
The sound of dragon roar resounded throughout the battlefield!

Then, its power condensed, and it suddenly attacked without paying attention to the destruction that was about to hit itself!

Dragon Fury!

At this moment, the Death Light of Destruction had already attacked not far from the Flash Dragon!

at this time!

The powerful shock wave caused by the Dragon's Fury skill suddenly blasted out!

The two skills, almost in front of the flashing dragon, collided suddenly!


Boom boom boom!

A loud explosion resounded throughout the battlefield!

Dragon's Fury and Destruction Death Light have the most positive collision!

Power splashes!

You know, the Flash Dragon is right next to the collision of the two skills!

Therefore, the aftermath caused by the collision of the two skills obviously also affected it!


The Flash Dragon is completely unscathed, and there are no scars on his body!

You must know that if one of the elves of Lin Wen is chosen to have the strongest defense, then, without a doubt, it is the Flash Dragon!

Dragon-type elves are typical of rough-skinned and thick-skinned elves. The flash fast dragons, which inherited the talent of giant fast dragons, are undoubtedly the best among them. In terms of defense, compared to some legendary elves, they are not in the slightest. Difference!

Next up!

An even more shocking scene appeared!

I see!After the two skills were bombarded together, after a fierce collision, they destroyed the death light skills and were suddenly smashed!


at the same time!

The power of the skill consumed some of the Dragon's Fury skills, and it suddenly came out and attacked the Muke Eagle!

Minghuo obviously did not expect this situation, and was stunned for a moment. After reacting, he quickly shouted: "Mukeying, get out of the way!"

But, it's slow!

The Dragon's Fury skill came to Mu Ke Ying almost instantly. Although Mu Ke Ying had already done the dodging action, but because his own destruction and death light skills were directly destroyed, this Mu Ke Ying was also a little stunned. This momentary gap made it too late to dodge!

The next second, the Dragon's Fury skill suddenly bombarded the body of Mu Keying.

Only the sound of a miserable howling hawk sounded!Afterwards, Mu Keying's body suddenly fell a little!

Apparently the Dragon's Fury skill caused it to suffer a lot of damage!

However, after all, Muke Eagle is also a lord-level elf, although he is not good at defense, but!Flash Dragon's Dragon Fury ability was also weakened by the destruction of the death light, so it successfully resisted.

After the body fell for a distance, the wings of the Muke eagle flapped suddenly, and then flew!

Although there are many scars on its body, it is obviously the effect of the Dragon's Fury skill, but it did not directly lose its combat effectiveness!

After seeing this scene, Minghuo breathed a sigh of relief.


at the same time!

On the other side of the battlefield!

Shanaido and Hu Di also had a head-to-head confrontation!

After seeing Yutian Yijian directing Hu Di to attack his own Shanaido, Lin Wen couldn't help laughing!

Others don't know, he doesn't know?

You must know that in the World Tree, after the world tree sap given by the dream greatly increased the strength of Shanaido, now, in the Linwen team, the highest-level elf is Shanaido!

The super queen of lv80, Shanaido!

Even, in Lin Wen's team, the strongest attack, the most powerful at this time period, in Lin Wen's view, is also Shanaido!

Because, in the World Tree, the strength of Shanaido's improvement is too much, far beyond imagination!

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Of course, only Lin Wen knows all this. In the eyes of others, Shanaido is undoubtedly the main elf of the Heart of Yang Yan, but not necessarily the strongest!

This may also be the possibility that Yutian Yijian dares to let Hu Di and Shanaido fight!

However, all of this has nothing to do with Lin Wen!

His eyes turned to Hu Di, who was operating his mind power on the opposite side, his eyes lowered, and he said softly: "This is what you asked for!"

Then, his command voice also sounded!

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