It wasn't hunting elf, but launched an attack on NPC~! !

As expected of players, as long as they are not banned, snatch and battle will always be their mainstream. When there are no rules to restrain such a magical species, most of them will choose to incarnate as beasts to exercise thugs. more effective.

In the Royal Dragon Trial, the members of the Royal Dragon family not only have information on the Dragon Cave, but also the dragon-type elves in their hands are also valuable. As long as there is no bond skill, they can snatch them with special items such as snatch balls. Naturally, it can also reduce competitors.

Three birds with one stone, why not do it?

For players, members of the Yulong family are good prey.

The members of the Yulong family who can participate in the Yulong Trial are indeed elite members who have been trained for a long time. Their strength is not weaker than that of the gym owner. Even if they are surrounded by a temporary alliance team of three players, they will not panic. The huge roar came from the dragon-type elf used by the members of the Yulong family - the double-axe fighting dragon.

At the same time, several elves were summoned. If you look closely, they are all boss-level elves, and they are extremely powerful.

"Good guy!"

Lin Wen couldn't help but sigh.

These guys are really daring and daring. They ignore wild Pokémon, and actually start with the idea of ​​a member of the Yulong family. If the elders of the Yulong family or the people of the Yulong family know about it, they will be arrested. A year and a half in the Union Prison is considered rare.

"You hateful outsiders, actually shot at your compatriots!" A member of the Yulong family who seemed to be the captain stood up and said.

"Compatriots? Hahaha, the intelligent AI will still win sympathy. For us, you are just moving data, or it is more suitable for a moving treasure house. Whether it is worth it for you to make a move." Wearing alliance training The burly man in the teacher's costume laughed, he clapped his hands, and his words changed sharply.

"Don't worry, I'm someone who has been in the game for so long, and the rules will still be followed. As long as you call out the basic topographic map of the Dragon Cave, I'll let you go!"

"Dragon Cave map? We don't have that kind of thing at all." The Yulong family denied it.

The burly man sneered: "Fuck your motherfucker, I have checked the information anyway, your Yulong family has occupied the dragon cave for [-] years, and it is absolutely impossible to say that there is no map of the dragon cave, unless each of you Has the ability to never forget.”

Meow meow meow?

This is a good piece of information.

Lin Wen and the cute night cat looked at each other, both saw the surprise in each other's eyes, they didn't speak, but quietly pricked up their ears.

Lin Wen is not from the Chengdu area, so he should know much less information about the Yulong family. After all, not everything can be found on the forum, and many secret strategies and backgrounds are well thought out. The hidden away, he was happy to be a listener.

"Furthermore, your Royal Dragon Family said it was the Royal Dragon Trial, but in fact it is to give each member of the Royal Dragon Family the opportunity to have a good relationship with the elf who is still in the form of a young dragon, cultivate it from an early age to gain extreme trust, and finally cultivate it. What is the so-called strongest elf, to put it bluntly, it is just a routine."

As soon as these words came out, the five people behind the Yulong family suddenly fell silent...

The captain of the Yulong family also became extremely ugly. Obviously, he didn't hit any weakness. He retorted loudly: "At least every member of our Yulong family is seriously getting along with the elf. Is there any reason for this? Is something wrong?"

"Of course there is!"

The burly man grinned and continued to attack the other party's confidence: "If you say that your Yulong family is just for the sake of the dragon-type elves, and I have nothing to say to influence and get close to those elves, but your Yulong family has long been When I found the Dragon Cave [-] years ago, I had already made a plan, and I was infected with the poison called right, and the dragon-type elf is, to put it bluntly, a tool for your Royal Dragon family to enter the City Capital Alliance."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

"Oh, don't be in a hurry to deny it, you can take a look at the power of your Yulong family in the Chengdu area today. It can be called the elf search, one of the three most important positions in the alliance. Eighty percent of the officials are you, and you can't deny this alone. When the alliance area wanted to open the Dragon Cave area, it was opposed by your Yulong family. The act of blocking the area as your own back garden is not to protect the little ones. What the elf family can do is to beautify their actions to prevent the cruel dragon-type elf from hurting others, and it took nearly [-] years to open up because it couldn't resist the power of public opinion."

0 ...

"As a member of the Yulong family, you should know more about these things than me, and of course there is a possibility that you may be deceived by your superiors. What I want to know now is how you feel after listening to what I said. Come on, let's talk about it, I'm really interested in the background story of the Elf world." The burly man asked with a smile.

The people of the Yulong family were silent, perhaps because they didn't know the truth, or because they were told the core.

Seeing that the other party was still silent, those unknowing players all became angry, and their eyes suddenly became cold. Those who were originally resistant to the action against the NPC also summoned their own elf.

"He's really a terrible man. His exposed wisdom can't be concealed by his appearance." Lin Wen showed a smile, and the other party justified his actions in a few words. If it wasn't for the situation, he couldn't even bear it. Live to applaud each other.

However, the cute night cat patted him in the back and whispered: "You are still in the mood to laugh, those people of the Yulong family are going to suffer, and no one can protect them except you.".

Chapter three hundred and fortieth dragon cave melee

"You want me to go down and save them?"

Lin Wen raised his eyebrows and asked with interest.

"Of course it's taking advantage of the fire, the snipe and the clam compete, and the fisherman wins!"

The cute night cat showed a black-bellied smile, and the little girl's sense of justice was lost as early as when she heard the words of the burly man.

"Hahaha, you little stupid cat didn't expect to have a brain, and you actually know how to take advantage of the fire."

Lin Wen smiled with satisfaction, his thoughts and the other party accidentally overlapped. He has always been a professional player. The so-called professional player literacy is to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and to maximize all the benefits as much as possible. Get it into your own hands.

Not only that, the identity of the man also caught his attention. The opponent's team uniform "[-]" has the logo of the Hellfire Union. If the information Lingfeng gave him is correct, the other party is the number one of the Hellfire Union. Master, Nirvana!

He Lin Wen took a deep look at the already incomparable scene below his eyes, and said in a low voice, "The people in the Chengdu area are all my enemies, but now is not the time to take action."

"It seems that you have no intention of denying it, and you are not willing to hand over the map. In this case, we have to break it out from your hands. Because of the previous rules, we have no chance to take action. This time is different, humanoid monsters. I really don't know if it will be shipped or not." The burly man gestured to the person beside him.

The latter nodded clearly, and without hesitation, let his elf launch the attack first. It was a elf wearing a white carapace and two long black horns on its head. There was no doubt that it was the Ice Element. Elf Ice Ghost Guardian, players who participated in the Royal Dragon Trial can say that everyone has an ice elf in their hands.

"Ice Ghost Protector, use Frozen Light!"

The Ice Ghost Protector made a strange cry, and a dark blue light spit out from the gap in the white carapace, and sprayed it towards the huge battle dragon that was standing in front of everyone.

"Double axe and dragon, hold on!"

The owner of the Double Axe Fighting Dragon reacted immediately. The slight slowdown showed that he was hesitant, and he didn't even fight back. Obviously, the burly man's words just now had a great impact on them.

"How dare you resist? Kill them all!"

"Fuck the Yulong family!"

"Everyone do it!"

When the players saw the battle, they let their little elves follow along. They had been waiting for this moment for a long time, but they lacked a reason to do so.

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