"World announcement, congratulations to the player "Heart of Yang Yan" for successfully capturing the first lord-level elf: the mini-dragon. The special reward is 5000 prestige points and a source of vitality."

"World announcement, congratulations to the player "Heart of Yang Yan" for successfully capturing the first lord-level elf: the mini-dragon. The special reward is 5000 prestige points and a source of vitality."

The world announcement lasted three times, and all players online knew the news.


The whole elf world is boiling for it!

"I heard it right? Lord-level elf?

"Fuck! The heart of Yang Yan is the heart of Yang Yan again!"

"This is definitely the system's own son, right? Why do all the good things go to him?"

"Falling! When I play (bdei) games every day, look at the announcement of Yangyan Heart, Yangyan Heart, Yangyan Heart, can this game still be played! By the way, when will the big brother Yang Yan receive some younger brothers? Remember to call me, I want to follow behind to find some soup..."

"Lord-level elf, my strongest is an elite-level, no reason!"

"God Yang Yan is cheating! I want to give birth to monkeys for you."

"I'm a fangirl of the Great God of Yang Yan. Does anyone know the real information of the Great God of Yang Yan? I want to marry him!"

The appearance of the first lord-level elf completely made the players of the entire elf century boil.

At the same time, the genie potential leaderboard has changed.

After occupying the first place for quite a long time, the leaf elf was finally pulled down by the flash mini-dragon!

Potential leaderboard.

The first place, Lord-level Pokémon, male, mini-dragon, owner: Heart of Yang Yan.

The second place, the boss-level Pokémon, male, the Leaf Elf King, owner: Heart of Yang Yan.

The third place, boss-level Pokémon, male, fire-breathing dragon, owner: Right Fire.

The first and second are all in the hand.

Even scrolling down, in the top ten, more than half of the owners are all Yang Yan Hearts.

This made players who saw the changes in the potential rankings once again sighed that the Heart of Yang Yan was really the son of the system!At the same time, I couldn't help but feel depressed. I was also playing a game. How could the gap be so big!

The potential leader of the Leaf Elf was evaded by the mini-dragon, which was something Lin Wen had long expected, although the Leaf Elf King, as the only Pokémon, was very rare.And it also broke through the boundaries and reached the quasi-god, but after all, it is only the elf of the boss-level template, and the mini-dragon is a powerful lord-level template elf, and it is an amazing template that has been possessed since the first level.

Perhaps, only in the future, after Lin Wen has completed the template promotion task of the Leaf Elf, will it be possible for it to compete with the mini-dragon.

Not long after the announcement was sent, Lin Wen received a private letter from Lingfeng, the president of Lingxi Guild.

"Brother Yangyan, you can, you got the first Lord-level Pokémon so quickly."

"Good luck." Lin Wen responded modestly.

Ling Feng on the other side smiled wryly when he saw this reply, and thought to himself why I didn't have such good luck, but now Lin Wen is also a member of the Lingxi Guild. His strength is strong, which is beneficial to the entire Lingxi Guild.

So, Ling Feng replied: "This time your strength can be improved a lot. After a while, you will have more confidence in attacking the city."

"Yeah." Lin Wen said.He looked at the mini-dragon playing on his shoulder and replied to Ling Feng: "Don't say it, I still have some things to deal with here."

"Okay. By the way, Brother Yangyan, you are still in the Dragon Cave. Our Lingxi Guild's team should take care of you more. After all, fat and water don't flow to outsiders."

"I will."

End the call.


Looking at the mini dragon playing, Lin Wen's eyes moved to the huge fast dragon that was already sleeping on the ground not far away.

He sighed and said, "Mini Dragon, come with me."

The mini-dragon looked at him curiously, and followed him with a jump.

It is said that the person the animal sees at first sight will become the closest person to it. The same is true for Pokémon. The Mini Dragon saw Lin Wen at the first sight of its birth, so he regarded him as the closest person.

The initial affinity between them reached as high as 80!

With the mini dragon, Lin Wen came to the giant fast dragon.

"This is your mother." Lin Wen pointed at the giant Kuailong and said, "But it is too tired now, so it has fallen into a deep sleep and can't communicate with you."

The mini dragon stared at the huge body of the giant fast dragon, and a strong sense of intimacy came from the depths of his heart.

It hesitated for a while and moved to the head of the giant fast dragon. Compared with the huge size of the giant fast dragon, the mini dragon at this time was still a child like a small ant. .

Chapter three hundred and sixty fourth unexpected completion

The mini dragon stretched out its cute little head and gently rubbed the chin of the huge fast dragon.

The cute night cat on the side saw this scene, and his eyes suddenly turned red, and he said vaguely: "The little mini dragon is so pitiful... As soon as it was born, as soon as it was born..."

"Jing nonsense!" Lin Wen tapped Xiao Yemao's head and refuted her: "The giant fast dragon is just falling into a deep sleep now, and there will be a day when he wakes up!"

His eyes were firm and he answered affirmatively.

After being infected by him, the cute night cat's tears no longer dripped, and nodded vigorously: "That's right! I will definitely wake up~!"

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