The gyro ball whizzed on the ground with a roaring sound!

That was the sound of the huge body of the big steel snake hitting the ground!

In the blink of an eye, Ming Huo and Yutian Yijian's elf attacked almost at the same time!

It's a four vs four battle!Obviously, the elves of Minghuo and Yutianyijian have already found their opponents!

Attack, howl!

but!Lin Wen was completely unhurried!

His eyes saw the whistling attack, and he calmly began to command!

"Ice Elf, dodge the attack of the Flying Leaf Knife first!"

The Tutai Turtle's Flying Blade Skill is very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it has almost attacked the front of the Ice Elf. At this moment, Lin Wen's command voice came, and the Ice Elf kicked its hind legs, suddenly from the same place. Dodge away!

The Flying Leaf Knife cut through the sky, making a smashing sound!

but!After all, this is a skill that cannot be manipulated after it is issued!

Although the skill of the Flying Leaf Knife is very fast, the speed of the ice elf, as a forest elf, is also quite astonishing!

I saw the ice elf dodging flexibly, and the body left the place in an instant!

The Flying Leaf Knife will strike in the next second!

But it was empty!


The sharp blade slammed into the ground, making scratches on the ground!

At the same time, Lin Wen's command voice sounded right after him!

"Ice elf, use the freezing technique! Then use the glacier chain!"

Extreme Freezing!

The powerful skills that the ice elf mastered after being promoted to the lord level elf!

"Extreme Freezing Technique: Release a large amount of ice aura to block the enemy instantly. The damage caused is related to the special attack. The blocking time is 1-5 seconds, and the specific value depends on the strength of the two sides!"

After hearing Lin Wen's command voice, the ice elf immediately began to act, and the ice-type energy condensed in an instant!When the strong frost hit, it didn't give the turtle any reaction time at all, and the frost instantly froze it in place!

at the same time!

Just when the extreme freezing technique froze the turtle in place, the glacier chain spurted out!

This is also the skill that ice elves master when they are promoted to lord-level elves!

Glacier Chain: Extend a cold chain forward, forcibly drag the enemy in front of you, the upper limit of the weight that can be dragged is special attack x2!

I saw that the glacier chain condensed by the frost shot out in an instant, and his eyes were directed at the Tutai Turtle!

In the blink of an eye, it has come to the front of the Tutai Turtle!

The Tutai Turtle is also a lord-level elf and an elf that is good at defense. The extreme freezing technique does not control it for a long time!

However, there is enough time, and it is just right!

At the moment when the effect of the extreme freezing technique disappeared and the Turtle Turtle resumed its action, the Glacier Chains attacked!

The action of the Tutai Turtle is not fast at all, and now it has just broken away from the extreme freezing technique, and there is no room for dodging!

In this case, the Glacier Chain had no accident and directly hit the body of the Tutai Turtle!

Bundle it up in an instant!

This is a set of chain skills!

The release speed of the glacier chain is not slow, but after all, there is still the possibility of being dodged by others, but with the extreme freezing technique, this has become an almost inevitable control skill!

The Tutai Turtle just came out of the control of the extreme freezing technique, and was once again controlled by the glacier chain!

Then, the ice elf suddenly pulled, and the turtle's body suddenly pulled towards the ice elf!

The weight of the earth turtle is not light, but the special attack of the ice elves is not low. In this case, the weight of the earth turtle does not exceed the control range of the glacier chain!


PS: I don't know if there is any update, but I accidentally fell asleep yesterday... As compensation, I recommend you a good book "One Piece: Lao Tzu is a Boat", but it is really falling asleep, which is very rare... .

Chapter 1263 Psychic Showdown

at the same time!

This is a 4v4 battle, and the object that Lin Wen needs to pay attention to is not just an ice elf!

Everything happens between lightning and flint!Just after giving the order to the ice elf, Lin Wen has withdrawn his gaze, his eyes swept across the entire battlefield in an instant, and the next order~ has already blurted out!

"Flickering Dragon, don't be afraid, use Dragon's Fury directly to blast it frontally!"

Command the flash dragon's order, say it in a flash!

At this time, Mu Keying's destruction and death light skills have already charged halfway forward, and they are about to hit the Flash Dragon!

After hearing Lin Wen's command voice, the Flash Dragon suddenly roared!

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