
In the early morning of the fourth day, the city of Nibi, which is full of ancient rocks, was shrouded in sunlight. The Yuejian Mountain in the distance and the rising sun showed a different beauty. The playthings under the Joban Forest gradually recovered and began a new day of life.

A young-looking man stood outside the door of the Nibi Gym, quietly looking at the familiar gym. The word 'Nibi' on the signboard and the rock sculpture made his calm heart stir a little.

"This is the last gym, and the first gym I challenged, Nibi gym."

After Lin Wen sighed softly, he resolutely pushed open the door of the Nibi gymnasium. As soon as he entered, he saw a very familiar man. The slightly dark skin and the smile on his face were very sunny. smiling.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Researcher Yang Yan, no... or it would be more appropriate to call it a quasi-king!"

As soon as Xiaogang started, he said a compliment that made one's heart skip a beat. .

Chapter [-] The Gym Master Who Becomes Stronger

"The quasi-celestial king? I don't dare to follow this sentence. I am still very far away from the quasi-celestial king. At least wait until I win the championship of the local league." Lin Wen shook his head, with a wry smile on his face, but in his heart Secretly rejoicing.

As a Pokémon trainer, nothing makes a Pokémon trainer happier than being recognized by others for yourself and your Pokémon.

Xiaogang shook his head and said seriously: "I have a rigid personality, and I don't know much about joking. I only know that I have won seven consecutive gymnasium battles. Even if it is a heavenly king, it may not be much better than you. Don't underestimate it. The strength of our Gym Master, I heard that you even won the Golden Gym Gym and Aster Gym, which are recognized as quasi-king trainers in the Guandu area.”

Lin Wen didn't answer, but took out the Poké Ball in his pocket and sent him the challenge of the first and last gym in the Guandu area.

"Let's fight, elves fight!!"

"I can't ask for it!!"

The screen shifted, Lin Wen came not to the hidden room behind the gym, but to the central battle gym outside.

On the central training ground, Lin Wen and Xiaogang followed the procedure to declare their names again. The surrounding viewing platform was full of players at some point, and it had long been rumored that the Heart of Yang Yan continued to challenge the gym. .

At first, there were people who kept guessing which gym the Heart of Yang Yan would challenge. When it was the turn of the last Nibi gym, it was pointless to guess. This place was occupied two days ago because of this. The Gym Challenge is likely to be the last Gym challenge before the Heart of Yang Yan game reaches the top!

The first and the last, such a meaningful game, many players want to record it, the Heart of Yang Yan has become the pride of the Huaxia District and the strongest elf trainer in the eyes of the players.

"Is it very familiar, this venue ' 々." Xiaogang squinted his eyes slightly, and asked with no deep meaning.

"Of course, this is the place where Ye Elf and I took off. I still remember that battle in my mind, because... that was the first time I failed. Getting up where I fell and continuing to fight is a strong what should be done.”

Lin Wen showed a smile. It has been more than three months since the challenge. He did not expect that he would come back here so quickly. The design of the Nibi Gym is still the same as before, but his strength has improved by leaps and bounds. improvement.

"As expected of what I call the most talented Pokémon trainer in the league in recent years, it seems that you have fully understood the will of the rock, and I am ready to fight you, come on! Let me test your growing up!"

Xiaogang showed a satisfied smile. He clenched the elf ball in his hand and threw it forward, and summoned his first elf. With a burst of white light, one lived in the stone, only showing strong four-legged and The elf with the head appeared in the battle arena.

That familiar elf was the elf that Lin Wen fought against for the first time last time.

A slight difference is that the level of Longlongyan seems to have improved a lot compared to the last battle.

Rumble Rock


Template: Boss Level

Strength evaluation: light green level

In the countless gym challenges, not only are the players growing, but the strength of the gym owner is also slowly improving. Compared with the last Longlongyan, its current level has increased by five levels, and the strength evaluation has changed from the previous Zhonghuang. The level has been raised to the light green level, which has improved two strength levels.


Lin Wen laughed dumbly, without any hesitation, he also summoned his elf, "Minas, it's you!"

Like a stream of water, Minas appeared in the battlefield. The red eyes gave people a soft and calm feeling, and the golden fan tail slowly unfolded, with amazing beauty.

Long Longyan played against Minas, and the scene in front of him was exactly the same as last time. However, the last battle was entirely dependent on Minas and Lin Wen’s sneak attack. Whether this time he could directly defeat the opponent from the front is still unknown.

The training direction of Minas itself determines that its strength is slightly inferior in one-on-one battles. Minas, who is a meat shield, tends to assist, which is why Lin Wen does not use it in various gym challenges. It is the root cause of the choice as the main force.

However, in the seven consecutive Gym Challenge matches, Minas' level has also been greatly improved, coupled with the evolution of the super-low level boss level, he is also a powerful elf that cannot be underestimated.



Template: Boss Level (Flash)

Strength evaluation: dark yellow level

".々Longlongyan vs. Minas, start now!"

The referee waited until the two sides summoned their respective elves, and immediately declared the start of the game.

"Minas, the water column circle!"

Lin Wen first put a layer of BUFF on Minas, Minas' fan-shaped tail slammed the ground, and a stream of water suddenly surrounded his body. The water column circle can continue to restore Minas' blood for a long time. It's a bit weird to use this skill first, but it's the best way to prevent Rumble Rock from dashing forward like last time.

"Have you learned how to defend?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Xiaogang's mouth, and he was also instructing his own elf, "Longlongyan (good), use rock blasting!"


Longlongyan shouted excitedly twice, tearing apart the huge surrounding rocks, and the rock in his hand was thrown in the direction of Minas like a cannonball.

"Get out of the way!"

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