The Silver Companion Beast got rid of the control of the previous evolutionary mask, its temperament has become more wild, and its senses have become more sensitive. The point is that it was darkened by the dark ball and became a dark elf. The combat power is not one plus one. So simple, but double the pump!

The dead gold old man's eyes were full of enthusiasm, looking at the silver companion war beast, as if convenience was everything he believed in, a symbol of true power and destruction, he said loudly: "I didn't want to call it out, after all its time. Not much, every battle will attenuate its lifespan."

"But, fast dragon!"

The dead gold old man looked at the huge fast dragon behind the dragon elf. Although the battle between the shadow team and the dragon elf continued, he seemed to turn a blind eye: "It's all your fault! Why don't you be obedient? Let's go with our shadow team, since that's the case, we have to take out the ultimate card that our shadow team has prepared for a year and a half!"

"Silver Companion War Beast, release your last brilliance! After you leave, the shadow team with huge fast dragons will become even stronger!"


A loud roar came from the mouth of the silver companion war beast, the dark elf after losing his mind and temperament, only the master's commands in his eyes.

The dragon-type elves who were fighting, as if they had heard an order, stopped their attacks one after another, and even froze in place and couldn't move for half a minute!

Lord Skill: Lord Coercion!

Lord's Coercion: The effect of all skills of the same type is increased by 50%, 50% of the attacks of the same type of elves are immune, 50% of all attributes of the hostile elves are reduced, and an additional 15 points of fixed attributes are obtained for each upgrade. Elves, stuck in a stalemate for at least five seconds, the effect on elves of the same template is halved.

Contrary to the gigantic fast dragon leader of the army, the skills used by the silver companion war beasts are countered to the opponent, just to restrain the opponent's type, and the attributes of the dragon-type elf in batches have been slashed, which is directly reduced by half.

It was this skill that stopped the fighting dragon elves one after another, and even the giant fast dragon was greatly affected!

The power of the lord's skills is fully demonstrated!

"Little guys, go all out to counter-attack, those dragon-type elves are only half of their previous strength!" The old man of death gold shouted gloomily.

"Fire-breathing dragon, dark purgatory!"

"Fossil Pterodactyl, use Dark Storm!"

"Kentaro, dark charge, make a way!"

The awakened shadow team counterattacked again. The dark elves under their command shot down a large number of dragon-type Pokémon to the ground, and their gorgeous skills broke out dazzling fireworks in the elves. …

The mourning soldier will win, and the absolute will rise.

The originally one-sided situation became stalemate again, the giant fast dragon did not take action, and even the shadow team that summoned the silver companion war beast did not directly issue an order.

On the Dragon Sanctuary side, in addition to the lord-level giant fast dragons whose attributes have been halved, there are also three boss-level, hundreds of elite and even ordinary template elves.

If the giant fast dragons win by quantity, then on the other hand, the shadow team is taking the quality route.

Two lord-level elves, Night Dark Demons, and Silver Companion War Beasts!

Their individual strength, although they are not comparable to the deep purple level of strength evaluation, is comparable to the huge fast dragon of the beast.However, due to fertility reasons, when the attributes are halved at this time, this huge gap is suddenly narrowed infinitely!

Not to mention, at this time, the huge fast dragon suffered a huge amount of damage after the battle just now, and the combat power at this time is still unknown.

Moreover, in addition to this, the shadow team also has several leader-level dark elves, fierce as tigers!

Therefore, the scene was temporarily deadlocked.

Both sides are jealous of each other and dare not take action easily. 0.2

The dead gold old man looked gloomy, and his slightly narrowed eyes were looking for a suitable opportunity. The huge fast dragon was already at the end of the shot, and it was absolutely impossible for him to give up now, especially when the silver companion behemoth was used, it was destined to be their shadow. The team must gain something, otherwise the strength will be hit by an unprecedented blow.

At the same time, on the other side of the battlefield, Lin Wen was observing the elf summoned by the Shadow Team.

Silver Beast


Template: Lord level (quasi-god)

Strength evaluation: dark blue level

Seeing the information of the silver companion war beast, Lin Wen's eyes flashed with a dim light. He didn't expect that the shadow team was still hiding such a deep hole card. .

Chapter [-]: The Shadow Team of Terror

As the commander-in-chief of the shadow team, the old man Dijin is indeed scheming. He has held down his trump card so much that he only released it at the most critical moment. Their retreat not only led the elves of the Dragon Sanctuary to a suitable venue for their battle, It also laid a huge foreshadowing for the outbreak of the lord-level skills of his silver companion war beast.

Seeing the huge and ferocious elf, Lin Wen couldn't help but flash a look of envy in his eyes. The silver companion war beast is an artificial elf. Although its personality is rough, it will obey the trainer he trusts. When danger is imminent, it will come forward to protect it. It is the same type of elf as Shanaido and is very popular with trainers.

It's a pity... such an excellent elf fell into the hands of the shadow team, became their thug, and was even demonized into a dark elf.

However, this silver companion beast is still too young!

Even if it becomes a lord-level elf, its strength only reaches the dark blue level, which is weaker than that of the Dark Night Demon, not to mention the 15-level lord looking at the giant fast dragon.

it's time!

Lin Wen, who had a thorough insight into the opponent's strength, decided to stand on a united front with the giant fast dragon and launch a final attack on the shadow team.

"Little Night Cat, get ready to shoot."

Lin Wen whispered, and he already took out three ready Poké Balls in his hand.

The cute night cat, who had been waiting for her heart to burn for a long time, nodded excitedly, and also took out two exquisite Poké Balls from her backpack.

Lin Wen held down her little head and instructed very seriously: "Our target is not the lord-level elves, nor the dark elves, but the members of the shadow team and their commander-in-chief, as long as those people are subdued So that they can't continue to command, the dark elves are just some stalwart monsters with brute force, and they can be completely solved by simple pulling formations and kite play."

"Roger that!"

The cute night cat suddenly realized that Yang Yan did not simply watch the battle, but considered the strength of the dark elf and the fault tolerance rate of this shadow team, so as to create a way to win.

The elves of the Dragon Sanctuary belong to the good and lawful camp, and their biggest weakness is that they will not directly attack the trainer. However, as players, Linwen and Little Night Cat are different. They not only have to attack the shadow of the commander. Team, but also get them to death!

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