The fighting spirit of the leaf elves is not comparable to that of ordinary elves.

The ice elf was frightened by the leaf elf. It had never seen such a formidable opponent before, and was instantly knocked over by the super-collision of the leaf elf, knocking it flying on the steel barrier, and knocking out a huge gravure.

With the help of super absorption, Ye Elf's blood volume previously damaged by the ice pick and frozen aura suddenly recovered a lot.

Ye Elf succeeded in one hit, but refused to miss the opportunity, and continued to pursue and fight fiercely.

Ice Elf's melee ability is obviously much weaker than skill bombing, but Ye Elf is one of the best melee masters in the Ibrahimovic family, and the difference is obvious at a glance.

The ice elf was trapped in the iron wall and had no time to break free. A large amount of cold air condensed on his body, and the huge frozen ice turned into a sharp blade, attacking the leaf elves one after another.

The leaf elf was disturbed, and its speed was forced to reduce a lot, but it did not avoid the sharp ice, but while running to avoid it, it roared violently and rolled up a huge storm of leaves...  ..

A ferocious Ye Fengfeng directly smashed all the ice blades, and slammed into the ice elf on the wall unstoppable.

At this moment, a huge flame fell from the sky and slammed straight on the ice elf.

That is the high-firing spark of the six tails. As one of the few fire-type Pokémon with strong mental power, it can completely control the flame to turn in a small area, and it is not a problem to achieve this level.

"Did you make it!?"

Lin Wen's eyes lit up, under his excellent command, the four elves formed a perfect cooperation, defense and counterattack were integrated, and several skills caused huge damage to the ice elves.

Only he, as the head of the elf, can make such a shocking, despicable and astonishing battle, the legendary group fights four against one!

The collision between the skills of the six tails and the ice spirit caused a lot of water vapor, and the scene was blurred.

An angry roar let everyone know that this battle did not end so easily. Ye Elf took a few steps back vigilantly and did not rush forward.

In the water mist, there was a ferocious freezing air, and the water vapor formed around it turned into ice in an instant, and it landed on the ground. 4.0

The ice elf came out of it, not only did not suffer much damage, but also had new changes in his body!

The body that was originally only light blue has now become clear and transparent, and the surface of the body is actually covered by a thin layer of light blue ice. off.

Ferocious, terrifying, powerful!

This ice elf is like the incarnation of extreme ice. It is not the cute little beast it used to be. Even an ordinary elf can achieve this level. How terrifying will the legendary beast be?

Lin Wen swallowed his saliva and dared not imagine.

What is even more shocking is that the ice elf whose form has changed did not choose to continue the long-range battle, but chose to fight head-on with the leaf elf! .

Chapter [-]: Brilliant Outburst


Special attack type Pokémon actually came to melee?

Could it be that the attack just now broke the brain of the ice elf fortunately?

Just when Lin Wen couldn't understand what he thought, what happened next made him immediately bewildered.

After the ice elf changed its form, in the melee battle with the leaf elf, it actually gained the upper hand!

Fighting against each other, Ye Elf's physical attack is terrifyingly high, but it is difficult to penetrate the ice elf's terrifying icy armor, but the ice elf can rely on that layer of ice to instantly condense ice blades to counterattack. Claw attacks also add terrifying ice damage.

At the moment of being hit by a close-up, Elf Ye whined, and most of his body was frozen. The double damage caused its blood volume to be suppressed in an instant, and it was almost endangered.

The battle is reversed in an instant! !

"Ye Elf, step back!"

The strange new mode of the ice elf made Lin Wen frown, and decided to avoid the limelight for a while. The 18-leaf elf used the parasitic seeds and lush effects to raise a large number of vine whips on the ground, entangled the ice elf temporarily and then quickly stepped back.

"Six tails, super flame vortex!"

Six tails found the opportunity, and a flame quickly crawled along the ice layer, burning the vines that bound the ice elf, forming a huge circle of flames. Under the scorching of the golden-orange high-temperature flame, the frost armor on the ice elf instantly dissolved. most of them.

Sure enough, the flame is the strongest means to deal with the ice attribute! !


Lin Wen immediately cheered up when he saw that the ice elf's transformation skills were disintegrated by the flames.

The enemy was limited, and Chirulian finally found a chance to shoot. Multiple magic leaves turned into sharp blades and quickly pierced into the body of the ice elves. A large number of attack methods broke out in the group of elves in the forest pattern. The ice elves who had just broken through the encirclement suffered once again. Brilliant skill bombing.

Not to be outdone, the ice elf let out a roar, and a large amount of ice floes appeared around it, turning into a blizzard-like density and attacking the leaf elf Linwen.

Lin Wen's eyes narrowed, and he seized the opportunity of the opponent's singing of the blizzard, and let Ye Elf launch the strongest blow.

"Take advantage of this moment, a million tons of wooden horns!"

Ye Elf sang the sword dance and roared loudly. While running at full speed, a powerful force condensed around it, turning into a huge energy vortex, and finally concentrated on the single horn of its head.

The ice elf had a premonition of a huge crisis, the frost power contained in the body suddenly ran wild, and the endless ice power regenerated again. The original frequency was extremely ferocious and extremely blizzard, but now it is like a high-altitude bombing, which is breathtaking.

Looking at the dense hailstones, Minas did not hesitate at all, and went head-to-head, using his hard scale tails and body to catch them all, keeping the relatively weak Six-Tails and Kirulian behind him.

The highest attribute value of Minas is special defense, and the special attack damage of this ice attribute is like a drizzle to it.

Not to mention that as a water-type Pokémon, it only takes half the ice damage of the original, plus the damage reduction effects of multiple scales, rock will, etc., directly reduces the damage of this skill to only a quarter of the original or even more. few.

In this way, no matter how ferocious the ice elf's skills are, it is not worth mentioning to Minas, let alone taking all of them, even if the ice elf attacks again with a few more waves, there will be no problem.

At the same time, the super flame jet condensed by the six tails was ready, and the flame directly hit the ice elf in the center, covering the advance of the leaf elf.

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