On the body, blue and red light flashed by!

An angry roar suddenly came out!



The earth trembled and the waves rolled!

The sea and the earth are raging again!

This is the power of the legendary elf!

The legendary elf, Groudon!Control the power of the earth!

The legendary elf, Kyogre, holds the power of the ocean

These two little elves, no matter which one they are, can wreak havoc on the world because they control the power of the earth and the sea!

This is the power of the legendary elf!

The short-lived calm during the truce suddenly disappeared, and two legendary elves reappeared on the battlefield!

at the same time!

The players of the alliance camp have launched an offensive!

Inside and outside Binhai City, they were caught in a fierce battle. The players of the Hellfire Guild and the players of the Alliance camp started a fierce battle!

This is a big battle!

Both sides showed their full strength!

The battle between the players of the Hellfire Guild and the players of the Alliance faction has begun again!

at the same time!

On the real main battlefield, the battle has already begun!

Legendary Elf 2.1 Groudon, Legendary Elf Kyogre vs Legendary Elf Riftza, and the champion of the Shenao region, Shirona!

There is no doubt that at this time, the highlight of the entire frontal battlefield!

It involves the battle of three legendary elves and the battle of a regional champion. It is definitely the most involved place on the entire battlefield, which has attracted the attention of countless players!

at the same time!

On the frontal battlefield, when the battle started around the entire Binhai City, a small team had quietly lurked outside Binhai City!

This... is the elite team of Lingxi Guild led by Lin Wen!

Although the Hellfire Guild has already laid out quite amazing defenses during the short truce period, after all, the time is very limited! .........

Chapter 1280 Infiltrate

You must know that Binhai City was originally a city under the Alliance. It has been operated by the Alliance for many years. Anywhere here, the Alliance is very clear!

Naturally, these materials were handed over to the current commander of this elite team, Lin Wen!

at this time!

Lin Wen and the players of the elite team passed the hidden path and headed towards the temporary base where the Hellfire Guild is currently located, the former headquarters of the Shenao Regional Alliance!

The group of them moved very quickly, moving quickly towards the battle base of the Hellfire Guild!


On the battlefield!

The battle between Shirona, Rikuza, and Groudon Kyoka has officially started!

This is a powerful battle involving three legendary elves and a champion, very terrifying!

The aftermath between the battles is quite amazing!

The ocean is choppy!


The sky is overcast!

The influence of the legendary elf on the 19th world can be said to be quite serious!

Shirona commands her elf to fight!

She and Kakuza's fighting style are exactly the same!

That's fighting!

Instead of confronting the two legendary elves head-on, they are just fighting!

There is only one goal, and that is to hold back these two legendary elves!

You must know that in their plan this time, although Hirona and Korakuza accounted for a large proportion, this is not the real most important point after all!

The most important point is the heart of Yang Yan!

The elite trainer team led by the Heart of Sunfire!

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