What Risora ​​and Hirona need to do is to delay time!

As a legendary elf, Kaikongza has his own id and pride. However, after all, the opponents are two legendary elf of the same level, so when Xirona and the male protagonist described the plan to him, they agreed directly. It's doing so now!

The battle... goes on!

Although Xirona and Kakuzua chose to fight, the battle situation was still very fierce. This can be said to be the most fierce battle in the entire Elf Century since the opening of the server!

After all, this is a battle between three legendary elves and a regional champion, and you can imagine how fierce the battle is!

The battle goes on!

Soon, half an hour has passed!

The battle didn't get weaker over time, it got more intense!

at this time!

In the temporary base of the Hellfire Guild, the former Shenno Regional Headquarters Building, in the command room, a player wearing the uniform of the Hellfire Guild couldn't help frowning.

This player, whose name is Jiang Huo, has only one identity, and he is the wise general in the Hellfire Guild!

In a huge guild, there are all kinds of personnel, ordinary players, managers, combatants, and commanders!

That is, Zhi Jiang!

at this time!The player named Jiang Huo frowned slightly, watching the entire battlefield through the device.


Behind him is the president of the Hellfire Guild!

Here, it is the temporary command center of the Hellfire Guild!

When there was no way to go to the front line to fight in person, the fireworks came to the command center to take control of the overall situation.

After hearing Jiang Huo's murmur, Huo Huo moved in his heart and asked, "Jiang Huo, what's wrong?"

Jiang Huo heard the sound of the fireworks, turned around, looked at the fireworks, and said, "President, I feel a little strange."

"Strange? What's wrong?" Firework asked.

"The battle has been going on for so long." Jiang Huo pointed to the big screen in front of him, which contained some pictures of the frontline battlefield: "But look at the president, the heart of Yang Yan has not shown up until now!"

As soon as his voice fell, he continued: "We all know the strength of the Heart of Yang Yan, it is very powerful, and it is definitely one of the alliance's generals, but... when the alliance launched its offensive again, why didn't he join in? In battle?"

Jiang Huo talked eloquently.

The alliance's counterattack has begun!

But at this time, the heart of Yang Yan, a powerful warrior, did not join the battlefield.

This situation, no matter how you look at it, something is wrong!

The Wisdom General of the Hellfire Guild is not a fool. You must know that the Hellfire Guild was able to win the Lava Heart from the Lava Team, and the role of the Wisdom General in it cannot be ignored!

Jiang Huo fell into deep thought when he saw the fireworks, and continued to say: "President, this situation has actually happened once before."

"Just when we took control of two legendary elves..." Jiang Huo continued: "At that time, when we launched the offensive against Binhai City, the heart of Yang Yan was there, and the strong training of this alliance side The family didn't join the battle!"

"In the beginning, we all knew." Jiang Huo said: "President, you also sent experts from the guild to snipe the heart of Yang Yan, but they all failed! Let 660 leave the Shenao area. !"

"In the end, you also saw it, President." Jiang Huo's eyes were very serious: "After we left the Shenao area with the heart of Yang Yan, he found the legendary elf Kaikongza, and he almost treated us to us. The plan has had a serious impact!"

Jiang Huo continued: "Now...the Heart of Yang Yan hasn't appeared again, I'm worried?"

"Are you worried that he is looking for the help of the legendary elf again?" Firework asked.

"No, no, no." Jiang Huo waved his hands again and again: "President, the Heart of Yang Yan can find the Crackling Seat and seek its help, and the alliance is absolutely inseparable from the relationship. I don't believe that Guangguang can rely on him as a player. You can seek the help of the legendary elf!"

"Furthermore, if the alliance side can really find the legendary elves other than the Korakuza again, then I can't think of any reason why they didn't act earlier."

"You know, what the Alliance needs to face, but Groudon and Kyogre are two Pokémon with the same name as Korakuza. I believe that the members of the Alliance are not fools. Everyone can tell the difference. It is absolutely impossible to fight against two legendary elves, Groudon and Kyogre, with only one legendary elf!".

Chapter 1281 Vigilance

"However, even so, they immediately started a counter-attack attempt after the Heart of Yang Yan found the Sea-Splitting Seat!"

"In this case, it proves that the legendary elf that the alliance side can take action. There is only one cracking space!"

Jiang Huo explained his analysis.

As the wise general of the Hellfire Guild, what he is very good at is to analyze the current situation cleanly and thoroughly!

Maybe Jiang Huo can only be regarded as average in the aspect of elf fighting, but when it comes to the overall situation and the situation, Jiang Huo's analysis can be said to be quite in place.

Facts have proved that this is indeed the case. In just a few words, he analyzed the current situation of the alliance quite cleanly!

Anyone in the know knows that, as Jiang Huo analyzed, the alliance cannot send other legendary elves to come to the Shenao area to help!

If it could be dispatched, it would have been dispatched directly in the early days of the two legendary elves, Groudon and Kyogre, so why drag it to one of the main cities in the Shenao region, Binhai City, which was occupied?

Huo Huo nodded lightly, agreeing with Jiang Huo's analysis, and after thinking quietly for a while, Huo Huo said, "Jiang Huo, what do you think, the heart of Yang Yan... players on this alliance side have not appeared now. In the case of the main battlefield, what are you going to do?"


Jiang Huo groaned, his eyes lowered, and he looked at the ground.

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