"Everyone, get out of the way!"

I saw that the center of the members of the Lingxi Guild who had gathered together suddenly gave up a path, and then, several figures walked out of this path!

Lin Wen's eyes swept over!

The leader is the president of Lingxi Guild, Ling Feng!

And the few people on Ling Feng's side, Lin Wen is also very familiar with them. They are all high-level leaders of the Lingxi Guild, and everyone is familiar with each other!

After all, this is a big event in the Shenao region, involving the legendary elves and the safety of the Shenao region. Therefore, the Lingxi Guild can be said to be dispatched in full force!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???

In addition to the necessary resident guards, almost most of the members of the Lingxi Guild chose to come to the Shenao area to participate in this big event!

When Lin Wen's eyes were focused on Ling Feng's body, Ling Feng also keenly saw Lin Wen who had just jumped down from the split sky seat!

"Brother Yangyan!"

Ling Feng's hearty voice sounded, and then walked towards Lin Wen with brisk steps.

Behind him, several senior leaders of the Lingxi Guild followed closely behind.

Seeing Ling Feng, Lin Wen also smiled and nodded, "President Ling Feng."


It can be said that the two have cooperated very happily. After Lin Wen joined the Lingxi Guild, both parties have improved significantly and achieved a win-win situation!

After saying hello to Lin Wen, Ling Feng's eyes focused on Lin Wen's back, this legendary elf, Kaikongza!

You know, this is a legendary elf!

Although this is not the first time Lingfeng has seen the legendary elf.However, such a close contact is the first time for Ling Feng!

His eyes swept across the cracking seat, and Ling Feng couldn't help but put on a hint of exclamation in his eyes!

Although it has been pointed out and confirmed before that the Heart of Yang Yan will bring a legendary elf to help out, but now, when he really saw this legendary elf, Ling Feng was still amazed!

Looking at the entire elf century, who can find a legendary elf helper, besides the heart of Yang Yan, who else?

It can be said that there is no one else at all!

Although players, with the progress of the game, the lord-level elves who were once aloof, have now fallen into the control of the players, and have become the identification method of a real strong player, but the legendary elves, these are in the wizard century. It is also extremely rare, and the elves who have their own responsibilities are still the real kings! .

Chapter 1249 Only legends can defeat legends

If you want to defeat the legendary elf, only the legendary elf can do it!

And now, the Heart of Yang Yan in front of him has brought a legendary elf!

Ling Feng's heart is more and more fortunate. At the beginning, Lingxi Guild drew Yang Yanzhi's heart into the guild. What a clear choice!

After his eyes swept across the body of Kaikongza, Lingfeng's eyes turned to Lin Wen, and he said, "Brother Yangyan, you are finally here, so it's time for us to counterattack!"

Ling Feng's tone contained a touch of anger!

If it is said that it is just this time to face the Hellfire Guild in the Shenao area, Ling Feng, as the president of the Lingxi Guild, will naturally not be so angry!


The "Three Four Seven" Hellfire Guild in the Chengdu area, which was originally incorporated into the Lingxi Guild, chose to defect at this time!Not only did it cause a loss of prestige to Lingxi Guild, but its strength was also reduced!

Under such circumstances, Lingfeng's anger towards Hellfire Guild can be imagined!

Even, many members of Lingxi Guild are also very angry with Hellfire Guild!

However, because the Hellfire Guild holds the legendary elves, even though the strength of the Lingxi Guild is quite strong, it still failed in the previous battle of Binhai City!In this case, the direct result is the fall of Binhai City, and the revenge of the Lingxi Guild has not been successful!

And now, the Heart of Yang Yan is here!

And brought the legendary elf, Kakuza!

Under the premise that Lingxi Guild also has legendary elves, the gap between the two has been smoothed out. Of course, Lingfeng will no longer cover up his anger, and he can't wait to counterattack now!

Lin Wen nodded lightly, he could clearly hear the anger in Ling Feng's tone, and he could understand Ling Feng's mood very well!

After all, this time, the defection incident of Hellfire did have a great impact on Lingxi Guild. You must know that Nirvana and others defected to the Hellfire Guild in the Shenao area that caused this major incident. 's reputation is a pretty serious blow!Totally not to be ignored!

That is to say, the Lingxi Guild has a solid foundation, otherwise, it may even fall to the ground!

Lin Wen nodded lightly, and then turned his gaze towards Binhai City!

These members of the Lingxi Guild only chose to retreat temporarily after the fall of Binhai City. Their current base is not far from the location of Binhai City!

In this forest, you can clearly see the situation of Binhai City!

now!The battle continues!

Although Binhai City has fallen, many players will not give up easily and are still fighting!

at the same time!

Here, you can also see the two huge figures that are still raging in the distance!

Groudon and Kyogre!

These two elves, but incomparably powerful legendary elves, are also opponents that the alliance side must solve!

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