That is to say, during the period when the carnival competition ended, Shan Ai Duo's reading strength has been amazingly improved again!So to do this scene!

Thinking of these, players can't help but be amazed when they finally understand it!

Although the carnival competition has passed for a while, but in the eyes of players, this time is quite short!

In such a short period of time, Shanaido's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes again!

Shanaido, who was already very strong, has grown so much.

This made the players feel a little envious while being shocked!

"." As expected of the Great God of Yang Yan, the power of the elf has increased so fast!"

Just envy!

The players of the alliance camp are not even jealous!

You know, a person with an annual income of [-] may be jealous of those with an annual income of [-], but will he be jealous of those with an annual income of over [-], or even more?

When the gap is too large, the emotions that arise are only envy (Zhao Nuo's), because you have no right to be jealous of others!

You know, this is a 4v4 battle!

Hu Di was directly defeated, and it did not affect the occurrence of battles in other places!

Moreover, being defeated is only a momentary thing!


the other side!

The big steel snake rolled into a spinning top is rushing towards the Leaf Elf!

The huge body of the big steel snake smashed to the ground, making a shocking sound, and the sound of bang bang kept sounding, and it came straight towards Ye Elf!

Lin Wen was not in a hurry, very calm, and said, "Ye Elf, dodge!"

As a lord-level elf, Ye Elf has his own fighting consciousness. After hearing Lin Wen's command voice, he immediately reacted. Facing the attacking big steel snake, he was quite calm! .

Chapter 1267 Not an opponent

In the blink of an eye, the gyro ball of the big steel snake has attacked not far in front of him!

But at this time, Ye Elf has yet to dodge!

This made many onlookers anxious!

"Ye Elf, get out of the way!"

"That's right, don't get hit!"

but!Ye Elf and Lin Wen, who were the parties, were very calm!

at this time!

Just when the big steel snake was about to hit the leaf elf!I saw that Ye Elf's hind legs suddenly kicked, and the whole body shot out in an instant!It turned into a green streamer and left the place!

Its body jumped high and jumped into the sky in one fell swoop!

In the next second, the gyro ball suddenly stopped!

no hits!Was directly and lightly dodged by the Leaf Elf!

At this time, the big steel snake is below, and the leaf fairy is above!

It seems that the rotation just now made the big steel snake a little dizzy, so the big steel snake did not take action the first time after the gyro ball recovered!

Lin Wen's eyes lit up, and the command voice came out in an instant!

"Leaf Elf, use the mysterious sword!"

Mysterious Sword!

Leaf Elf's strongest single attack skill!

860 at this time!

Ye Elf jumped down, right above the big steel snake!

The falling power came, and the Leaf Elf had already started to fall!

The moment Lin Wen's command voice came, Ye Elf had already started his action!

I saw that the single horn on its forehead suddenly shines brightly!

Then, the unicorn suddenly elongated and widened, and the fluorescent green light was very dazzling!

In the blink of an eye, the power has been charged up!

Sword unsheathed!

Mysterious Sword!

Carrying the inertia of falling, Ye Elf took a slight test in front of him, and the mysterious sword suddenly stabbed towards the big steel snake!

Yu Tianyijian's Hu Di has lost his fighting power, and now only the big steel snake is left, of course he doesn't dare to be careless!The moment he saw Ye Elf's attack, his face changed, and the commander blurted out!

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