This is also the first time he has encountered a Pokémon whose strength has reached the light green level!

The system will evaluate the Pokémon's comprehensive strength by color, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, and green, at least if the average of all attributes added and divided by six exceeds 200 attributes!

That is to say, every attribute value of this ice elf has at least 200 points!

This point, even the leader-level quasi-god Pokémon of Linwen LV15, the Leaf Elf can't do it. Now the color level of the Leaf Elf is dark yellow, and the overall average of all attributes is only 161 points, even if the forest pattern is added. The 10% attribute increase of the elves' control is only 177.

The average difference between each attribute is 23 points. Adding up, the difference between the two sides is an additional attribute difference of more than [-] points!

Coupled with the double restraint attribute of the ice elves to the leaf elves, if Lin Wen alone let the leaf elves and the ice elves fight head-on, the leaf elves would crash in minutes, or even fail miserably.

In this way, only group fights can increase his winning rate slightly.

Although it is a bit despicable, in order to subdue this ice elf, he can do whatever he can and abandon his dignity, anyway, he will be a family in the future.

"Let me see your strength, Ice Elf!"

Lin Wen's eyes gleamed, and just as he was ready, the ice elf rushed in from outside.

Amidst the icy fog, the ice elf exposed its head from inside, and the light blue eyes were as clear as a gem in the snow, and it was indescribably beautiful.

Proud, elegant, like a nobleman among elves.

The ice elves are not only powerful, but also first-class in appearance, no less noble than the leaf elves.

The temperature dropped suddenly, and Lin Wen shivered abruptly. Not only him, but his four elves were also affected to varying degrees. Speed, reaction power, and even blood volume were slowly decreasing. Except for the hail weather Ice-type Pokémon, other Pokémon will have a blood volume reduction judgment every five seconds, and this damage will be affected by special defense.

Among them, the six tails were the least affected. With the drought skill, it was barely able to resist this frosty aura from the front, but the strength gap between the two sides was too great, and it was impossible to reverse the weather disadvantage.


"Prepare for battle, Six Tails, Hot Wind!"

Lin Wen's expression became serious, and he immediately issued a battle order. The first thing he had to do was to raise the surrounding temperature, otherwise they would have no chance. The ice elf's frost aura is so amazing that it is a range that exists all the time. harm.

The six tails and two cheeks puffed out, slightly accumulating strength, opened his mouth, and a scorching wind rushed towards the ice elf. The ice elf did not block hard. Twinkling, several ice picks formed around it, and they came quickly.

"Minas, defense!"

The most massive Minas threw a beautiful scale tail on the field and smashed several ice picks directly. Even if the remaining ones hit it, it would only cause a quarter of damage, almost damage.

The six-tailed hot wind only acts around the field, making it difficult to hit the opponent, but the battle location blown by the hot wind has become much warmer, at least not as serious as the ice elf has just debuted.

"Chirulian, gravity stand!"

Lin Wen's eyes narrowed, and he shot again, letting Chirulian limit the movement speed of the ice elf. A huge gravity fell from the sky, pressing on the ice elf's body, and its agile body instantly became a little dull.

Six tails deal with the frost aura, Minas defends, and Chirulian uses it to limit, and the fighting ability of the three to fight together is unexpectedly perfect. .

Chapter [-]: Extreme Ice Incarnation

The performance of the three boss-level elves is very eye-catching, but their strength is not good. This time, the battle is still dominated by the leaf elves.

Although the grass fights against the ice with the reverse attribute, the ice attribute will not reduce the damage from the leaf elves. If they can hit the front, the powerful attacks and skills of the leaf elves can still make the ice elves go hungry.

"Ye Elf, Sword Dance!"

Lin Wen's expression froze, and he instructed Ye Elf to prepare for a counterattack.

The ice elf was not lightly restricted. Under the bombardment of all kinds of brutal and gorgeous skills, it was difficult to use even half of its powerful strength. The suffocating battle made it unable to help but let out a sharp howl, and a huge ice ball appeared on the ground. The air, like a falling meteor, was madly attacking in the direction of Lin Wen.

"Liuwei, "Five Zero Three" super jet flame!"

Lin Wen shouted loudly, and Liuwei raised his head and spat out a fierce golden-orange flame.

The moment the two touched, the water vapor filled the air, the smoke evaporated, and a light rain fell on the battlefield. It was so gorgeous that it was surprising. The size of the huge ice ball was also eliminated by one-third in the flames.

Minas came head-on, and the hard scale tail slapped the ice ball fiercely, and the huge ice ball broke in an instant, turning into broken ice and falling.

Under the cultivation of Lin Wen, the special-attack elf is completely used as a meat shield and melee combat. When the trainer who loves Minas sees it, he may cry.

The battle was clearly fought back and forth, but Lin Wen's face was not so good-looking. His three boss-level elves could only resist and limit the ice elves, but could not cause effective damage. There is such a big gap at the boss level.

While his teammates created opportunities for him, Ye Elf suddenly passed through from below and rushed towards the ice elf in the distance without hesitation. As a big brother, he had to hold the frontal battlefield and ease the pressure on the rear.

The Ice Elf is a special-attack Pokémon. Melee is not its main field, and its speed is one of its fatal weaknesses.

It roared, its bare front feet stepped on the ground, and countless sharp ice blades rose into the sky, trying to completely penetrate the leaf elves in front of it.

The Leaf Elf stepped on the ice with four hooves and repeatedly jumped horizontally. Only by neatly moving, it avoided all the attacks on the ground. The elegant movements made people's eyes shine.

The leaf elf with the wind of the king can not only greatly reduce all the attribute values ​​of the hostile elf, but also be immune to the changes caused by the weather. Things like slipping feet, slowing movement speed, and reducing blood volume in hail weather will never happen. happened to it.

"Ye Elf, be careful!"

Lin Wen's voice suddenly came, Ye Elf raised his head, and saw a huge icicle cannonball on the bow rushing towards it.


The ice pick hits and shatters!

Lin Wen stared there nervously, his heart pounding.

At the moment when the icy fog filled the air, a green light erupted from the inside, and Ye Elf's sharp single horn smashed the huge ice cone into pieces, and continued to charge forward unstoppably.

Million wood horn strikes!

Super crash!

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