And now!

opportunity finally arises!

The Heart of Yang Yan appeared in front of them!

Moreover, there is also a legendary elf (Wang Zhao's) below, the split empty seat!

This excites every player!

Many members of these Lingxi guilds are also watching the forum!Before, Lin Wen was riding a cracking seat on the edge of the Shenao area. When he encountered a block, some players broke the news on the forum!

Therefore, many players of the Lingxi Guild are already mentally prepared!

But now, after seeing his idol riding a legendary elf, the shock in his heart is still unmatched!

As early as in a movie many years ago, the heroine hoped that an unparalleled hero who stepped on colorful clouds would come to marry her!

And now, these fans of the Heart of Yang Yan, after seeing their idol riding a legendary elf, can't mention their excitement!



Chapter 1248 Welcome with a smile

After a short silence for a while!

In this temporary camp, the members of the Lingxi Guild suddenly burst into fierce cheers!

"Heart of Yang Yan!"

"God Yangyan, I'm your fan!"

"Come on, God of Yang Yan!"

In the cheers, you can clearly hear everyone's excitement!

Therefore, many of these players have already thought about what's next!

You must know that this time the Heart of Yang Yan appeared and came here, it was not just that they saw their idols _ simple!

The Heart of Yang Yan has brought the legendary elf, Crack Kongza!

Also like Groudon Kyoka, an ancient Pokémon that has lived for a long time, Rift Zakuza!

This means that the counterattack is about to begin!

You must know that the strength of the alliance side, fundamentally speaking, must be greater than the Hellfire Guild and the Ocean Team!

However, the reason for the defeat is because of the two legendary elves, Groudon and Kyogre!

The alliance side failed to resist the existence of these two legendary elves, which caused the defeat, and even Binhai City fell directly into the control of the Hellfire Guild!

And now!

The Heart of Yang Yan appeared with a split empty seat!

This means that the alliance side, with the help of the legendary elves, can finally resist the legendary elves of the Hellfire Guild!

Below, it wasn't just one player who thought of this!

After all, it's pretty obvious!

So, they are quite excited!

After all, in the previous battle, facing the two legendary elves, Amen was really powerless, and he couldn't exert his original strength at all!

And now, a legendary elf finally appeared on the alliance side!

This makes the whole situation a great change for the whole situation!


As the Crackling Seat slowly landed on the ground, Lin Wen's gaze swept around.

Of course, Lin Wen heard the voices of the surrounding Lingxi Guild players, but he didn't express anything directly, just nodded lightly toward the surroundings.

If it was normal, he would probably make a joke with these players, but now, the war is coming, and Lin Wen really can't think of it.

However, just this small action has made the players around him even more excited.

The cracking seat slowly fell to the ground.

Lin Wen, who was located on the back of the Split Space Seat, jumped agilely and fell directly to the ground!

Kaikongza also keenly senses the gazes around him. As a legendary elf, he is a little dissatisfied with the gazes of these humans. After all, it is not a good experience to be stared at by so many eyes. However, compared to For Groudon and Kyogre, it is a sober legendary elf after all, and it is impossible to choose to do it directly because of the eyes of these players!

As a legendary elf.Of course, Cracked Space also has its own pride. If it wasn't for this time Lin Wen took the Cracked Heart to the Pillar of the Sky to find it, I'm afraid it would not choose to take the initiative at all!

Therefore, at this time, Rikongza can only endure the eyes of these players, raising his eyes and looking up at the sky.

at this time!

The members of the Lingxi Guild gathered in front of them suddenly made a loud noise.

Lin Wen's eyes looked there.

"The president is here!"

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