There is no doubt that the Hellfire Guild’s efforts to win the Lava Heart from the Lava Team can be imagined!In this case, if it is just a simple awakening skill, the two legendary elves can be restored to normal, so that they can be simply taken back, then... everything does not meet the requirements of the system!

You must know that the Hellfire Guild has planned a considerable amount of time for this battle and this major event.

In this case, if Kyogre and Groudon really could be taken back so easily!Then, the loss of Hellfire Guild is undoubtedly quite huge!

You must know that the Hellfire Guild has come up with this big event, and it is simply fighting against the players of the entire server!If the two legendary elves, Groudon and Kyogre, are taken back, then, without their foundation, their actions of occupying the Shenno area will undoubtedly bring them unimaginable losses!

And the funds invested for this big event in the early stage have no possibility to be recovered. This situation will undoubtedly reduce the playability and fairness of the villain players!

You know, it seems that Hellfire Guild's actions this time are very easy, but the actual difficulty, as long as you think about it carefully, you can know!

You must know that in the background of the original elf world, there are undoubtedly two evil forces in the Shenao area!

Team Ocean and Team Lava!

Among them, the Ocean Team holds the Ocean Heart that can control Kyogre, and the Lava Team holds the Lava Heart that can control Groudon!

In the original book, these two villain forces have undoubtedly passed these two elves who can control two legendary (Zhao Liao Zhao) ancient Pokémon, causing extremely powerful trouble to the Shenao region!

but!Facing the attack of Rift Seat, Groudon and Kyogre were successfully awakened and returned to normal!

This is the original backstory!

It is precisely because Lin Wen knew this clearly that after he came to the battlefield, he did not choose to let the Sky Seat attack directly, but chose to let the Sky Seat attack the two legends of Groudon and Kyogre. Level elf to wake up!

After all, the strength of the opponent's two legendary elves is here, even if Rikongza is also a legendary elves, but facing the opponent's two incomparably powerful legendary elves, Lin Wen does not have a certain victory. grasp!

If these two legendary pixies can be awakened without fighting, then it is undoubtedly the best choice! .

Chapter 1252 The gap at a glance

If it is said that the evil forces that control Groudon and Kyogre are the same lava team and ocean team as in the original book, then... the wake-up plan of Rikongza just now is likely to be a direct success!

but now!

Mastering the evil forces of Groudon, it is not the lava team like the original, but the player guild, the hellfire guild!

Players Guild!

You must know that the Lava Team is an old-fashioned force in the Shenao region, an evil force, and has always been on par with the Ocean Team!


The Lava Heart, which was originally in their hands, has now been successfully obtained by the Hellfire Guild, and has become a tool in their hands to control Groudon!

This one, looks very simple, but the investment in it, the pay, is definitely a pretty amazing!

After all, what the Hellfire Guild faces is the Lava Team, one of the two evil forces in the Shenno region!

There are also many masters in the lava team, but the Hellfire Guild, as a player guild, can actually win the heart of lava from it, thus occupying the initiative and gaining control of Groudon, the effort can be imagined. !

Definitely a pretty staggering number!

After all, their opponent is the Lava Team!

063 And now!

After passing the Heart of Lava and mastering the Hellfire Guild of Groudon, with the cooperation of the Ocean Team, they even captured the city of the Shenao region, Binhai City!

This is undoubtedly a declaration of war on the entire alliance!Declare war on countless players in the entire Huaxia region!

You must know that although there are a lot of players who play villain forces, compared with the players on the alliance side and the justice side, they are undoubtedly insignificant!

Lin Wen's thoughts moved slightly, and he quickly understood everything!

It is precisely because of this, and because of this reason, that Groudon is in the hands of the Hellfire Guild, not in the hands of the Lava Team, so the Void Seat that could have awakened Groudon and Kyogre, No success in reaching the goal!

After all, the elf mastered by the player is completely different from the NPC and the elf of the system characters, and the system cannot interfere with the loot obtained by the player through hard work!

After all, Hellfire Guild has successfully mastered Groudon through the Heart of Lava. It looks very beautiful, but the effort behind it is also unimaginable, and the investment is quite huge!After all, the first step they want to control Groudon is to master the Lava Heart, and the Lava Heart is in the hands of the Lava Team, one of the two major villains in the Shenno area!

Still, they succeeded, so you can see what they paid for!


Today's Hellfire Guild has successfully occupied Binhai City. This is undoubtedly a harbinger of war against all players on the server. All players on the server are enemies. The elves are easily awakened and successfully recovered, then... Now the Hellfire Guild's act of occupying the Shenao area and the act of fighting with the players on the full server will bring them unimaginably serious losses, and even the collapse of the Guild is a matter of course. possible!

After all, they can have their current record by relying on two legendary elves. If the two legendary elves regain their sobriety and are successfully recalled, then!The Hellfire Guild will immediately become like a five-rooted weed. With their own strength, although they are not weak, it is undoubtedly impossible to successfully defend the occupied city!

If this happens, it will undoubtedly greatly reduce the playability of villain players. This situation is obviously not what the system wants to see!

and so!

It is precisely because of this that in the legend, the Sky Rift Seat, which can awaken Groudon and Kyogre, appeared, although his own awakening had a certain (bjad) effect, but in the end, it still failed!

Lin Wen's heart quickly understood everything!

He stood on the back of the cracking seat, and looked at the two legendary elves not far away from the opposite side!

At this time, the eyes of the two legendary elves, Groudon and Kyogre, were no longer clear, and they turned back to irritability!

After the Awakening failed, the two legendary elves seem to have become more irritable!Full of desire to destroy!

around!Many alliance players, after the opening of the cracking seat, have their eyes fixed on here!

You must know that they were quite depressed before. They were madly abused by two legendary elves, and they didn't have any power to fight back!

Therefore, after the heart of Yang Yan brought the legendary elf Cracked Seat on the stage, the attention of these players immediately focused, their hearts were full of excitement, and their morale greatly increased. After all, the legendary elf on the alliance side finally appeared. dead!

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