
After lunch the next day, Lin Wen logged into the game as usual, and there were countless things waiting for him to complete. Before that, he first came to the training hall where he kept the elf to check the training progress of his elf.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the player 'Heart of Yang Yan', your Shanaido, Minas, Ice Elf, Lucario's effort value has reached the upper limit, and you have reached the full value before LV30, and you will automatically comprehend new skills" Thrive', keep up the good work."

The moment the gorgeous pet group saw Lin Wen, they immediately rushed towards him and surrounded him hilariously, showing a more intimate expression because their strength became stronger again.

"Sure enough!"

Lin Wen showed a smile and touched their heads one by one.

Exactly as he had guessed, as long as the elf reaches the full value of the effort attribute in advance, he will be able to obtain this powerful rare skill, and the waste of time will be worth it.

Although it was a pity that Nine Tails didn't have the chance to acquire skills, it also sounded the alarm for him. He must pay more attention to the clues about hidden rewards and various easter eggs in the game, and try to avoid such an unavoidable situation.

After raising his elf strength by a small level, Lin Wen continued to challenge the gymnasium. After the deadleaf gym in Deadleaf City, the next gym is Rainbow Road, which is closer to here in Rainbow City. Hall.

During the battle, the advantage of increasing his attributes by 10% was immediately manifested. Originally, the basic attributes of his elf as a boss level were ridiculously high. 10% can be treated with raising four or five levels. Handy.

The master of the Rainbow Gym is Miss Lijia, who loves nature. She has a cute and charming appearance and a temperament like the legendary Yamato Nadeko. ....

Therefore, Lin Wen chose the main elves here are the nine tails and the ice elves, as well as Shanaido who can use super powers normally in a natural future.

After Shanaido has continuously improved the level and obtained the Thrive Skill, the special attack has exceeded the 700 mark, and the strength evaluation has reached the medium green level. The two skills of spiritual perception and super heart are combined, just like a human-shaped fort, which is powerful and consuming Low.

A series of skills such as moon explosion, phantom attack, multiple magic leaves and so on came down, and the bombardment made the gym owner smile bitterly, and his elf was killed before he used many skills, and he couldn't bear it at all.

In particular, the esoteric learning machine (full concentration) donated by Jinhuang Taoist Hall has greatly improved Shanaido's offensive ability and individual combat ability. Not to mention the instant increase of special attack by more than [-] points, he can also avoid being attacked with great probability. Interrupt skill.

During the battle, the master of Lijia Taoist wanted to let the giant vines use the vine whip to attack, and the powerful power directly knocked out the half-blood of Shanaido who was using the skill, but did not interrupt the skill, and finally ended the battle by a month explosion. In the end, Lin Wen's victory ended.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the player 'Heart of Yang Yan', your Shanaido defeated the LV56 head 4.4-level giant vine, and the level was raised from LV34 to LV35, gaining 10 points of fixed attribute value, 6 points of special attack attribute, 1 point Free attribute, comprehend the new skill independent seal, seal the last skill used by the hostile elf, the effect lasts for three minutes, and the cooldown is ten minutes."

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the player 'Heart of Yang Yan', you have won the Rainbow Gym, all the elves in the battle slots in the backpack will be automatically upgraded to one level, and you will be rewarded with 500 reputation points. Get precious rewards."

Among all the elves, the fastest upgrade is undoubtedly Shanaido. After winning three consecutive battles, he directly raised his level by six, and the extra experience value obtained by each leapfrog challenge was doubled. .

Chapter [-] Where it begins and ends

During the battles, the effect of the ivy green suit and the Orudelang City badge on Lin's tattoo began to ferment, and combined with the experience bonus of the gym owner to challenge the high-level elves, it was so refreshing. .

"Congratulations, Researcher Yang Yan, your strength has been affirmed by me, thank you for performing such a wonderful game for me, this is a reward you have, please accept it." Lijia Taoist Hall Master Binocular Said in high spirits, and issued a winning badge with hidden rewards and an esoteric learning machine.

Rainbow Badge (Winning): A special badge specially awarded to the strong by the Rainbow Gym, which is more effective than ordinary badges. After use, it can increase the healing skills received by the elf by 30%, which can be stacked with special items.

Esoteric Learning Machine (Leaf Protection): Grass-type special skill, uses leaves to protect the body, and is not fully prepared for the next attack. After using it, the special attack and special defense are increased by one level, which lasts for one minute.

"I will make good use of these rewards."

Lin Wen's eyes lit up slightly, and he accepted the two rewards.

The leaf protection skill has been used by Lijia's 13 giant vines. At first, he didn't quite understand the effect. He only knew that the damage of the giant vines had increased a lot. Now he was really surprised when he saw the specific attributes.

Because directly raising a level and blessing skills for more than one minute is really terrible!

The so-called raising a level refers to improving a level attribute. The special attack of the leaf elf is now light green level, and it will be directly raised to the medium green level after use. It doesn't seem to have much effect at first glance, but it is actually amazingly strong.

To give a simple example, when Leaf Elf is used at low color level, it will increase the special attack and special defense by about 50 points, but when used at blue level and purple level, it will increase the dual attribute blessing by about 100 points. Somewhat scary.

Simply put, it is an attribute blessing skill that changes according to the level of the elf's strength.

Coupled with some long-range skills that Ye Elf has learned about special attacks, it is really even more powerful and beautiful.

After letting Ye Elf learn this new skill, Lin Wen immediately said goodbye to Lijia, the master of Rainbow Gym. After defeating four gyms in a row, there are still three gyms waiting for him to conquer. If nothing else happens, Nibi Gym will be his final challenge.

A good start and a good end, the initial starting point, is also the final stop when the curtain is drawn down.

"Is that the legendary researcher Yang Yan? Sure enough, his strength is terrifying..."

"I heard that he has won the winning badges of three gymnasiums. It is said that in the past ten years, it is very likely that he will win eight consecutive winning badges to participate in the league competition."

"This year's alliance competition in the Guandu area will finally produce a strong competitor."

"The champion of the Guandu region, will it be him?"

Looking at the departing back, the trainers of Rainbow Gym were talking about it, but Miss Lijia showed a curious look, "Being able to cultivate the bond between the elf and herself to this extent, even if it is from other regions. The king of heaven and even the champion may not be able to do it, he is really a powerful man."


After continuing the Rainbow Gym, Lin Wen's fifth challenge gym is the light red gym in the southwest. The gym owner here is A Xing like the original, and she uses a poison-type elf.

It is worth mentioning that the poison-type elves used by A-Xing are all extremely fast elves.

The speed here does not mean that the elf has a fast innate racial attribute, but is trained to be very agile. Their family is a ninja, and they have extremely high requirements for skills. Many difficult fighting skills are combined with poison skills. Somewhat surprising.

But it's just surprising. Against the poison-type elves, Lin Wen is not afraid at all. The existence of Shanaido alone can completely penetrate the four. The double damage bonus of the inverse attribute is combined with the blessing of meditation, concentration and other skills. A skill can almost achieve a spike effect.

As for the so-called extremely fast speed, there is absolutely nothing to hide under the lock of your mind power. The existence of the super energy system is simply the nemesis of the light red gymnasium.

"Researcher Yang Yan, I heard that you have obtained four winning gym badges before you came, and your strength is really strong! Congratulations on your victory here, I have a special reward for you, please accept it. !" A-Xing Taoist Gym Master said with admiration, she worshipped the same strong man as her father.

"Your elf is not bad. It's the first time I have seen an elf with such agile speed." Lin Wen also praised the other party. A Xing's elf gave him more ideas. As he continues to get stronger, he will never relax in training.

The fifth Gym Light Red Gym ends, and the sixth Gym Red Lotus Gym begins.

The sixth Gym, Red Lotus Gym, ends, and the seventh Gym, Rota Gym, begins in 077.

Time flies by in Lin Wen's crazy Gym Challenge. In the blink of an eye, the Gym Challenge has come to the fourth day, and there are still four days left before the start of the Royal Dragon Trial in the Chengdu area!

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