The dead gold old man, who has always won the ticket, has panicked for the first time in his expression!

He hurriedly threw the dark ball in his hand towards the huge fast dragon, expecting to make the last effort, but after the giant fast dragon used the lord skill, the leader of the army, it seemed to have recovered some physical strength, the dragon's head was raised and opened. The huge dragon mouth opened, and a hot wind blew out.

As soon as the dark ball was thrown halfway, it was blown into the distance and disappeared.

Lin Wen, who was watching the battle, waved his fist fiercely, full of excitement!

Dead end, solved!

The dragon-type elves in the Dragon Sanctuary may not be too strong individually, but they have tens of thousands, hundreds of dragon-type elves!Add up, this is a force no one can ignore!

I heard that you want ants to bite elephants to bully more and less?

Let you know what is the real team strength, the point is that this group of teams is not ants, but countless dragons!

"Resist! Resist! Summon the second elf to fight, absolutely can't give up, that huge fast dragon can't hold it anymore!" The old man of death gold shouted loudly.

The surging dragon-type elf passed over the giant fast dragon and launched the most valiant attack towards the shadow team!

Although the elves in the hands of the six members of the shadow team are quite powerful, in front of this huge sea of ​​elves, there is still no way to make a strong resistance!

Just like the previous five elves suppressed the huge fast dragon, now hundreds of dragon elves have crushed the shadow team by their numbers.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

"Lord Commander!" In the panic, a member of the shadow team said embarrassedly: "We can't resist! There are too many dragon elves!"


The dead gold old man scolded angrily: "Trash, they are all trash!"

He looked at the huge fast dragon behind the dragon-type elves, showing unwillingness and hesitating, but finally said: "Retreat first, retreat first!"

"Yes, the commander-in-chief!"

The Shadow Team reluctantly began to retreat!

While they ordered the dark elves under their command to resist, they retreated towards the passage of the Dragon Sanctuary. The amazing dragon elves forced them to pull the formation for passive resistance.


Lin Wen and the cute night cat were already ready to make a move, but the lord skills of the giant dragon and the Jedi counterattack stopped their movements again, watching the dragon-type elves besieging the shadow team. dripping!

Under the siege of the dragon elves, the shadow team retreated steadily, and soon came not far from the passage.

And Lin Wen and the cute night cat also secretly followed here.

The shadow team has not yet discovered the existence of the two, and although the dragon elves have seen them, the elves have high IQs and realize that the two of them are not enemies, and they have not attacked them.

Taking one more step back, Team Shadow can leave Dragon Sanctuary completely!

The dead gold old man knew that although these dragon-type elves are now so hot and imposing, but if they enter the passage, I am afraid that these dragon-type elves will no longer pursue.

Because their purpose is to drive them out of the Dragon Sanctuary, and they will not leave here themselves.

But...are they really going to retire?

The dead gold old man looked at the huge fast dragon who had followed all the way here, although his physical strength was a little weak.

"I'm not reconciled! I'm really not reconciled!" He gritted his teeth, his mood was beyond words, and he was very unwilling. .

Chapter [-] The second lord

"Obviously we've reached this stage... I've been preparing for so long before I came here, and I saw this powerful and huge fast dragon. Did you just give up?" The old man kept retreating while observing Favorable terrain that would turn them around.

"Master Chief, there is no way to retreat anymore!" said a member of the Shadow Team.

"Master Chief, what should we do?"

"How to do?"

The dead gold old man stared at the figure of the huge fast dragon, and his expression gradually became crazy!

"Since this step has been reached, how can it be easy to give up!"

He pulled out a dark elf ball.

Compared to the previous dark ball, this Poke Ball is extraordinarily gorgeous and full of beauty.

The dead gold old man stared at the Poké Ball in the hands of "Seven Eight Seven", as if he was looking at his own child, and he gently stroked the Poké Ball: "Anyway, you don't have much time, so if that's the case, do something for the Shadow Team. Final contribution!"

The right hand suddenly waved, the light flashed, and a huge elf appeared in place!

"Come out!."

The last summoned by the dead gold old man turned out to be a general-type elf!

Not to mention its huge size, its image is even more bizarre. It has a cockscomb on its head, a fish tail on its tail, eagle claws on its front legs and dog legs on its back, and it has glittering scales all over its body.

However... at this time, its eyes are red and full of desire for destruction!

And Lin Wen, who was hiding and watching the battle, couldn't help but widened his eyes in astonishment.

This newly-appeared elf turned out to be a lord!

The second lord-level elf of the Shadow Team!

The silver companion beast is an artificial elf, the last hand left by the shadow team for themselves.

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