Pulling one hair and moving the whole body, after all, if you want to retreat from the front of the two legendary elves, you must be fully prepared!

So, you must communicate well with your little elves!

Shanai Duo quickly communicated Lin Wen's thoughts with the rest of the elves!

"Lord Yang Yan, it's all notified."

In the telepathy, Shanaido's voice sounded!

Lin Wen nodded lightly!

Then... his command voice suddenly sounded!

0.8 "Shanaido! Use the Fairy Lock on Kyogre!"

Fairy Sky Lock!

Shanaido's lord-level skills, restrictive skills!

You must know that Shanaido fell into a blank period after killing Hu Di in an instant before, and there was no opponent to stop it at all!

At this point, you can easily attack!

I saw that the corners of Shanaido's eyes shone with purple light, and then, a strong fairy breath was released in an instant, and the target was directed at Gaioka!

In an instant, the strong fairy breath has surrounded Kyogre!

inevitable!Kyogre is locked by the effect of the fairy lock!Trapped in a forced sleep state! .

Chapter 1270 Successfully escaped

You must know that in the skill introduction of Fairy Tiansuo, it is clearly stated that this skill will be adjusted according to the strength difference between the two parties!

Shanaido's strength is already the top among the lord-level elf, but compared with the legendary elf like Gaioka, the gap is not small, but the fairy lock does at least limit the opponent three times. seconds!

The reason why Lin Wen only let Shanaido release his skills towards Gaioka was because he was afraid that if Shanaido released his skills towards the two legendary elves, the powerful strength of the two legendary elves would break through the limit!

Looking at it now, there is no accident that only restricts Gaioka!

At the moment when Kyogre was restrained!

Kaikongza's body broke away from the battlefield in an instant, and quickly swept away in the distance!

Groudon reacted almost instantly and released his skills to intercept!

However, if it is a legendary elf, it does not have an advantage when facing the Rift Seat!

Cracked Seat carried the damage and left directly!

at the same time! 19

Lin Wen's elf retracted in an instant, and his body jumped onto the body of the flashing dragon, and followed in the direction of the retreat of the cracking seat!

You must know that Lin Wen had an absolute advantage in the battle with Yutianyijian and Minghuo. In this case, he was completely free to advance and retreat. Yutianyijian and Minghuo had no choice at all. After intercepting it, you can only see his distant figure, sighing and sighing!

In the blink of an eye, the retreat is completed in an instant!


Kyogre's angry roar suddenly sounded!

The storm is coming suddenly!

The remaining fairy breath was blown away in an instant!

Apparently, the successful escape of Risoraza has caused Kyogre to fall into a rage!

Not only Kyogre, but even Groudon was caught in a rage!

These two elves were already in a violent state, but now they let the enemy run away, which makes it difficult to add to the anger in the hearts of these two elves!

If it is said, the two legendary elves are caught in a rage!

Then, many players below are in shock!

Because... what did they see?

The Heart of Yang Yan actually retreated voluntarily!

He even took the initiative to retreat!

The Heart of Yang Yan had already shown his fame in the early game, and in the Dragon Royal Trial, he had a head-to-head battle with the elite teams of the three major guilds, and the fame of the Heart of Yang Yan had been completely spread out!

It can be said that the image that the Heart of Yang Yan has created for the majority of players has always been almost invincible!

but now!

In the face of the Hellfire Guild's offensive, the Heart of Yang Yan actually chose to retreat!

This is undoubtedly unacceptable to many players at all, making them fall into shock!

"Why did the Heart of Yang Yan retreat..."

"He clearly has the advantage..."

"The Great God of Yang Yan... The Great God of Yang Yan..."

In the eyes of many players, the Heart of Yang Yan, the Great God of Yang Yan, is already synonymous with invincibility, invincible, and now, this invincible avatar has chosen to take the initiative to retreat!

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