Lin Wen fell into deep thought.

It's not just him, the entire conference room, all the high-ranking members of the alliance, also fell into contemplation.

Everyone looked a little confused.

There is no doubt that fighting against the legendary elf is simple and easy!

As long as you also have the existence of a legendary elf on your own side!


The problem with the alliance now is that they only have the help of a legendary elf!

Crack the empty seat!

However, when facing the alliance between Groudon and Kyogre, Risakuza couldn't hold on for too long!

The Alliance has no way to find legendary elves from other places for assistance!This makes the whole thing a dead end!There is no solution!

The alliance executives in the entire conference room were lost in confusion and could not think of any effective way!

Right now!

A voice suddenly sounded in the conference room.

"Miss Shirona, I have a proposal!"

For a time, everyone's eyes turned to the source of the sound!

It was Lin Wen who spoke.

Lin Wen's eyes lit up just now, and suddenly had some thoughts. At this time, he saw that everyone in the conference room was looking at him, and he was not nervous, just looked at Shirona quietly.

For him, this kind of scene has not been experienced once or twice!

"Researcher Yang Yan, what can you do?"

Shirona opened her mouth with anticipation in her eyes.

For Lin Wen, and for the trainer called Heart of Yang Yan, Xirona is very optimistic!From the very beginning, I only heard his name, and when I fought alongside him, I knew his powerful combat power. Shirona was obviously very fond of the Heart of Yang Yan. This is a very powerful trainer. He suggestions will naturally be heeded.

Not only Xirona, but other senior leaders of the alliance in the conference room also focused their attention on Lin Wen at this time, and did not dare to ignore it.

This is the role of fame and power!

If Lin Wen didn't have his own reputation and strength as a foreshadowing, then even if he made suggestions in the conference room, he probably wouldn't get much attention!

But now, before he can say his suggestion, he has got the attention of everyone in the conference room!

After a light cough, Lin Wen said slowly, "Our current problem, without a doubt, cannot be solved by the two legendary elves Groudon and Kyogre."

Lin Wen glanced around and saw the expressions of approval from the surrounding alliance executives, and continued: "If you want to confront these two legendary elves head-on, we will rely on our legendary elves, the power of the cracking seat. , is completely insufficient, but... have you ever thought that we can start from another aspect!"

"Another aspect?" Shirona's eyes lit up, as if thinking of something: "You mean..."

"That's right!"

Lin Wen nodded lightly, realizing that Shirona had understood what he meant, and said, "The two legendary elves are very powerful, but now they are under the control of evil forces, so they will not be able to make peace with each other. Let's fight!"

"Since we can't solve the two legendary elves of Groudon and Kyogre from the front, then! We simply don't solve them! Dissolve them from the inside!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????????

"That's... Hellfire Guild!"

Lin Wen said decisively.

There was a brief silence in the conference room!

Then, a series of voices sounded!

"Indeed! Although we can't affect the two legendary elves, we can attack the members of the evil force of the Hellfire Guild!"

"That's right, as long as we eliminate the mastermind behind the scenes, or capture the two items, the Heart of Lava and the Heart of the Ocean, then we will naturally achieve our goal!"

"suddenly see the light!"


"That's a good way!"

For a time, the voice of exclamation in the conference room kept ringing!

None of these alliance executives are stupid, and they have already reacted at this time!

Everyone has come to a realization!

The pressure brought by the two legendary elves was too great, and their thoughts were somewhat restricted. They were only thinking about how to fight against these two legendary elves, but they were a little bit stubborn!

They are all blinded by the power of Legendary Pokémon!

In fact, if it can't be solved, then there is no need to solve it!As long as the mastermind behind the scenes is eliminated, or the control props are captured, then everything will be self-defeating!

Again, this is a solution to this disaster!

Shirona's eyes brightened, and her gaze towards Lin Wen became more and more appreciative.

Then, she said, "What do you think about Researcher Yang Yan's proposal? Do you agree?"

"Of course I agree!"

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