Shirona shook her head lightly, glanced at the surrounding alliance executives, and then said, "We have already anticipated this. You have already made your own efforts."

that's the truth!

Although the Alliance has issued a mission to Lin Wen to find the Sky-Splitting Seat, and it is hoped that the Sky-Splitting Seat can make some changes in the battle situation!However, in the hearts of the top leaders of the alliance, 867 had already made the worst prediction!

You must know that although Korakuza is powerful, compared to the two ancient Pokémon that joined forces, the two legendary elves, Groudon and Kyogre, are still inferior!With the cooperation of the two legendary elves, the cracking seat could not be resisted at all, and the gap did not know where the avenue went.

Therefore, after Lin Wen came back, he was not scolded by the alliance, so this was in their expectations.

"Yeah, Researcher Yang Yan." Beside Shirona, an alliance executive said: "You have done a very good job, not only found the empty seat, but also changed the battle situation in a certain period of time."


"Researcher Yang Yan is really amazing."

These senior members of the alliance in the Shenao area, facing Lin Wen, did not show their arrogance at all, but instead spoke up to encourage them.

Because, the strength revealed by the Heart of Yang Yan is worth it!

Therefore, at this time, although the mission of the Heart of Yang Yan was not completed perfectly, they still encouraged each other.

"Researcher Yang Yan, you don't have to blame yourself. In the future, you still need to play a big role."

Lin Wen heard the words and sighed softly.

He knew that he still took on the role of Zhongbut, and that there was no one who could replace his position.

"Okay, okay." Seeing that the praise and encouragement did not stop, Shirona waved her hand, looked at Lin Wen and said, "Now is not the time to talk about this, the top priority is to discuss our next plan, How to counterattack!"

"You must know that Binhai City is now under the control of the Hellfire Guild, and there is even the Alliance Headquarters in the Shenao area. This is a huge blow to the reputation of the entire Alliance. We must counterattack as soon as possible! Otherwise, it will only fuel the arrogance of the evil forces!"

The entire conference room was quiet, and everyone listened quietly to Xirona's quiet speech!

To say that in the entire conference room, the most noble and noble in identity, strength, is obviously the champion of the Shenao region, Xirona!

Therefore, there is no doubt that she has become the leader of the discussion at this time!

After a few simple words, Shirona mentioned the topic.

"Right now, the biggest problem and the biggest difficulty in front of us are the two legendary elves Groudon and Kyogre!" Shirona said slowly with serious eyes.

"The (bjai) evil force of the Hellfire Guild is precisely because of the help of the two legendary elves Groudon and Kyogre, so it can resist the offensive of our alliance trainers!"

"If we don't want to solve the problem of these two legendary elves and solve this problem, even if we start a counterattack now, we will only lose every step of the way and keep losing like before."

Shirona briefly introduced to the surrounding alliance executives, summarizing the current situation.

Then, she finally said: "Our top priority now is to come up with a countermeasure for these two legendary elves."

"Now, everyone can speak freely. If you have any opinions, you can put them up and discuss them together."

After she finished speaking, Shirona fell silent, and looked around, with a look of anticipation in her eyes.

The surrounding alliance executives fell silent.

You look at me, I look at you, all fell into contemplation.

Everyone was caught in thought.

The entire conference room suddenly became quiet, and only the sound of breathing continued to sound!

After being quiet for a while in the conference room, someone suddenly said, "Miss Shirona, I have a proposal."

Immediately, everyone's eyes turned to the top of the alliance who spoke.

The high-level alliance leader in the Shenao area was not surprised to see that the eyes of the people around him were looking at him, and then he said: "The biggest problem in front of us is these two legendary elves, and we also have them now. With the help of the empty seat, in this case, where can we send legendary elves from other regions to support! Just stop these two legendary elves and face the offensive of our alliance trainers, hellfire The guild will naturally fail!"

After finishing speaking, the alliance executive looked at Shirona, waiting for Shirona's reply.

Under his expectant gaze, Shirona gently shook her head.

Then, Shirona said slowly: "This plan will not work."

All eyes were on Shirona, waiting for her next reply.

"The legendary elves in each region have their own missions, and their existence also suppresses and manages the local order. If they leave, they will definitely have a huge impact on the local area, and even a big accident will occur. !"

Shirona spoke slowly.

As the champion of the Shenno region, she naturally knows things that many people don't. .

Chapter 1273 Side Attack

"Actually." Shirona showed a wry smile: "I also applied for support like this alliance headquarters, and wanted them to coordinate and send legendary elves from other regions to help, but the alliance headquarters refused! Send it out! You have also seen the reinforcements of , for the legendary elf, it is really not enough to see."

Lin Wen was on the side, listening to Shirona's explanation, nodded lightly.

In fact, at this time, the role of the player~ is reflected!

You must know that after the big event, the alliance sent out a mission, and countless alliance players came to the Shenao area, and the alliance's strength in the Shenao area skyrocketed. This is also the fundamental reason for the emergence of the plot.

If there are no players, and there are only reinforcements from the alliance, then... Binhai City may not be able to last for so long, and _ will fall directly!

"But..." In Lin Wen's mind, this information just flashed by, and then his attention was focused on other things.

Finding Legendary Pokémon reinforcements from other regions will not work, so what else can be done to stop the two Legendary Pokémon, Groudon and Kyogre?

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