearts of many players have also been answered!

The heart of Yang Yan is not due to fear or any other reason. On the contrary, the reason why he did not appear is precisely for the victory of this battle!

Now, the king is back!

Moreover, it brought the hope of many alliance camp players!

The legendary 19th elf, who is also the king of the sky of ancient Pokémon, Kizakuza!

The players of the alliance camp can be described as morale shock!

Originally, some players had fallen into despair because of the two incomparable legendary elves, Groudon and Kyogre, but now, they have seen hope again!

On my own side, a legendary elf finally appeared!

Everything has turned around!


at the same time.

Just as the players who have been following the forum, because the news is exciting, the news has spread at a rapid rate. Players in the entire Shenao region, even those who do not follow the forum, also pass the news. Friends around me or for other reasons, I received this news!

The Heart of Yang Yan, carrying the legendary elf, Rikongza has appeared in the Shenao area!

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