When they were in the Dragon Cave, they were the leaders in the Lingxi Guild. Now that so long has passed, the strength of this elite team has also been greatly improved!

Therefore, after Lin Wen contacted Ling Feng, he came here and saw them!

As early as in the temporary headquarters of the alliance, after discussing the next detailed plan, Lin Wen directly contacted Lingfeng and asked him to gather the elite team of the Lingxi Guild and set off with him later!

Therefore, now (bjfe), after Lin Wen came to the residence of Lingxi Guild, he saw Lingfeng and the elite team of Lingxi Guild for the first time.

Now that so much time has passed, the elite team that went to the Dragon Cave has grown considerably!The strength is great!

"Brother Yang Yan."

Seeing Lin Wen entering the room, Ling Feng spoke first: "The elite team of Lingxi Guild has been assembled."


Lin Wen agreed and looked at the elite members of the Lingxi Guild in front of him!

The leader is the captain of the elite team, the soul laments!

At the same time, this is the person that Lin Wen is most familiar with!

And behind the soul lament, there are the elite members of the Lingxi Guild, each of them, Lin Wen is quite familiar, and they have fought together before!

Not only in the Dragon Royal Trial in the Dragon Cave, Lin Wen met these elite members of the Lingxi Guild. It was the Dragon Imperial Trial in the Dragon Cave, but after that, they also fought side by side!

For example, in the Carlos area, for the battle between the two legendary elves Yveltal and Xerneas, the Lingxi Guild sent an elite team to help and fight!

It can be said that this elite team of the Lingxi Guild has many times of experience fighting with Lin Wen!

Lin Wen's eyes swept to them, and then slowly spoke.

"Presumably everyone already knows our next move..." He said first.

After the discussion at the meeting, Lin Wen contacted Lingfeng and informed him of everything. Now that the elite team of Lingxi Guild has been assembled, Lingfeng must have informed these elites of their next actions. members of the team.


As members of the elite squad of the Lingxi Guild, compared to ordinary members, they experienced more militarized management, which was quite orderly. At this time, they heard Lin Wen's question and answered in unison. .

"Very good!" Lin Wen nodded.

Then he, he continued: "Everyone already knows the current situation in the Shenao area. The Hellfire Guild has captured the alliance city through two legendary elves and occupied it! At present, the alliance side is also somewhat helpless. In this case, our next action will be produced!"

"Front, the champion of the Shenao region, Miss Shirona, and the legendary elf Kia Kongza hold the two legendary elf Groudon and Kyogre!"

"On the side, we will go to the temporary base currently occupied by the Hellfire Guild, the former headquarters of the Shenao Regional Alliance, and suppress this battle directly from the source!"

"Everyone must understand the importance of our mission this time. Then, I won't say anything redundant. I just ask, do you have the confidence to complete the mission?"


Many members of the Lingxi Guild elite squad responded in unison!

"it is good!"

Just as many members of the Lingxi Guild Elite Squad below responded in unison, the system prompt sounded suddenly in their ears, including Lin Wen.

"Ding Dong, you can accept the task: "Cut the root cause"

Mission Name: Kill the Roots

Mission difficulty: s

Mission introduction: The Shenao Area Guild, the Hellfire Guild and the Ocean Team, through the two legendary elves of Groudon and Kyogre, captured the main city of the Shenao area, Binhai City, and slowly figured it out, the Shenao area. Dangerous!

You need to enter the temporary base of the Hellfire Guild, find the holder of the control device, and defeat it, in order to resolve the crisis in the Shenno area!

Mission reward: unknown

Mission posted!

Simply boosting his morale, Lin Wen directly dialed Shirona's communication!

In the plans of the two sides, they must also cooperate with each other, and the time must be just right!

Otherwise, if there is some accident and two legendary elves join the battle, then... Lin Wen, despite his strength, has no victory against the two legendary elves, Groudon and Kyogre. possibility! .

Chapter 1278 Counterattack

After all, the legendary elf is already the top existence in the entire elf century!No matter which one it is, it is not easy to defeat!

After the communication was connected, Lin Wen informed Shirona of the news he had prepared!

On the other hand, Shirona was also preparing when Lin Wen went to the residence of the Lingxi Guild!

After a short truce period, the alliance side is ready to start a counterattack again!

Many alliance camp players have received the same quest!

In the ears of countless alliance camp players, the same voice sounded!

"Ding Dong, player xx, do you accept the mission: Counterattack!"

Mission Name: Counterattack

Mission Difficulty: A

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