"Oh, there are still living ones, kill them all together!"

The cute night cat showed a smile, and she did not have the restraint of being a cute girl at all, and the battle was full of flames.

In the blink of an eye, the elf of the Hellfire Guild Six was wiped out!

The money hunter guild, who is watching every move here from the rear, almost burst into laughter. They used to be the heart of Yang Yan too well to understand the true strength of the heart of Yang Yan, let alone five top Hellfire guilds shooting at the same time, even if they All the teams who participated in the Royal Dragon Trial entered, and they definitely came back lying down.

The heart of Yang Yan is unfathomable!

Before you have absolute certainty, you must not shoot at him!

However, Nirvana, the captain of Hellfire, was swept away by his anger, and he actually fought against the Heart of Yang Yan while being double-teamed by the Money Hunter Guild.

"I don't want to shoot at you. The elves are all kind creatures. You can do it yourself. Without the elves, you are already disqualified in this game."

Lin Wen didn't do too much. He didn't want his elf hands to be stained with any human blood, and even killing them would have no meaning. Only letting them walk out of this dragon cave with their own feet would be the most meaningful punishment.

After he finished speaking, he took the Yulong family and left in the other direction. His handsome back was not guarded at all, and he was not afraid that others would do something to him.

"Heart of Yang Yan, I will write down the account this time!"

Nirvana was so angry that he was about to explode. He clenched his hands into fists and stared at the back. In the end, he could only watch the other party leave. There was no elf player in the Elf Century, and it was no different from being deprived of his hands.

"Goodbye~, Mr. Hellfire."

The cute night cat showed a little devil's smile, and while keeping up with Lin Wen, he also waved to the other players behind him, showing his intentions.

After walking for a distance, Lin Wen stopped. To be precise, he was stopped by the suspicious shout of the cute night cat.

"Brother Yang Yan, why didn't you clean up the money hunter union just now? With your ability, there should be no problem." The cute night cat came to him and asked curiously.

"Because I don't want to be the second Hellfire Guild." Lin Wen shook his head, admitting he was cowardly.

".々The second Hellfire union?" The cute night cat didn't quite understand.

Lin Wen glanced at her and said indifferently, "You think we are the only ones standing by? You may not feel it without Lucario, but I know very well that there are at least two other groups on the nearby rock walls. The players of the union. The most worrying thing about Dragon Cave is not the players, but the weird terrain. You never know where the enemy is coming from, so it's best to be cautious, even I may not be able to fight in this weird terrain. Defeat members of four unions at the same time."

The cute night cat opened his mouth wide, and was really stunned.

She really hadn't thought that it was so far away. If it wasn't for the other party reminding her, she would have thought that there were only a few of them present. Who would have known that there were still two teams hiding?

When he came back to his senses, the cute night cat's eyes changed completely, just like the little stars flashing in the night sky.

In fact, there are still more things that Lin Wen has not said yet, such as using the Hellfire Guild to stand up, the impact of a battle is not that simple.

"Why, don't believe me?" Lin Wen stopped.

"No, I've decided to take you as my teacher, and teach me yin people in the future!" The cute night cat clasped his hands together and said such a nonsensical sentence.


Lin Wen's breath stagnated, and then he tapped her on the head, and said with a serious face, "Is your head broken?"

"No, no, I'm very serious." The cute night cat blinked.

Is this guy for real?

Lin Wen stared at her in surprise for a while, then shook his head and said, "I can't teach you, you are darker than me, how dare I teach you."

The cute night cat pursed his lips in dissatisfaction, and just stared at him resentfully without speaking. .

Chapter [-] Get the map

Lin Wen looked elsewhere as if he didn't see it, he didn't dare to pick up the oil bottle, it was useless to be cute.

In the end, it was the members of the Yulong family who broke the deadlock.

"Thank you for saving me, those guys are just beasts, they actually use elves to do this kind of thing!" The captain of the Yulong family stood up.

"It's alright. Speaking of which, I still have a good relationship with your family. The Heavenly King Yulongdu specially gave me the qualification to participate in the Yulong Trial. I am the heart of Yang Yan." Lin Wen looked at them with a smile.

"Heart of Yang Yan? Is that the Yang Yan researcher who challenged nine gyms in a row and won eight winning badges!?" The captain's face changed suddenly, and he was not involved in the matter of Yulongdu, but Yang Yan researcher He has heard a lot about a trainer and researcher who has been in the limelight recently.

That astonishing combat power is already comparable to that of ordinary Heavenly Kings, also known as quasi-kings players. It is said that he is the most promising super player in the league in recent years to become the new Heavenly King, and even to become the regional champion.

"It's probably me..."

A suspicious look flashed in Lin Wen's eyes.

His test just now was aimed at the Yulong family as a whole, to see if they had targeted him because of this incident, but he didn't expect that the Yulong family team that participated in the Yulong trial would not know it.

It seems that he thinks too much.

Yulongdu really wanted to test his own strength, not to make himself ugly.

Although this information could not directly prove the purity of the Yulong family, it let him know that Yulongdu was not a despicable and shameless villain, but was really thinking about the choice of the elf master and the future of the elf alliance.

It seems that saving these guys is not without benefits.

"I didn't expect you to have a relationship with the next head of our Yulong family, but this has nothing to do with us. We were attacked inadvertently. We will repay this kindness." The leader of the Yulong family The captain was very stubborn, he did not escape because of his previous polite words, but formally bowed to him.

"Going out from here is still a long way from the Dragon Cave. Your little elves are now seriously injured. Is there a way to get out of here successfully?"

Lin Wen didn't answer directly, so he acquiesced to the other party's idea.

The leader of the Yulong family replied with a sad expression: "The members of our Yulong family all have locators with danger warnings. When the elf was completely defeated, I had already pressed the alarm, and it would not be long before we The family members will come to pick us up."

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