Under the command of Lin Wen, the cracking seat began to try to wake up Groudon and Kyogre. The attention of these players was almost concentrated here!

And when Rift Seat tried to wake up Groudon and Kyogre, the two legendary easy elves, the vision caused was also seen by these players!

They clearly understood that this was Risakuza trying to awaken Groudon and Kyogre!

This situation undoubtedly makes the players in these alliances feel quite excited!

After all, the strength of these two legendary elves is really too strong. The previous battle of Binhai City has continued until now. The players of these alliance camps are too aware of the strength of these two legendary elves!Totally quite scary!

In this case, even though the alliance side, under the leadership of the Heart of Yang Yan, also brought the legendary elf, but!After all, there is only one Crack Empty Seat!

Although they believe in the power of the Crackling Seat very much, the players in the alliance camp are very clear in their hearts. Now, although the alliance side also has a legendary elf, but after all, there is only one Crackling Seat!

However, in contrast, the Hellfire Guild and the Ocean Team now have two legendary elves in their hands!

Two legendary elves, Groudon and Kyogre!

The simplest mathematical comparison, anyone can!

The strength gap between a legendary elf and two legendary elf is clear at a glance! .

Chapter 1253 The script is different

In this case, although the players of the alliance camp have no doubts about the strength of Rift Seat, the opponents are two legendary elves after all. In this case, if there is a battle, Rift Seat vs. And Gaioka, then everything is probably still unknown!

In this case, after realizing that Riftza was trying to wake up Groudon and Kyogre, the two legendary elves who had fallen into a violent state, the players of these alliance camps were raised in their hearts. A glimmer of hope!

Now, the battle has continued to the current stage. These players are very clear that the reason why Hellfire Guild and Ocean Team can occupy a certain advantage, it can even be said to be an advantage that is almost crushing, is entirely dependent on Groudon. And Kyogre, the two legendary-level elves!

Therefore, seeing that the Sky Slitting Seat is actually trying to wake up Groudon and Kyogre, the players of these alliance camps are suddenly full of expectations!

Must... be successful!

As long as the two legendary elves can be successfully awakened, then the advantage of the Hellfire Guild will be gone, everything will be biased towards the alliance side, and then the horn of the counterattack will be officially sounded!

Under this premise, although the small-scale battle is still going on, most of the players in the alliance camp have already focused their attention and are staring here!

They want to know for the first time whether or not the Awakening Plan for Groudon and Kyogre will be successful!

It can be said!

All this is quite exciting!

Under the invisible fluctuations of the Splitting Seat, watching Groudon and Kyokana gradually recover their clear eyes, the players of these alliance camps almost shouted excitedly!

There are not many players who know the background of the Elf world. Many people are very clear. According to legend, after Groudon and Kyogre were caught in the riot, only the Ravager was able to stop them!

There are obviously not a few players who know this kind of legend, so now that Groudon and Kyogre reacted immediately after seeing the wave of the Rift Seat, they suddenly became more careful about you!

Rift Seat, can really wake up Groudon and Kyogre!

As long as these two legendary elves are awakened, then... all disadvantages will be turned into advantages!

This makes many alliance camp players quite excited!


Everything is ups and downs!

I saw that Groudon and Kyogre, who had already shown some reactions under the fluctuations of the Rift Seat, flashed red and blue light on their bodies, and then, their eyes returned to irritability!


Although the wave of the Rift Seat is still being released, it has no effect on these two legendary elves!

Obviously!Wake up failed!

In this situation, many players from the alliance camp stayed on the spot, and some couldn't understand it!

"How is that possible? It's already been effective!"

"That's right! The Rift Seat is on the stage, can't these two legendary elves still be awakened?"

"It shouldn't be!"

The players of the alliance camp are quite shocked!

Obviously, the fluctuation of the cracked empty seat has played a role in Groudon and Kyogre. Seeing that these two legendary elves have recovered some clarity, but now, they are still restored to their original state!

This is unacceptable to every alliance faction player!

It can be said that it caused quite a shock!

at the same time!


It's not just the players in the alliance camp who are closely watching the situation here, the players in the Hellfire Guild are even more nervous than the players in the alliance camp!

They are also quite clear that the reason why the Hellfire Guild has the upper hand, and even broke the defense of the Shenao area and occupied Binhai City in one fell swoop, is entirely because of these two legendary elves!

If these two legendary elves are really awakened, then the Hellfire Guild will undoubtedly be hit by a devastating blow in the first time!

Therefore, the players of these Hellfire Guilds are paying close attention to this place and don't dare to relax at all!

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If the players of the alliance camp have a roller coaster mentality, then the players of the Hellfire Union will undoubtedly have a roller coaster!

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