His eyes swept below, and Lin Wen said directly; "Flickering Dragon, find a place to land ¨..."

As he said that, his eyes turned to the cracking seat floating on the side of the flashing dragon, and he said: "Kongkong seat, I may have some conversations with others in a while, you wait a moment."

In Lin Wen's heart, there was a reply from Kakutakuza's promise.


The Flash Dragon directly chose an open space and chose to land.

Kizakuzu also has no children. Staying in the sky, he chose to land on the side of the flashing dragon.

The huge body shook the ground. After the Flash Dragon landed, Lin Wen made a sensitive jump and jumped off the Flash Dragon's body.

Just after Lin Wen jumped down, in front of Lin Wen, there was a call.

"Researcher Yang Yan."

Lin Wen followed the sound and saw that it was a rather young-looking female alliance staff member who was calling him. At this time, he looked at him with a slight respect.

"Chilona champion and all the adults have been waiting for you for a long time." The female staff member of the alliance said.

She looked at Lin Wen with respect in her eyes, but out of the corner of her eye, she aimed at the legendary elf Fission Seat not far from Lin tattoo. curiosity!

"Where are they?" Lin Wen nodded lightly and asked.

"Ah, please come with me."

Hearing Lin Wen's questioning voice, the female staff member of the alliance quickly retracted the corner of her eye and said.


Lin Wen softly agreed, then followed her towards the depths of the branch.

Along the way, Lin Wen couldn't help but glance left and right.

Here is the headquarters of the Alliance for this big event in the Shenno area, so there are many Alliance staff, all busy.

Just as the female staff member of the alliance was walking with Lin Wen, there were many staff members of the alliance who couldn't help but look at Lin Wen, and some people were also saying hello softly.

"Researcher Yang Yan."

"It's Yang Yan researcher."

"Researcher Yang Yan is here!"

Up to now, the name and image of the Heart of Yang Yan are in the alliance, almost no one knows it, no one knows it, and it is not inferior to the heavenly kings in some areas!

In the past, many people relied on the elf to identify Lin Wen's identity, but now, just by looking at his image, they can recognize his identity!

That's a boost of fame!

Researcher Yang Yan is not a high-ranking position in itself, but now, in the alliance, the name itself carries a considerable status!With an identity!No one can ignore it!

Following the female staff member, Lin Wen entered the interior of the temporary headquarters, and finally stopped in front of the door of a conference room.

"." Researcher Yang Yan, Miss Shirona and all the adults are inside."

With a simple word towards Lin Wen, the female staff member of the alliance knocked on the door.

dong dong dong.

There was a knock on the door, and a quick response came from inside.

"Please come in."

Lin (Qian Li's) Wen's ears moved, and he keenly heard the voice, it was the champion of the Shenao region, Shirona!

In the entire Shenao area, Shirona is undoubtedly an old acquaintance of Lin Wen. The two have fought side by side, and they can be said to be very familiar with each other.

The female staff of the alliance heard the response inside, then gently opened the door and looked at Lin Wen: "Researcher Yang Yan, please come in."

Lin Wen nodded slightly towards her, and then stepped into it.

The conference room was almost full at this time.

Lin Wen's eyes swept around and saw that, in addition to the champion of the Shenao region, Shirona, several heavenly kings were also on the list!

In addition, there are some familiar and very unfamiliar figures.

At this time, with the arrival of Lin Wen, the eyes of these people all turned to Lin Wen. .

Chapter 1272 Countermeasures

Lin Wen's heart moved, and he knew in his heart that these people should be the top leaders of the Shenao Regional Alliance!

Some of them he didn't know were quite normal.

Among them, in addition to Hirona and several heavenly kings that he is familiar with, there is also Linxi who had given him the task of finding the Rift Seat!

"Researcher Yang Yan!"

After seeing Lin Wen coming in, Shirona got up directly and took a few steps forward: "You are here."

Seeing the champion Shirona together, the other top leaders of the alliance in the conference room also got up and made a welcome gesture.

"Miss Hirona."

Lin Wen nodded lightly at Shirona, and then said, "Sorry, I didn't successfully complete the mission. Although I found the Rift Seat, it did not have a reversible impact on the entire battle situation."

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