Looking back, Lin Wen, who was sitting on Ye Elf's back, finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although the process was a little uneasy, he finally entered the Dragon Cave, and the Royal Dragon Trial in the Chengdu area officially kicked off. .

Chapter [-] The first round of battle

"Ding Dong, player 'Heart of Yang Yan', you have come to the unexplored map 'Dragon Cave', you have been rewarded with 3 points of stamina, please work hard to explore more mysterious areas."

"The scene of this trial of the dragon is a special copy, and the dragon cave is a special battle terrain outside the control of the alliance. Any battle in the dragon cave will not be punished by the elf alliance. Please be careful of the people around you, the task of the trial of the dragon Players are required to explore, and it is considered to be approved by the elders of Yulong."

Just after entering the dragon cave, the system sound of the message rang continuously.

"You are really fierce, and you rushed here with Ye Elf."

The cute night cat stared at Lin Wen's performance with jaw-dropping eyes. For a while, it would be difficult for him to recover, and there was a burst of wind in his ears.

"It's not because of you."

Lin Wen glared at her before he could sort out the information.

The cute night cat shrank his head and muttered in a low voice: "Okay, I admit that I was wrong. In fact, I was late for a reason."

"The reason?" Lin Wen was curious.

"You'll know soon, Brother Yang Yan, what kind of place do you think Longdong 697 is?" The cute night cat asked suddenly with a mysterious smile.

Lin Wen, who was asked the question, frowned slightly, and after pondering for a while, he tentatively replied: "Dragon Cave, isn't it the place where dragon elves live?"

"Where the dragon elves live..."

Dummy Night Cat was stunned for a while, but in the end he couldn't help laughing out loud, and even patted Lin Wen's back with tears in his eyes and laughed: "Why have you become so dull, to be able to answer such a classic answer, really It scares me a bit, it's exaggerated enough."

"Isn't it?"

Lin Wen was a little depressed.

"Who asked you such a superficial question, I asked about the properties of the terrain."

The cute night cat saw that he was not enlightened, so he could only cough twice, and explained patiently: "Dragon Cave can maintain the Yulong family standing in the elf alliance for hundreds of years, which proves that it contains almost unlimited resources, dragon-type elf. Not to mention, what about other treasures?"

"Other treasures?"

Lin Wen's accomplishment as a top-level expert is not in vain, it's easy to understand, and there is a flash of excitement in his eyes.

"Are you saying that in addition to the dragon-type elves, there are certain props in the dragon cave that can greatly improve the power of the elves?"

"Of course, otherwise what do you think is the reason for the expansion of the Yulong family, plus the ecological phenomenon that the dragon elves are willing to stay here for a long time, it is enough to prove that this is another hidden area no less than the ecology of Meteor Lake. , but he was completely excavated by the Yulong family." The cute night cat replied confidently.

"So, it's certain that there are treasures in it, it's just to see if the players can dig it out."

"It does make sense, but the Yulong family is very precious to the dragon cave. It has never been opened to the public before, and even the face of the elf alliance is not sold. It can be seen that the treasures inside are very enviable. The reason why it is opened can not resist the elf alliance There should be a reason why most of the treasures have been squeezed dry by the Yulong family." Lin Wen analyzed carefully.

"Yes, if we want to maximize the profit, our goal should not be locked in the dragon-type elf in the dragon cave. Fighting with the valuable leader-level dragon-type elf will definitely cause a sensation, if it is overshadowed by others. , I'm afraid it's too late to cry." The cute night cat nodded lightly with a teachable look.

Lin Wen smiled slightly, but didn't say much. After finding a clear target, he let Ye Elf move on. The cute night cat rode with him and he didn't want to resist, but (bdfb) went with him wholeheartedly. Find the secret of Dragon Cave.

Just entered the dragon cave, the light on the ground floor is not bad, but as the leaf spirit goes deeper, the dragon cave gradually becomes gloomy, the so-called unique cave is undoubtedly a lie.

In terms of geographical characteristics, the climate will gradually become humid in addition to the darker the sun goes down, but the opposite is true for Longdong. The further down the cave, the climate becomes more moderate and even tends to become hotter. The temperature nearby, if nothing else goes deeper, there will be water currents or even hot springs.

After a stick of incense, Lin Wen took the cute night cat for a long distance, and he didn't see any sign of other players, but the dragon-type elf had already begun to emerge.


A unique and loud voice came from the depths of the cave.

Lin Wen looked back instantly, Ye Elf stopped on a stone with a consonant heart, and listened carefully to the southeast. If there is no accident... someone should have started to do it. The goal of everyone who came to the Dragon Cave is clear. It is a powerful dragon-type elf.

Listening to the power of the voice, it is at least a leader-level elf! !

As the level increases, the value of the boss-level elf does not decrease in any way, and it may have begun to depreciate in the hands of the player, but in the wild it is an unquestionable dominance.

"Go and see."

The cute night cat excitedly suggested that she was a little bored after traveling for so long, and a child's patience was eventually limited.

"Okay, let's have a look."

Lin Wen's face flashed a trace of contemplation, they may not take action, but there should be no problem in inquiring about the competitors' information.

What's more, this place is still an unregulated special battle area. Even if it is eliminated or a sudden encounter, the brave one will win. This team is undoubtedly a good thing for him. Previously, he was bound by various rules. Now Finally got to show off.

After nodding lightly, Ye Elf started to move at a high speed in that direction, and the sound in the distance became louder and clearer. After walking for a long time, the road ahead suddenly became wider. This is a natural battle field. The situation also appeared in front of them.

There are three teams facing each other... no, it should be said that there are four teams, and the number of people is about [-].

What a terrible number, this is already one-tenth of the number of participants.

What's going on, is there something strange?Otherwise, what are so many people doing around here...

Lin Wen continued to move forward with doubts. .

Chapter [-] The battle against npc

When he saw what was going on, Lin Wen's eyes shrank suddenly, and the situation was slightly beyond his expectations.

What appeared in front of Lin Wen was not the battle of the dragon-type elves, but the encirclement and suppression of the members of the Yulong family by the three alliance regions!


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