Lin Wen immediately made a sound, Minas twisted his body, his speed was nearly half faster than usual, and he avoided the attack of four rock blasts almost instantly.

It is the effect of the water column circle!

While covering the body of Minas, the water also triggered the effect of the Linwen Ocean Messenger and its own friend of the sea, and the attributes and speed of the six circumferences were greatly improved.

"Minas, surf!"

It's too late to say it's too soon, the moment Minas avoided the attack of Longlongyan, he also launched his first round of attack towards Longlongyan. .

Chapter [-] Surfing Clearance


A faint blue appeared on Minas' body, and the golden fan-shaped Lin tail crowded the ground.

Accompanied by a crisp cry that penetrated the gymnasium, the rocky field without the slightest moisture suddenly rolled up a huge wave, and slapped towards the rumbling rock in front of it.

Surfing can be said to have the largest range of all water-based skills, and a few powerful skills that can reverse the battlefield. It is almost as incomprehensible as earthquakes in field battles, because the range is really terrifying, and it even has the name of the strongest clearing skills.


Xiaogang was slightly startled, his expression became a little dignified, and Longlongyan was a little dangerous, because the area covered by surfing was not only groundwater, but also the slap of huge waves. In such a small area of ​​​​the battle field, there was no room for dodging, and he could only resist hard. Come down, "There's nothing you can do, Long Longyan, use the defense roll!"

Like a jenny turtle, Long Longyan hid his body under his shell, and his defense ability was greatly increased in an instant.

"Ordinary defense can't stop Minas' attack, Xiaogang Gym Master!"

Lin Wen showed a successful smile. The 540 wave was just the first horn to change the terrain and launch an attack. More powerful offensive methods were still behind. Xiaogang's choice of defense was undoubtedly the best time for him to take action. "Minas, tornado!"

Minas' ruby-like eyes flashed with determination, and while controlling the surf, he rolled up his tail to create a huge whirlwind.

The next moment, the powerful surf and the violent tornado swept together, hitting the rumbling rock in the center. The skill that could only deal damage once produced a terrifying superposition effect, and continuous bursts were generated from it, like a sea god. anger.

Swish swish!

The tornado lasted only five seconds, but the moment the tornado ended, the rocky field no longer existed.

Long Longyan had already collapsed in the center, his eyes were in circles, and he had lost his fighting consciousness. The damage of four times the inverse attribute was completely beyond the ability of a defensive skill to resist.

"Longlongyan lost his fighting consciousness, Minas wins!"

The referee broke out in a cold sweat and immediately declared the victory of Minas.

(bdfi) When Minas defeated Long Longyan, two golden lights quickly appeared on his body, and with the high amount of experience growth equipment on Lin's tattoo, he directly improved by two levels in a battle! !

"Nice job, Minas!"

Lin Wen praised aloud, the rock system gym is the experience extraction package of Minas, and it had no chance to take action in the previous seven gyms, this time it should be its turn to show its strength.

"What a powerful combination skill!"

The well-informed Xiaogang couldn't help but sigh, what Ronglong strengthened was not only defense, but also special defense, but even when using the defense roll, he was still instantly killed by the opponent, which shows that this combination of skills is terrifying. to what extent.

"In that case, Fossil Pterosaur!!"

Xiaogang was silent for a while, flashed a resolute color, and summoned a very powerful elf in his hand, just like the terrifying pterosaurs of the ancient medieval times, the elf with fangs and claws appeared in the field. middle.

It was the fossil pterosaur that Lin Wen did not fight because he gave up the challenge in the last Gym Challenge.

"In the air?"

Lin Wen showed a smile, and Minas' terrifying surf and tornado made Xiaogang's heart vigilant.

Most of the Pokémon he uses are rock-type and ground-type. In addition to the limitation of the range of the battle arena, as long as his elf surfs out, he will only be beaten, so he has to choose the fossil wing that can fly in the air. Long appeared early, otherwise the game would continue to the back, and it would be a one-sided crush.

Pursuing advantages and avoiding disadvantages is also what Pokémon trainers should do.

But Lin Wen didn't do that. He didn't replace Minas and let Shanaido, who was easier to deal with the flying elf, play because he had enough confidence.

"You didn't choose to replace the elf. It seems that you have a very high level of confidence in your own elf's strength." Xiaogang's expression did not change, of course he would not feel that the other party released water, nor would there be any He was merciful, because this Minas, who had learned to surf before him, deserved to be taken seriously.

If one is not careful, his entire rock-type elf army will be destroyed in the hands of this Minas.

"Fossil pterosaur, use high-speed movement!"

At the beginning of the game, Xiaogang immediately accelerated the fossil pterosaur.

The flying elf's blood volume is inherently low. After seeing the growth and strength of Minas, he does not dare to take a water cannon from the opponent in front of him.

The Fossil Pterosaur understood the intention of his trainer, and flapped his wings violently. The speed was too fast, but now he could only see a faint afterimage. The former air tyrant lived up to his reputation, and his strength was terrifying!

"Minas, use the voice of charm!"

In the face of this high-speed tactic, Lin Wenzhi chose a super-large-scale sonic attack. The beautiful but deadly sound spread quickly in the air, and the blood volume of the fossilized pterosaur in the air decreased by a section, but unfortunately it was not able to. Trigger the charm effect, and it's still surprisingly fast.

Not only that, but at the same time that Minas launched the sound of charm, Xiaogang boldly let the Fossil Pterosaur launch a dash and onslaught, charging towards Minas like a dive bomber.

"Fossil pterosaur, use Thunder Fang!"

The fossilized pterosaur had a wide mouth, revealing saw-shaped teeth.

The next moment, those sharp teeth were already biting into Minas' body, and the huge power of thunder and lightning sensed the opponent's whole body, and it was lucky to trigger the paralysis effect.

"Fossil pterosaur, continue to attack, use Crush!"

Xiaogang's expression flashed with joy, and he hurriedly launched the next battle order, allowing the fossilized pterosaur to pursue the victory, with a mouth and serrations with a strong bite force, and a little bit of Minas's blood.

Lin Wen watched quietly from the side, his elf was continuously attacked without much panic, and he didn't even use the 'freshness' ability that comes with Minas' state solution, because Minas's blood volume was low. The reduction is almost pitiful, and two consecutive skills do not even damage a quarter of the HP! .

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