In less than half a minute, the outcome was immediately decided.


Hellfire team's tactical victory!

Cold-blooded, calm, powerful, with a wonderful expression that is unforgettable, an absolute rival!

"Kill them!"

Nirvana said indifferently, and a large number of elves under his command launched a collective attack. Without the protection of elves, they only had a dead end.

"It's almost time."

At the same time, Lin Wen, who was watching from the high platform, showed a smile, and finally found an opportunity. When the other party was about to receive the goods, he rushed out like a tiger in the mountains, and the elf ball held between his fingers was like a goddess scattered flowers. .

"Come out to fight, Lucario, Shanaido, Nine Tails!!"

Accompanied by several white lights, a powerful team of elves descended from the sky and reappeared in the players' field of vision.

"Stop it! Shanaido!"


Shanaido fell to the ground in an instant, his body suddenly opened a barrier, and several ferocious elf cannonballs were directly separated from the outside, and all the members of the Yulong family were saved.

"Heart of Yang Yan?"

Nirvana's eyes shrank suddenly. At present, the only elf who understands the super shield is the Heart of Yang Yan. If such an obvious signature skill is not recognized, he can really jump off the building as a hostile.

"I'm sorry, I keep these people useful, can you give them to me?" Lin Wen showed a smile.

"I didn't expect that the heart of Yang Yan is also a fellow. I don't know what others will think if it is spread out." Nirvana said in a solemn tone, and his anger was suppressed above the muzzle of the gun.

"Yeah, I'm also very curious about what it will look like. People from the Hellfire Union would actually do something like blackmail NPCs. The premise is that you have the courage and life to get out of here. The script is always written by the winner, right? "Lin Wen retorted lightly, his expression not shaken in the slightest.

"Damn! Kill him!"

Nirvana almost clenched his teeth and issued a battle order.

He is not reconciled, he must not let the boiled duck fly away so easily, the elves of the Yulong family were all defeated by them, and now they are just unarmed waste people, like a fruit that can be planted at will, but unexpectedly by the other party Inserting one hand horizontally is really annoying.


"Ice Ghost Guardian, use Frozen Wind!"

"Super Miaomiao, use mental shock!"

Hellfire's team is not good either. Even in the face of the top-notch Yang Yan Xin, he did not hesitate to fight. The elf under his command seemed to be tireless in the continuous battle, and the skills that erupted were as ferocious as a fort.

"You still have the heart to fight with me?"

Lin Wen frowned. He didn't expect that the other party would actually dare to make a move. Now the Hellfire Union is in a state like a biscuit, and provoking him is undoubtedly the stupidest choice.

The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie. Since the other party chooses to be stupid, he will be sent to hell.

"Leaf elf, block those attacks with parasitic seeds!"

Ye Elf nodded and threw a large amount of seeds out with a single horn. When it hit the ground, it turned into countless vines, blocking all those attacks abruptly.

Lin Wen saw the situation clearly, and without hesitation, he counterattacked, "Lucario, nine tails, while now, they will be handed over to the two of you!"

Between the words, Lucario and Nine Tails rushed out at the same time, all of them militants. .

The three hundred and fortieth chapters completely extinguish the hell fire

Lucario is like an agile master assassin, sprinting at a high speed on the vines of the Leaf Elf, storing a large amount of waveguide power in both hands, and slamming into the ground at the moment of appearance.


The ferocious force spreads around, the earth vibrates and undulates violently, protruding large swathes of rocks, and the ferocious seismic wave of the [-]th-level skill oscillates like a storm, sending the hellfire team together with the elf to the sky. .

At the same time, not to be outdone, the nine tails launched a side attack, and a large number of fireworks were sprayed out, mixed with a dazzling white demon fox fire.

"Ice Ghost Protector, dodge!"

Under the command of the trainer, the ice ghost guard fluttered and tried to dodge.

The rest of the fireballs did well, but the demon fox fire with its own navigation was completely unreasonable. It bypassed the rocks of Lucario and slammed into the elf of the Hellfire Union, bursting out a beautiful spark. .

-186, -65, -67, -62…

Huge damage floated out of Ice Ghost Protector's head, followed by a series of burning effects.

It is true that Nine-Tails' single demonic fox fire has limited damage, but the subsequent burning effect of more than ten seconds is definitely a countdown to death, which is more frightening and effective than any skill.

Just when everyone thought that the attack of the Heart of Yang Yan was over, two blue and green shadows suddenly fell from the sky, accompanied by a petite and exquisite figure.

"And me, don't forget me!"

The cute night cat who has been hiding behind appeared. The elves beside her are Shanaido and Jiahe Ninja. There are still very few players who can summon two elves, and the advanced trainer qualification certificate is not so good. Take, being able to summon two elves to fight at the same time is enough to prove her strength.

"Koga ninja frog, flying water shuriken' .!"

The wind was blowing from the foot of the Koga Ninja frog, and it bounced continuously on the ground. The moment it turned over in the air, five water waves condensed in the air, turning into a high-speed spinning shuriken and quickly slashed at the opponent.

"There are still people?"

The faces of the members of the Hellfire Guild became extremely bleak. Dealing with a heart of Yang Yan and a money hunter gave Ren a headache. Unexpectedly, there were still people who took advantage of the fire. The super power Miao Miao he used was directly taken away by the shuriken. Final blood volume.

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