"Fire-breathing dragon, use the flame vortex!"

Not to be outdone, the members of the Shadow Team let their elf actively participate in the battle.

Countless skills erupted into scorching hot flames, bone-chilling ice, solid and thick rocks, and mysterious superpowers.

Countless skills hit the giant fast dragon, causing huge damage to it!

It is already in a state of halving its attributes, and its physical strength is not as good as usual. After fighting for such a long time, if it was only a disadvantage at the beginning, then now, it is already in danger!

The commander-in-chief of the Shadow Team, the old man Dijin also discovered this, and the smile on his lips became thicker and thicker, and at the end, he even burst into laughter!

"Kailong, don't be useless resistance! Obediently submit to our shadow team, we will take good care of you, and even, together with your cute little fast dragon, will follow us to the top of the world!"

After speaking, he looked around for a week, looking at the beautiful environment of the Dragon Sanctuary, and continued to say with emotion: "You Dragon Sanctuary will belong to our shadow team in the future, so many dragon-type elves, The strength that can be improved is not a little bit! Our shadow team will develop very rapidly in the future, and it is just around the corner to become the strongest evil organization!"

The huge fast dragon is extremely angry, and the other elf skills can be more than [-]% immune with multiple scales that have been strengthened countless times, but the night black devil and the dark Difang sea lion are different, both of them are shadows The top-level elf used by the team's commander-in-chief, Di Jin, is far more difficult to deal with than other elfs.

The darkness and freezing of the Difang Sea Lion and the shadow raid of the Night Dark Demon were almost seamless, one blocked the movement of the giant fast dragon, and the other performed a huge output.

Seeing that the gigantic fast dragon's physical strength was getting weaker and weaker, the old man Dijin gave the final order!

"Abandon defense completely! Use all your strength to give the giant fast dragon the final blow!"

In the previous battle, due to the fierce battle, the elves of the shadow team, except for these five, could not participate in the battle at all.

Now with the weakening of the huge fast dragon, even these dark elves can join the battle!

Ants kill elephants.

What's more, these dark elves are not as weak as ants.

On the other hand, it is not in its heyday, and the giant fast dragon with only half of its attributes is not as powerful as an elephant!

With a whimper, the huge fast dragon crashed to the ground!

"Can't wait any longer!"

Lin Wen suddenly stood up on the hillside. He and the cute night cat have been looking for an opportunity to enter the arena, but because the giant fast dragon was at a disadvantage from the beginning, they couldn't find any chance at all.

Now... the huge fast dragon is already exhausted, no matter if they can beat it or not, they should enter the arena!

If the giant fast dragon is captured by the shadow team, not only will their main quest fail, their reputation will be zero, and the shadow team with the giant fast dragon will also become one of the powerful evil forces in the elf world, causing great damage to the entire elf world. destruction!

What's more, Lin Wen himself didn't want to turn a elf with a good character like Kuailong into a dark elf who has no emotion and only knows how to fight. That would be too cruel for him!

Seeing the huge fast dragon falling to the ground, the dead gold old man laughed heartily, and with the palm of his hand, an empty dark ball appeared in his hand.

He looked at the huge fast dragon with excitement mixed with crazy eyes, and laughed: "Why are you bothering, surrender earlier, you don't need to be so painful."

As he said that, he was about to throw the dark ball on the giant fast dragon and subdue the opponent tentatively a few times. .

Chapter [-] Lord-level skills

"Prepare to shoot! Never let them succeed."

Lin Wen's expression was grim, and things had developed to an unpredictable level. He didn't expect Kuailong's situation to be so strange, and he didn't expect the Shadow Team to be so strong, ready to act with the cute night cat.

At this moment, the huge fast dragon crawling on the ground suddenly raised its head!

Its eyes are firm and resolute, with a flat dragon mouth, and a roar resounding throughout the Dragon Sanctuary!


The old man's expression suddenly changed: "~This is?"

In the distance, countless-footsteps suddenly sounded!

The huge sound was deafening, like a galloping horse, attracting the attention of everyone present.

Lin Wen couldn't help but look at the sound.

I saw that in the distance, in the skyline, countless figures appeared.

They are running fast towards here, bringing up bursts of smoke and dust, and the momentum is amazing!

It's a dragon elf!

It is a dragon elf living in the Dragon Sanctuary!

The lord skill possessed by the giant fast dragon was activated, and the lord-level skill 'Leader of Armies' produced a huge effect!

The lord-level template elf is one level higher in strength than the boss-level template elf, and it is second only to the legendary elf. The point is that only one lord-level elf can appear in each type of elf. It means that they are different. They are the only super elves who can directly command the elves of the same line to fight, except for the beasts.

And the skill used by the huge fast dragon just now is obviously the lord-level skill: the leader of the army!

Leader of Ten Thousand Armies: Lord-level skills, double the effect of all skills of the same family, immune to 50% of the attacks of the same elves, increase all attributes by 15%, gain an additional 15 points of fixed attributes each time you upgrade, there is a high probability that the same elves can be ordered to carry out service, use it for a certain period of time.

The powerful part of this skill is not the attribute, but the 'command' function!

What is the strongest elves?Undoubtedly, it is a team, you never know how many kinds of elves in this world, and how many kinds of the same elves.

The effect of the order came into play, and summoned the support of the dragon-type elves in the entire Dragon Sanctuary. The number visible to the naked eye was counted in thousands, and it was only a roar that caused this effect!

Baby Dragon, Fire Dinosaur, Tanabata Blue Bird, Double Axe Dragon, Desert Dragonfly, Lizard King, Three-Headed Dragon...

All the familiar dragon-type elves are in the team!

Most of the dragon elves living in the Dragon Sanctuary are elite templates, and among them, there are dozens of boss templates!

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