Lin Wen and the cute night cat looked at each other and hurried over.

Crack, crack, crack—the cracks stretched sideways in one go.

Under the gaze of Lin Wen and the cute night cat, the cracks became more and more, and the two held their breath at the same time.

"Come on, come on!" The cute night cat said softly.


As if reaching a critical point, the broken dragon egg shell fell to one side, and a red figure slowly emerged from the dragon egg.

"This is?" Lin Wen's eyes widened.

"So cute." The cute night cat exclaimed.

Inside the eggshell, a red mini-dragon seemed to have just woken up, looking at them curiously with small eyes, without a trace of fear or cowardice.

In Lin Wen's eyes, the identification data of Wisdom Eye immediately appeared.

mini dragon


Template: Lord Class (Flash)

Strength evaluation: Crimson class


The descendant of Kuailong turned out to be a shining elf!

And the beginning is the existence of the lord template!

This is the fourth lord-level elf that Lin Wen has seen today, and this one is about to become his elf. The excitement in it is self-evident.

So, Lin Wen stretched out his hand and said, "Mini Dragon, are you willing to be my partner?"

Mini Dragon stared at Lin Wen for a while, then looked at his outstretched palm, hesitated for a moment, twisted his body twice, then drilled out of the eggshell, then turned back and took a bite of his own eggshell. He devoured it in one bite, but only ate a third of it, and stopped as if he was full.

Immediately afterwards, the mini-long nodded towards Lin Wen.

".々 You won't let me eat too?"

The corner of Lin Wen's mouth twitched, but the moment he touched the eggshell, his expression immediately became exciting.

Broken dragon eggs: The egg shells left by dragon elves after their shells are broken are rich in calcium and various nutrients, which can make elves grow quickly.

It's actually edible!

The mini-dragon is ready to give himself the only thing he can get his hands on.This move undoubtedly represents Mini Dragon's recognition of him!

Forget it, for the lord-level elf, what is it to eat some eggshells!

Lin Wen gritted his teeth and prepared to fight, but the little night cat next to him stopped him and said speechlessly, "Brother Yang Yan, I think it's just for you to keep it for you at most, it's definitely not for you to eat eggshells..."


Lin Wen blinked in confusion, looked down at the mini-dragon, and the other party nodded his head, which made him embarrassed, "Cough, of course I understand (Zhao Liao Zhao)."

After putting the eggshell into the backpack, the mini dragon squeaked and wandered around Lin Wen. It seemed that Little Night Cat's judgment was correct.

Lin Wen took a closer look. Not only did the red mini-dragon look very cute, but it was also very smart. It didn't look like a newborn at all. Looking at the mini-dragon that jumped onto his hand, Lin Wen couldn't help but reach out and touch it. Its soft body, found that it still has the warmth of the grass nest.

The mini dragon narrowed his eyes with enjoyment, and rubbed Lin Wen's fingers with his small head, very intimate.

Looking at the well-behaved mini-dragon, Lin Wen looked at Kuailong, who had fallen into a deep sleep, and said earnestly, "Kailong, your heir, I will take good care of this little guy!"

With that said, Lin Wen took out a Poke Ball: "Mini Dragon, come in first, I'll take you out of here, the Dragon Sanctuary will be closed soon.".

Chapter [-] The lord level is born

The mini-dragon seemed to really understand what they were saying, so he nodded obediently, jumped on his own initiative, touched the Poké Ball, the red light flashed, and it was put into the Poké Ball.

Ding, ding.

After two blinks, the Poke Ball returned to normal.

Lin Wen hurriedly released the mini dragon from the Poké Ball. For such a little guy who was just born, Lin Wen couldn't bear to lock it in the Poké Ball.

Just after the mini dragon was released, the system prompts came one after another.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the player 'Heart of Yang Yan' for successfully conquering the lord-level Pokémon mini-dragon!"

"Ding dong! The mini-dragon you captured has outstanding potential and talent, and has ranked first on the potential list. Do you want to reveal your name? Yes/no."

"Ding Dong, the mini dragon you captured is the first captured lord-level Pokémon in the elf world. A world announcement will be made. Do you want to reveal your name? Yes/no."

Lin Wen took a deep breath and looked at the mini dragon playing in front of him.

As the number one player today, the name of Yang Yan's Heart has long been known to everyone, and there are so many people who pay attention to him that there is no need to hide it at all.

Moreover, as his first lord-level elf, the mini-dragon will definitely grow into one of the main combat powers in the future. If you want to hide it, you can't hide it for 140, and it will be discovered soon.

That being the case.


"World announcement, congratulations to the player "Heart of Yang Yan" for successfully capturing the first lord-level elf: the mini-dragon. The special reward is 5000 prestige points and a source of vitality."

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