Among them, the number of casual players in the alliance camp is obviously the largest!

In such a big event, these scattered players obviously chose to go to the Shenao area!

Although the Lingxi Guild is a relatively important member of this Binhai City battle, they are no longer so conspicuous under the background of the guilds and players in other regions!

This shows how powerful the two legendary elves, Groudon and Kyogre, are!

Facing the attack of an incalculable number of alliance players, it did not cause any impact on these two legendary elves, and was easily defeated!

The strength of the legendary elf is evident! .

Chapter 1247 Admiration

At this stage, the strength of the legendary elf seems to be a bug in the game. Unless it is a legendary elf of the same level, otherwise, although there are already many players who have mastered the template second only to the legendary elf. Lord-level elf, but in the face of legendary elf, it will not play any role at all, unless it is a fairly perfect lord-level elf bred, otherwise, most lord-level elf, When facing the legendary elf, there is only one ending to be killed in seconds!

This has been revealed in the Battle of Binhai City!

The lord-level elves carefully nurtured by the players showed no power at all when facing the legendary elves Groudon and Kyogre, and were instantly killed.

Therefore, although in the previous battle, the players of the Lingxi Guild have seen the legendary elf up close, but it is not a good impression at all, and in the battle, there is no way to carefully observe it.

And now!

A legendary elf, right in front of them!

And it's still a legendary elf who won't attack them!

King of the sky, Cracked Space!

Every player can't help but observe the cracking seat with admiring eyes, his eyes are full of admiration and excitement!

For them, I am afraid that even in their future experience, there is rarely a chance to observe a legendary elf so closely!

at the same time!

When they were observing the cracking seat, their eyes couldn't help but focus on the figure above the cracking seat!

Heart of Yang Yan!

For the Lingxi Guild players here, Heart of Yang Yan, this is a legendary term!

Even, many of them chose to join the Lingxi Guild in the Elf Century because of the reputation of the Heart of Yang Yan!

They regard the heart of Yang Yan as an idol!

The players of these Lingxi Guilds can clearly tell every major event of the Heart of Yang Yan!

In the Royal Dragon Trial, one opponent against three major guilds!

In the guild battle, he appeared at a critical moment, and with his own strength, he forcibly changed the already defeated battle situation!

With the strength of a player, he broke into the Rocket team's base alone, defeated the Rocket team's old Osaka Wood, and forced Chao Meng to show up when he was still not fully formed!

In the annihilation battle of Team Rocket, he defeated many opponents by himself, and in the end, he directly commanded the legendary elf, Lugia, to easily defeat Chaomeng, and the whole battle ended directly!

Even, for the members of the Lingxi Guild, they know something that other players don't know!

For example, when I was in the Kalos area, I was absorbed in the grievances of two legendary elves, Xerneas and Yveltal, rescued Xerneas and helped Xerneas Defeat Yveltal!

These major events are known to almost every member of the Lingxi Guild!

Although Lin Wen himself did not remember these things too much, in the eyes of the members of the Lingxi Guild, the Heart of Yang Yan, who completed these seemingly impossible tasks, can already be called the last legend!

A living legend!

Therefore, the members of the entire Lingxi Guild can be said to be fans of Lin Wen!


Lin Wen appeared!

Moreover, it is still riding on the legendary elf, Kaikongza!

This powerful way of appearing shocked everyone, but there was another thought in his heart, that is, the heart of Yang Yan is worthy, so it should use this kind of crazy cool tyrant technique. Appearance!

Admiring eyes, but also hidden deep excitement!

You must know that although the heart of Yang Yan is a member of the Lingxi Guild, this is something that every player in the Huaxia region knows, but the number of times that the heart of Yang Yan has appeared in the guild is too small!

Almost a handful!

After all, as a real high-end player, Heart of Yang Yan has always been busy with his own affairs, or tasks, or other things!

Ling Feng is also very clear about this, his definition of Lin Wen is very clear, that is the signature of Yang Yan's heart, the real No. His strength is limited!

Therefore, after Lin Wen joined the Lingxi Guild, Ling Feng completely let Lin Wen develop freely!

Of course, when Lin Wen needs help, Lingxi Guild will immediately act to provide help!

In fact, Lingfeng's decision, it turns out, this decision is completely correct, and has played a great role!

Lin Wen wandered outside alone, and his strength increased rapidly, and he also helped Lingxi Guild many times to improve his strength!

However, it is precisely because of this reason that the number of times that Lin Wen appeared in the guild is completely limited, and there is almost no time!

This also made the fans of the Heart of Yang Yan in Lingxi Guild have no chance to see Lin Wen at all!

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