"Big steel snake, use it to harden!"

The big steel snake has a huge body and is not fast. In this case, it is almost impossible to avoid the attack of the Ye Elf. Therefore, Yutian Yijian did not issue a stupid order to dodge!


He directly let the big steel snake use the defensive skills!

Get hard!

I saw that a dull light flashed across the body of the big steel snake!The hard steel body flashed light, and it seemed to be even thicker!

Just the next second!

The leaf elves that fell from the sky suddenly attacked!

The holy sword on the forehead shines brightly!

A long, long time ago, there was a palm technique that fell from the sky!

And now, the Leaf Elf descended from the sky, just like this!

Flying Immortals!

I saw that the holy sword on Ye Elf's forehead was shining brightly, and then it suddenly fell down!

After hearing the command voice of Yutian Yijian, the big steel snake used its skills!

After all, speed is its weak point. In this case, the choice of Yutian Yijian to direct the big steel snake to use the skills to increase defense is not wrong at all!

"But... this is a mysterious sword!" Lin Wen's eyes narrowed slightly.

You must know that the mysterious sword is the new skill that Ye Elf mastered when he followed the three holy swordsmen elves in the Yachi Forest, and it is also one of the skills that holy swordsmen must master!

The mysterious sword can be said to be the strongest single skill that Ye Elf currently possesses!

And at the same time!

The most powerful thing about the mysterious sword is that the powerful damage of this skill is based on ignoring the defense ability!

I saw that the leaf elf who landed from the sky, the holy sword on his forehead was shining brightly!

Below, the body of the big steel snake also flashed a faint light, and its defense ability increased!

next second!

Just the next second!

The lightsaber suddenly bombarded the body of the big steel snake!

The body of the big steel snake is very huge. From a distance, it looks like a hill!

This made this scene into a scene like a swordsman slashing mountains with one sword!

The mysterious sword suddenly bombarded the body of the big steel snake!

I saw that at the moment of contact, the lightsaber radiated light!

The body of the big steel snake seemed to have suffered unbearable damage, and suddenly let out a miserable howl!

Its body suddenly wilted a lot!

at the same time!

The mysterious sword bombarded the body of the big steel snake. After the light dissipated, Ye Elf made a sensitive jump, jumped from the body of the big steel snake to the side, and slowly fell to the ground.

On the forehead, the light of the mysterious sword has gradually subsided.

Yutian Yijian's eyes are very cautious!

because!The big steel snake has received quite powerful damage!

Although it is a typical example of rough skin and thick flesh, its big steel snake was not directly killed by the Ye Elf's blow, but Yutian Yijian is very clear that the damage to his own big steel snake is quite terrifying!

Because it is his own elf, Yutian Yijian knows the defense ability of the big steel snake quite well. However, in the attack of Ye Elf just now, the defense ability of the big steel snake seems to have disappeared, and it can't play any role at all. The effect was directly hit hard!

This situation made Yu Tian Yijian's brows wrinkle involuntarily!

You must know that the battle has only just begun, and one of his two main elves has already lost the ability to fight, while the other has also been severely injured!

This made Yutian Yijian realize that he seemed to have found a wrong target!

The strength of the Heart of Yang Yan is far more terrifying than usual!


This battlefield can be said to be one of the areas that players focus on. Seeing that Lin Wen's elf has already defeated a elf of Yutian Yijian in such a short period of time, and severely injured a Only, the battlefield of the other two elves was completely in an advantageous situation, which immediately caused a lot of amazement!

"As expected of the Great God of Yang Yan, his strength is indeed very powerful!"

"The opposite is the first master of Hellfire Guild, Vice-President Yu! The two together are not even his opponents!"

"The Great God of Yang Yan is invincible!"

The players on the alliance side are quite supportive of Lin Wen! .

Chapter 1268: The Void Seat in the Disadvantage

Of course, relatively speaking, the players of the Hellfire Guild looked a little unsightly when they saw that the number one master and the vice-chairman of their own guild actually fell behind in the battle.

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