Chapter 1275 The villain's plan

It's like the leader has appeared!

Under this premise, the Hellfire Guild's actions to publicize its heritage and recruit members can be said to have achieved quite a complete success!

Many villain players have chosen to join the Hellfire Guild during this period, so that the strength of the Hellfire Guild has been improved again!

Although the old saying is good, it is better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail, but in front of the Hellfire Guild, which can be called the first guild of villain players, many villain players will naturally have bright eyes!

Hellfire Guild has also become the best choice for villain players!

conference room.

The discussion is in full swing!

After a very serious discussion, I dare not have any negligent discussion!Everyone in the conference room finally has a pretty perfect plan!

The whole plan is divided into two parts!

On the frontal battlefield, Shirona, the champion of the God 19 Austrian region, and Rikongza will delay!

It can be said that the objects they procrastinate are actually mainly two!

Two legendary pixies!

Groudon and Kyogre!

These two legendary elves are undoubtedly the biggest obstacle standing in front of the alliance!

Although the plan has been set, to avoid these two legendary elves and go straight to Huanglong, but!On the frontal battlefield, it is impossible to avoid these two legendary elves!Someone has to hold them down!

Now, the alliance party can delay the two legendary elves in the front, no doubt, only the legendary elves are also the Kakuzuo!

but!In the previous battle, everything has been revealed!

There is no doubt that Risakuza, who is also a legendary elf, can indeed fight head-on with these two legendary elfs, Groudon and Kyogre!


After all, it is one enemy and two. In this case, the time that the cracking seat can last is really limited, and there is no way to hold it for too long. Facing the offensive of two legendary elves, the cracking seat can support it. time is really limited!

and so!

In this plan, Cracked Seat also has a helper!

The champion of the Shinno region!The strongest on the alliance side!Miss Hirona!

This is the helper of Rift Seat!

It's up to Hirona, with the empty seat, to block Groudon and Kyogre!

In fact, the alliance party originally thought of equipping the Rift Seat with multiple helpers and a sea of ​​​​tactics!

However, it was eventually rejected!

Without him, there is only one reason!

That is, the battle of the legendary elves, not everyone can participate in it!

In the case of insufficient strength, even participating in it is just a burden, and it will even affect the performance of one's own candidates!

It can be seen in the previous battle in Binhai City!

Many lord-level elves can already be regarded as elite-level existences with extraordinary strength, but when facing Groudon and Kyogre, they can't show any strength at all!

There is only one ending to meet them, and that is to be killed in seconds!

Therefore, the high-level officials of the alliance side, after planning, only Hirona, the champion of the Shenao region, assisted the empty seat to compete with Groudon and Kyogre!

As the champion of the Shenao region, Shirona's main elves are all lord-level elves!

It seems that when facing the two legendary elves, Groudon and Kyogre, there is no advantage!


Sirona's lord-level elf, how can those coquettish things be compared!

Hirona's main elf, no matter which one it is, is the leader among the lord-level elf, and it can even be said to be the strongest!

In this case, with the cooperation of several lord-level elves, together with the legendary-level elf Rift Seat, Groudon and Kyogre can definitely be successfully blocked for a period of time!

This is the frontal battlefield!

Of course, the legendary elf Rift and Hirona blocked Groudon and Kyogre. In addition, players from the alliance camp, as well as NPC trainers, will also take this opportunity to launch a counterattack and start a frontal battle at the same time, attracting Attention Hellfire Guild!

That's part of the plan!

And another part of the plan!

It is Lin Wen!

Heart of Yang Yan!

On the frontal battlefield, headed by Riftza and Hirona, against two legendary elves, Groudon and Kyogre, the trainer players from the alliance camp, against the members of the Hellfire Guild!

And on the side!

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