"Researcher Yang Yan's method is the best solution now!"

"Support Researcher Yang Yan!"

"That's it!"

In the conference room, one after another responded with voices!

These alliance executives are not stupid. After hearing this suggestion, they have already reacted, and of course they will not refuse now!

Shirona nodded lightly, and then said, "In that case, let's use this plan!".

Chapter 1274 The rise of villains

Shirona nodded lightly, and then said, "In that case, let's use this plan!"

In a word, the plan for the next alliance side has been set!

In the past, the alliance side also thought about a lot of methods, but they were not implemented for one reason!

Because, what they have to face are two legendary elves!

When there is no way to solve these two legendary elves, no way can successfully stop them!

But now, Lin Wen's proposal has expanded their thinking a lot!

Since there is no way to confront the two legendary elves from the front!Then, they can leave the two legendary elves alone and plan directly for the root cause!

That is, "Seven Eight Seven" Hellfire Guild!

Hellfire Guild has far-reaching plans and foresight, not only won the Lava Heart that can control Groudon from the Lava Team, and thus started its own plan!Even now, under the cooperation with the Ocean Team, the Hellfire Guild is also in a dominant position. The NPCs of the Ocean Team can't compete so much, and are temporarily in a supporting position!

In this case, Lin Wen's suggestion is undoubtedly the best choice!

Whether it is to directly eliminate the master behind the scenes, or to capture the control items in the opponent's hands, you can successfully win the battle and solve the disaster!

In this case, the alliance side will naturally agree to this solution!

After formulating the next main goal, there was quite a heated discussion in the conference room!

Led by Shirona, supported by Lin Wen who made suggestions, as well as many high-level alliance executives in the Shenno area in the conference room, everyone started a discussion!

The original plan, idea, has been proposed by Lin Wen, but!A plan, of course, is not just an idea that can be implemented!

You must know that this plan is related to such a major event and a catastrophe!In this case, although the initial idea of ​​this plan has been put forward, it is of great importance. Naturally, it is necessary to seriously discuss it and confirm the final plan before it can be implemented!

After all, this is a catastrophe involving the entire Shenno region!

Discussions are taking place in the entire conference room, and everyone is very serious and expresses their opinions.


At the same time, during the discussion in the conference room, the player forum became even more lively!

On the player forum, many players from the alliance camp are strongly condemning the entire Hellfire Guild!

In fact, it's the only thing they can do right now!

After all, in the face of the current Hellfire Guild, in the case of complaining to the system to no avail, when fighting head-on, facing two legendary elves, Groudon and Kyogre, these players are again There is no way to fight head-on. Under all circumstances, the only way for players from the current alliance camp to vent is on the forum!

However, the players of the Hellfire Guild are still going their own way, facing the abuse of players from the alliance camp, without any attention!

For them, this empty window period of the battle is completely an opportunity for development!

Because of the capture of the Shenao area, the city under the control of the alliance, the Hellfire Guild, can be said to be famous!

You know, this is something that many NPC evil villains have not done!

After all, the alliance is deeply rooted in the elf world and its strength is strong. The alliance branches in various regions, champions, kings and other strongest players control each region in a solid way. Although the villains can make moves in many small places, do Some hands and feet, but, when it comes to the safety of the alliance, nothing can be done at all!

but now!

What these NPC villain forces could not do, was done by a player force, the player guild!

This is simply unimaginable!

The Hellfire Guild, as the number one guild in the Shenno area, has a certain reputation, but that is only limited to the entire Shenno area!

But now, the occurrence of this major incident has caused the Hellfire Guild's reputation to plummet in the eyes of the players in the alliance camp, but at the same time, it has also made many villain players in various regions know the Hellfire Guild's reputation!

at the same time!Also adore it!

You must know that this kind of action that can capture the cities of the alliance forces is not something that anyone can accomplish!It can even be called unprecedented!

Although the Hellfire Guild relies on the power of two legendary elves, its own strength cannot achieve this!However, being able to control two legendary elves to attack the city for oneself is a kind of strength and performance in itself!

don't see you!In the elf world of the entire Huaxia District, many player guilds emerge one after another. The first guild of the alliance camp, the Lingxi guild will not be mentioned for the time being. Among the villains, there are also countless player guilds. However, there is no one that can make A big event like the Hellfire Guild!

You must know that unless it is in a worldwide mission, many players have never even seen the figure of a legendary elf!

But now, Hellfire Guild can control two legendary elves in one fell swoop, and control two legendary elves to attack the city for themselves!

This kind of behavior immediately made countless anti-2.4 players quite excited!You must know that after the annihilation of the Rockets in the Kanto area, the Rockets forces were destroyed by seven or eight, and the boss of Sakagi disappeared, and the players and villains under his banner were severely hindered!It can be said that the vitality is severely damaged. Affected by it, the villains in the entire Huaxia District are not living very well, and it can be said that they have entered a dark period!


At this time, in this process, right now, the Hellfire Guild appeared!

Just like a beacon in the dark, the reputation of the Hellfire Guild, ah, in the eyes of countless villain players, suddenly rose to a supreme level! .........

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