As the Royal Dragon Trial is about to begin, more and more members of the Royal Dragon appear in the Shanyan Village of Yanmo City. This is a major event in the Chengdu area, and it is also a major event for their family. Dragon Temple, in the center is a deep temple with a huge stone statue of Kuailong, and at the back is the entrance to the dragon cave. There are many players with their heads stretched out beside them. There are about a hundred people in a little count. These outer villagers and Yulong The family members stand in different ranks.

Those players who participated in the Royal Dragon Trial and who came to watch them deeply headed and looked inside. The image of the dragon cave in their hearts instantly became concrete. The dark dragon cave was extremely deep, like a huge mouth that devoured everything.

It is said to be a dragon cave, but it is not, because it is not like a cave in the traditional sense, but a hollowed-out cave, full of stalactites and lagoons that can be seen everywhere.

It is said that this is a residence specially built by the ancestors of the Yulong family according to the habits of dragon-type Pokémon. In this way, it can explain why so many dragon-type elves are willing to stay here, and after countless years have passed. , The interior of the Dragon Cave has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

There is no doubt that they are all made by the dragon-type elves inside. Don't doubt the brains of the dragon-type elves. They can think like three-year-old children when they are half a month old. They are definitely very smart creatures.

220 In the center of the Dragon Temple, an old man who was almost in his sixties held a file, walked slowly to the Kuailong stone statue, and began to announce the entrance ceremony.

"In the 270th year of the history of the elves, the earliest dragon elves of our family were born in this world and survived in darkness, fire and heat. They are the greatest and powerful species, unyielding to any enemy, we inherit this With the will, the Yulong family was established under the protection of the dragon. The Yulong did not control the dragon, but regarded it as his companion and friend to live together. How to get the recognition and respect of the dragon elves and create a world of co-existence , is the truth we have been exploring..."

The elder of the Yulong family first explained the origin and long history of the Yulong family, and then slowly entered the topic, but this explanation did not give people a boring feeling, but made people listen with interest.

In fact, many players are immersed in the latter's words, and some people even seriously think about its meaning.

The Royal Dragon Trial is not as simple as imagined. The real trial will never be such a simple survival battle, but how to obtain the approval of the dragon-type elves. .

Chapter [-] is still coquettish

Dragons are sacred and arrogant by nature. It is more difficult than ordinary elves to get the recognition of the other party, but the moment of success will also make them stronger than usual. This is also the reason why dragons are worshipped and fascinated by people.

"After a hundred years, our Yulong family once again sent human warriors into the dragon cave, hoping to be favored and recognized by the great dragon. The legendary dragon will be in the crust of the world, watching our progress."

The elder of the Yulong family narrated the opening remarks, and immediately entered the topic, throwing the file in his hand into the closed stove burning in the center, which contained the names of all the players who participated in the event.

Open the lid, put in the fire.


At the moment when the dossier was thrown in, the flames in the furnace were raging, illuminating everyone's faces instantly.

"Go ahead, warriors!"

As soon as the voice fell, all players heard a message from the system.

"Ding Dong, the Royal Dragon has officially started. All players who are allowed to participate can enter. The entrance to the Dragon Cave will be completely blocked in five minutes. Please enter quickly. Players who cannot enter within five minutes will lose their participation in the Royal Dragon Trial. Qualifications."

Hearing this reminder, everyone's mood became excited, and at the same time they were a little worried, because what the elder of the Yulong family just said made them a little concerned.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, isn't it a dragon-type elf? After being blown so hard, it is only a elf after all. As long as the elf ball is in hand, there is no elf that our players can't conquer!"

"Yes! We are players, there is no need to obey the words of those NPCs who are only half-intelligent!"

"It's time to show the real skills and let them know who is the master of this world, I can't wait to see me riding a big dragon and rushing out of the dragon cave!"

Players encouraged each other, and most of these people were lucky enough to qualify for the competition, commonly known as half-baked.

Looking at the professional team of the Great Guild, most of them calmly divide their labor, and summon their own elves to enter the dragon cave in turn like those of the Yulong family members. This is undoubtedly a very smart approach. When there are no clues, Following the NPC will undoubtedly allow players to explore the truth of subsequent events.

I heard that the heart of Yang Yan also participated in the trial of the dragon, and many players are looking for his figure, and it is impossible to compete with the legendary god, but even so, they have to bite the bullet and continue to play, Longdong There are too many things in it. Spirit Age is a game that can soar to the sky as long as it encounters an opportunity. No one can resist the temptation brought by the dragon cave.

But after searching for a long time, no one has found the location of Yang Yan's heart. They all show disappointment. It is probably because the other party is hiding too well and does not want others to know his whereabouts. Otherwise, even if he hides his name, he will not be able to hide from the players .

However, a team in black attracted their attention. No one knew their origins, because nothing was written on the team uniforms, they were all hidden names, and they even wore masks on their faces. Forced the interpretation of the word to the limit.

If it's not the mental retardation of the mother, it is a mysterious master.

All teams will keep this strange team in their hearts. There will always be various folk masters in the wizard century, which should not be underestimated.

But for most players, this is just a minor episode, and players pay more attention to the order of entry and those guild players and Yulong family members who enter first.

"Damn, I was preempted!"

"Why don't you let us in?"

"Follow up, players in the big guild should have a lot of inside information."

"Be sure to get a powerful dragon-type elf!!"

The players were clamoring and shoving, and it didn’t take long for the participating players and the members of the Yulong family to enter the dragon cave one after another. Words like 'Dragon God' and 'Guardian' can be heard.

Just as the Dragon Cave was about to close, a green figure falling from the sky suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

Its feet are like the wind, its body is like a flying arrow, and its tame as a gust of wind, the leaf elf dashes on the rock wall, like a elf dancing in the forest, the steep and severe terrain can't affect its speed at all, and it ran to the Dragon Temple in the blink of an eye. below.

The scene suddenly fell silent, and everyone stared blankly at the late man.

".々Is that little elf..."

"It's Ye Elf, definitely Ye Elf, I said, why can't I find the Great God of Yang Yan, it turns out that he wasn't there at all!"

"Damn it, look who is behind the Heart of Yang Yan? A girl!"

Still so coquettish, still so powerful.

When Lin Wen heard the system prompt, he was so startled that he was about to break out in a cold sweat, but he would be chased by city police officers, and he would be chased by the Ye Elf in a frantic racing car, and he still caught up with the last dozen or so when the Royal Dragon Trial closed at the end. seconds.

"Elder Yulong, I'm sorry I'm late. I'm the heart of Yang Yan of the Alliance. You should have the admission quota. I'll go in first, and I'll apologize to you later. I'm sorry I'm in a hurry."

Lin Wen slightly slowed down Ye Elf's speed, (Zhao Nuozhao) apologetically left that sentence, and rushed in directly from the entrance of the Dragon Cave.

"Heart of Yang Yan? That guy with no manners and sense of time!"

Elder Yulong wanted to catch Lin Wen in a rage. The other party was just insulting their sacred dragon temple. Such a rude guy should be deprived of the qualification to enter the dragon cave, but the other party rode on the elf like a whirlwind, whistling. It came and whistled, and it was almost impossible to catch up, so I could only watch the other party leave.

The players were stunned when they saw this, and then laughed out loud, not expecting that the seemingly serious old man would have such an exaggerated behavior.

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