After all, the two women achieved a good ranking in the carnival competition, and their strength was amazing. When facing the deterioration of ordinary Hellfire Guild players alone, their combat power can be said to be quite tyrannical!

It is worth mentioning that the two women have formed a team directly because of Lin Wen's acquaintance. Perhaps they are both strong female players, so the cute night cat and Qianxia also have some sympathy for each other, and the two are fighting together! .

Chapter 1269 Strategic Retreat

at the same time!

In addition to the battle, the two have also been paying attention to the battlefield not far away!

The places they pay attention to are the same as the majority of players, there are only two!

The first is Rift Seat, Groudon, Kyogre, the place where these three legendary elves fought!

And another place is where Lin Wen and Yutian Yijian, Minghuo fought!

In addition to paying attention, the two also have some exchanges from time to time!

"As expected of Big Brother Yang Yan, he defeated Hu Di so easily!" The cute night cat narrowed his eyes and smiled, his tone full of admiration.

"Yeah." Qianxia smiled and nodded: "His strength is stronger, and Shanaido's strength has improved a lot!"

There was no surprise in Qianxia's tone!

To know "Zero Five Zero", she went to the World Tree with Lin Wen, and it is clear that Shanaido has received a dream gift and her strength has greatly increased!

Therefore, there is no surprise that Shanai Duo's strength has improved so much in such a short period of time, but he takes it for granted!

After all, although I don't know the specific improvement of Shanaido, I can already see some clues from the amazed eyes of Yang Yan's heart!

The two women exchanged a few words for a short while, and their tone was full of praise, and some were amazed at the strength of Yang Yan's heart.

"But..." After the compliment, the cute night cat's voice changed, and there was some worry in his tone: "Korakuza has fallen into a state of complete defense, and if it goes on like this, it will be defeated!"

Qianxia's gaze also shifted, and she couldn't help but sighed when she looked at Korakuza, who was entangled with two legendary elves.

As a high-end player, Qianxia is not a vase, so she knows very well that once Kakuza is defeated!So, what will happen to the Alliance camp.

But now, there is nothing they can do. After all, although they are not weak among players and even among NPCs, they can already be called strong. However, the battle of legendary elves is still the same. They simply can't be involved in it!Only from a distance!

Their elf can't help anything in the battle of the legendary elf!

After taking a long sigh, Qian Xia lifted her spirits and said, "Don't worry, Little Night Cat, the Heart of Yang Yan will definitely find a way!"

"Hmm." The cute night cat nodded in agreement and said, "I think so too!"

The two were very close, but when they were talking, they didn't stop fighting, commanding their elves to destroy the battle power of the Hellfire Guild in front of them!


Lin Wen's eyes were fixed on the battlefield of the three legendary elves!

He frowned slightly, as if thinking about something.

After that, Lin Wen couldn't help but sighed deeply.

After carefully observing the battle for a while, Lin Wen had to admit that Kakutakuza could no longer resist!

If you continue to fight like this, then... Ripzator is very likely to be seriously injured that can't be reversed!At that time, this legendary elf will really not be able to play any role at all!

And if you want to protect this crucial thigh, the real trump card, the only option now is to retreat!

Lin Wen's eyes narrowed...

Even if you want to retreat, it is not so easy!

You must know that the legendary elf Groudon and Kyogre are now fighting against the Korakuza!

Moreover, these two legendary elves in their irritable state!

In this case, will these two legendary elves let the Rift Seat, who has fallen into a big disadvantage, leave easily?Think about it and know that it is impossible, they will only intercept them as much as possible, and not let the Skybreaker run away!

And in the face of the siege of two legendary elves, there is little chance that Rikongza wants to escape!

"You have to find a way!"

Lin Wen's eyes turned to the battlefield, his mind moved slightly.

"Shanaiduo, contact me with the Korakuza and tell it..."

In the telepathy, Lin Wen's command was accurately transmitted to Shanaido's heart...  

Soon, Shanaido's response came back.

"I see, Lord Yang Yan."

Shanai Duo's telepathy skills can communicate with Lin Wen, as well as with Risakuza, which is undoubtedly the only way to prevent the two legendary elves from being alerted!


Shanai Duo has already relayed the situation that Lin Wen wanted to explain to Kaikongza!

During the battle, Kaikongza glanced at Lin Wen, and then nodded!

Lin Wen's heart must have been in his mind, knowing that the cracking seat has already understood his own thoughts!

Then... he said again: "Xanaido, contact the other elves!"

Shanaido's telepathy, and at the same time communicated with several other elves in Lin Wen!

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