Mission introduction: The Hellfire Guild in the Shenao area controlled two legendary elves through evil means, bringing serious damage to the safety of the entire Shenao area, and even captured the cities in the Shenao area, Binhai City, The warriors of the alliance, command your elves to take back the city of Binhai!

Mission Reward: Unknown!

Mission posted!

This represents the official start of the counterattack!

Players are completely different from npc trainers after all. The npc trainers of the alliance, as long as they think about them issuing orders, will immediately launch a counterattack, but if players want to be dispatched, obviously only the rewards of this task can motivate them!

Just after the mission was released, it also represented the official start of the battle!

The players of the alliance camp who were originally in the truce period became active immediately!

Countless people are moving towards Binhai City again!


At the same time... many alliance players also have great doubts in their hearts!

You know, the previous battle has already shown a point!

No matter at the very beginning, the offensive and defensive battle of Binhai City!After that, the Heart of Yang Yan appeared, and brought the powerful support of the legendary elf, the Fission Sea, and the alliance's offensive was very unsmooth!

In the end, there is only one reason!

Two legendary elves, Groudon and Kyogre!

The strength of the two legendary elves is really too powerful. After all, the two have joined forces, and the combat power shown is simply the level of destruction!In the Battle of Binhai City, it can be said that the many defensive alliance camp players were defeated by these two legendary elves!

You must know that the lord-level elf in the hands of the player is not an enemy in the hands of these two legendary elf!

Then how to fight?

You must know that among the current players, players with lord-level elfs definitely deserve the title of a master!

In itself, the lord-level elf in the Elf Century is very rare, and it is very unlikely to directly capture the lord-level elf!

Most of the lord-level elves in the hands of the players are ex-leader-level elves. After reaching a certain level, the template promotion task was triggered, and then they were promoted!

It can be said that this is the privilege of players, making it easier for players to control the lord-level elf!


This does not mean that the lord-level elf is the existence of the bad street!

Even today!There are very few existences who can control the lord-level elves. Each one has a certain reputation, either in his city or in his area!

These are all masters!

However, when these masters faced the two legendary elves, Groudon and Gao Aike, the strength they showed was simply not enough to see!

The gap between the legendary elf and the lord-level elf, like a moat, stopped here!

Groudon and Kyogre, the two legendary elves, can easily kill them in seconds, causing the players of the alliance camp to be severely hit!

It is precisely because of this that Binhai City of the alliance camp will fall!

And next, the Heart of Yang Yan appeared and brought the legendary elf!Cracked Seat, it can be said that it has brought great hope to the players of the alliance camp!

The difference between the two sides was originally brought about by these two legendary elves. Now that there are legendary elves on one side of the alliance, how can I be afraid of you?

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It turns out!

At the very beginning, the alliance side really occupied the initiative of the battlefield!

When Korakuza successfully held off the two legendary elves Groudon and Kyogre with one enemy and two, and when there were no two legendary elves on the frontal battlefield, the alliance was on the one hand. Against the players of the Hellfire Guild, it has a considerable advantage!

In addition, the Heart of Yang Yan has an absolute advantage when facing the first master and vice-chairman of the Hellfire Guild with one enemy and two, and the morale of the alliance is soaring!Everyone is very excited!



The good times don't last long!

The Cracked Seat has been defeated!

The Heart of Yang Yan also chose to retreat!

Many players in the alliance camp also understand this very well!

After all, they had been watching the battle at that time!

When Kaikongza faced two legendary elves with one enemy and two, at the beginning, they could rely on their powerful strength to support the pillars, but as time passed, the opponents were two legendary elves after all. The elf is still one fire and one water, and under the cooperation, even the cracking seat can't resist!

You must know that although the cracking space is a legendary elf and powerful, the other party can also be a legendary elf, or two!

Moreover, in a sense, the two legendary elves of the other side, Groudon who controls the power of the earth, and Kyogre who controls the power of the ocean, are completely equal in name!

Each one is not inferior to the split empty seat!

In this case, it is naturally a bit difficult to let the splitting seat be one enemy and two, and choosing to retreat is also helpless. The situation of the battle has seen more turbulent changes!

In the case of being unable to resist the front, a strategic retreat is also something that many players of the alliance camp can accept!


This is where they are confused! .

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