Chapter 1279

You know, the previous record is vivid!Under the premise that there is no way to solve the two legendary elves, Groudon and Kyogre, all battles are just useless!After all, Hellfire Guild is able to achieve its current results, speaking of which, it is all thanks to two legendary elves!

However, now the Alliance has chosen to attack again after a short period of repair!

This has raised doubts in the hearts of many players of the alliance camp!

"Could it be that... the Alliance has a solution to the two legendary elves Groudon and Kyogre?"

Although there are such doubts in their hearts, they are also a little unsure. After all, the quest has been released. Of course, the players in the alliance camp will not choose to refuse, accept the quest directly, and set off towards Binhai City again!

at the same time!

"Eight Zero"

Shenao Regional Alliance Temporary Headquarters!

After the mission was released, Shirona was ready to go!

Beside her, followed by the legendary elf, Kaikongza!

If it is said that the elite team of the Lingxi Guild led by Lin Wen is responsible for this mission, then...Xilona and Kakuza are undoubtedly the most important points in this operation!

After all, what they have to face is Groudon, and Gaioka with two ancient legendary elves, the biggest opponent this time!

After walking out of the Alliance headquarters, Hirona looked up at the sky and took a deep breath!

Then, he summoned his own elf!A keen jump, jumped on it!

She looked at the cracked empty seat and said, "Cracked empty seat, let's go!"

The voice of the cracking seat sounded in Shirona's heart, and softly responded!

Then, the two sides took off almost at the same time!Go quickly towards Binhai City!


at the same time!

Just when Hirona and Marina City set off!

In the temporary residence of Lingxi Guild, Lin Wen suddenly stood up, and then said, "Let's go!"

All the elite members of the Lingxi Guild agreed!

Afterwards, everyone set off immediately!


Countless alliance camp players gathered again towards Binhai City, and the momentum was amazing!

The counter-offensive against Binhai City is about to start again!

However, these ordinary alliance camp players do not know that their counterattack is actually just a guise to attract Hellfire Guild!

The real key lies in the Heart of Yang Yan and the elite team of the Lingxi Guild!


Riding on the elf, Shirona glanced ahead and prayed in her heart.

"Researcher Yang Yan...must...don't let me down!"


The battle begins again!

Of course, with such a big momentum, it is impossible not to attract the attention of the Hellfire Guild!

In the temporary base of the Hellfire Guild, Huo Huo listened to the report of his subordinates, and his eyes were sharp.

"Did the alliance's counterattack start again so soon?"

"These people really don't have a long memory! Have you forgotten the strength of Groudon and Kyogre?"

His eyes turned to his side, and beside the fireworks was the leader of the ocean team, Shui Wutong!

Both the Ocean Team and the Hellfire Guild have the control device of a legendary elf, but now, the Hellfire Guild has obviously taken the initiative and is in a dominant position in the cooperative relationship between the two parties!

"Leader of Shuiwutong!" Fireworks said to him: "Since these bastards of the alliance don't have a long memory, then we have to teach them some lessons!"

"That's right." Shui Wutong nodded lightly.

"In that case, send Groudon and Kyogre to the battle again!"

Opposite Water Indus has no objection.

Afterwards, the two sides took out the control props of two legendary elves!

Heart of the Ocean!

Lava Heart!

I saw that after they took out the control device and issued their own instructions, the Lava Heart and the Ocean Heart almost flashed at the same time!

at the same time!

The two legendary elves who were being groomed after the battle was temporarily over, their closed eyes suddenly opened!

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