The No. [-] team of the Lingxi team in front of him, although only No. [-], is completely different from the ordinary team. At least the captain gave him a very good impression.

"The team of the Lingxi Union?"

Lin Wen showed a smile of approval. There is no need for him to be cold, not to mention that the other party also recognized his strength. The sentence Yang Yan did not mean to pinch or please, but a real approval. Four or three" respected and jokingly called.

"Soul lament, captain of Lingxi No. [-] team, it's an honor to meet you."

Soul lamented his self-introduction, and immediately proposed a transaction option to Lin Wen, and handed over all the things prepared in advance, "Yes, this is the item that the president asked me to give you, please accept it."

"it is good."

Lin Wen nodded and began to check those items. This time, the items on the list of Yulong's trial may be indispensable, otherwise even his strength will be greatly reduced.

At the same time, Soul Lamented that the team members in the back were also observing the player who had been at the top since the game started, and began to discuss sparsely.

"This is the Heart of Yang Yan?"

"It's similar to what I saw on the video. I didn't expect that such a strong expert is actually a person of our consonance."

"It is said that it is a master who was signed by the president at a large price."

"Oh, it's no wonder that Lingxi Union is number one in China. It's strange that you can't raise such a top player under such good conditions. If I get so many resources, I can still reach that position. Those elves are really good. horrible."

"What you said is wrong. How do you explain that leaf elf, the earliest boss-level elf, and one of the current overlord-level elf."

"Hmph, anyway, I'm not convinced. Each team has different resource ratios, and the strength of the elves they cultivate is also different. This is a game that relies on elves, and the extent to which the players can play is limited."

These players were speaking in the team voice, and although their lips twitched, no sound came out.

Soul lamented and frowned, a little unable to bear it, and said aloud: "Okay, pay attention, people can achieve this level more rely on their own strength, don't always think that the elves are strong, now players It is also very important to occupy the proportion of the battle, not to mention that if you give you resources, you will be able to train a elf who is one with yourself? First, find a way to fill up the favorability of your elf and develop a bond skill."

Soul lament is worthy of being the captain, with a majestic tone in his tone, which makes the team members in the back instantly quiet down. They all know that the captain admires the heart of Yang Yan very much.

For these players, the souls themselves are very helpless, but it is a fact that many people are not convinced by the heart of Yang Yan, especially when they know that the other party is a member of their consonance union, that jealousy almost spews out, as professional players, their operations and The consciousness is all top-level, but the strength of the elves is incomparable. The main force of the Heart of Yang Yan is released, and it can crush their existence.

As these unsatisfactory guys said before, Elves Century is a game about watching elves. If the gap between elves is too big, no matter how much the trainer commands, it will have no effect.

As for how to make the elf stronger, other than desperately feeding high-level props and treasures to promote evolution, other methods have little effect.

However, as a senior member of Lingxi, Soul has some friendship with Lingfeng. At that time, he was only a team leader of a hundred teams. When he heard that the heart of Yang Yan belonged to their Lingxi, he also thought that the heart of Yang Yan The elves of the guild are all spent by the union to stack up, otherwise, how can individual players have the spare energy to cultivate so many elves, because they can't do it, so they think others can't do it. …

But when he heard Ling Feng personally admit that Yang Yan's heart cultivating his main elves hardly occupied the labor union resources, he was directly blinded.

That is to say, the Heart of Yang Yan did not rely on the Lingxi Union, but used his own hands to create such an invincible elf army. It is true that the Lingxi Union is holding back, and it is true that it has been helped many times, otherwise it is impossible to become so strong.

After understanding all kinds of things, Soul lamented and took back the jealousy in his heart, and began to explore and study the game desperately. The adjustment of his mentality and hard work finally made him a member of the top trade union in the Lingxi trade union. This sudden rise of the master is very surprising, and can even be described as genius.

Now that he was transferred from the No. [-] team, and the captain who was here to train the No. [-] member team, he was not the stunned young man for a long time. It was because of this that he was sure that this Yang Yan Heart was very, very terrifying. It can even be described as against the sky.

Everyone was bewildered by the halo outside him. Although Yang Yan was a member of the Lingxi Guild, he was actually the strongest.

Lin Wen didn't hear those whispers, so naturally he wouldn't have much reaction. After carefully checking the props handed over by the other party in 3.1, he said to himself, "I have received everything, I wish you good luck in advance, and, Since they all know each other, just call me by my name."

"Wait, Yang Yan Da... brother." Soul lamented and temporarily changed his tune.

"..." Lin Wen looked at him.

"I received news from President Lingfeng that the three major trade unions in the Chengdu area are a little dissatisfied with our Lingxi participating in the Royal Dragon Trial, and it seems that some actions will be taken against us, let us be careful, Brother Yangyan, you too Be careful, if you encounter a situation that you can't deal with, you can come to us, I have a map in the thing I gave you, there are dragon cave points we may go to, and we will take care of each other at that time." Soul lamented. .

Chapter [-] Open the Dragon Cave

Although he had already said it very euphemistically, Lin Wen could still hear that this guy seemed to be a little too concerned about himself.

However, Guandu and Chengdu are on the same quartz plateau. On the bright side, they are consistent with the outside world. In fact, the situation is already the same in the dark, not to mention a stable situation in the Chengdu area. The participation of any party will destroy the balance.

At this time, the Lingxi Union participated in the Royal Dragon Trial. Obviously, it was a military exercise to send an offensive horn to the unions in the urban area. Even if the three unions raised a counterattack at the same time, it was very possible. For this, even Lin Wen had to Defense, especially the money hunter union, can do anything after being stabbed by him on the forum.

"Okay, I remember."

Lin Wen glanced at him, nodded lightly, and left here immediately.

"Captain, it's useless for you to be so friendly. God Yang Yan didn't like us at all." One of the team members said sourly, dissatisfied with Lin Wen's attitude.

Nowadays, the attitude of the union in the urban area is very obvious. As the number one expert of the Lingxi union, 13 parties have no intention of cooperating with their own team members, which is really annoying.

The soul sighed and turned around and grabbed him, saying: "Don't say it, if you want to gain the approval of others, you need your own efforts, not the help of others, just prepare, we will go in soon, this time we It’s hard to fight for the opportunity to enter the Dragon Cave, and you must get more resources, otherwise you will only be pulled further and further by the first team, and there is no point in complaining.”

The rest of the team members stared at him blankly, all fell silent, and in the end they could only bury their heads deeply and nodded in response.

Lin Wen didn't pay too much attention to the professional players of the Lingxi Guild, but the attitude of the soul sighed just now, and he muttered casually: "If you can help, just help a little bit, otherwise Ling That guy Feng is going to complain that I'm not doing my job properly."

After taking the things away, Lin Wen waited in the square near Yanmo City. He also had a very cute teammate. He couldn't guarantee how interesting the trip would be, but accompanied by this little girl with a mysterious origin, always There will be some unexpected joys, and the other party is like an interesting lucky general, which is why he is willing to team up with Little Night Cat.

Time passed slowly, and there were still five minutes before the Royal Dragon Trial began. During the long wait, Lin Wen and the cute night cat finally met in the square. A pretty and petite girl hurried towards here.

"Sorry, it's a little late." The cute night cat stuck out his tongue and panted slightly.

"It's okay, it's not too late, it's better to come by coincidence." Lin Wen smiled playfully, and roughly looked at the time, oh - I'm more than an hour late, what I said just now is in vain. Will pull myself into a nearly doomed start from the very beginning.


The cute night cat wrinkled his nose aggrieved, but the next second he screamed out.

Ignoring her resistance, Lin Wen directly carried her up, and Ye Elf appeared along with it. Now it can be said that time is racing against time, ignoring the other party's alarmed complaints, he said lightly: "If you don't hurry, maybe it will be because of It was too late to arrive at the opening scene and was eliminated, although it was a bit reckless, but who let me meet a kid who likes to act like a baby and pretend to be an adult."

Obviously, Lin Wen couldn't give up this trial related to the ice elf because of the cute night cat, and he didn't want to abandon this little girl who once gave him a huge opportunity, so he had to forcefully take away such a crazy person. practice.

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