There are two elves, a man and a woman. Lin Wen is in charge of commanding the mini-dragon to fight and level up, while Shanai Duo has been carefully sensing the location of the leaf elves, and is ready to report the location of the leaf elves to Lin Wen at any time.

As for this little girl, the cute night cat.

Whenever she encounters dragon-type elves who are a little weaker and less eager to fight, she will come forward, earnestly please, and want to rely on them to complete the dragon-fighting trial, but it is a pity that these dragon-type elves don't seem to be able to. Appreciate.

At the end of the development, the result is that the mini-dragon appeared again, hitting the opposite side of the KO, and the little girl who was a cute night cat was so angry, why the elf was suddenly so ill-behaved.

Just like that, a group of people swept the entire dragon cave at a fast speed.

During this period, the two also met other players who were exploring in the Dragon Cave, and many players even recognized his identity, but there was no accident. At most, it's just passing by to say hello, or quickly detouring.

· · · Flowers 0


"Ding Dong, the level of your Pokémon mini-dragon is raised to Lv29, gaining 35 points of fixed attributes and 5 points of effort. Ding-dong, due to your talent "Kiraqi's Blessing", the mini-dragon has an additional free attribute. "

Seeing the light flashing, the mini dragon was upgraded to another level, Lin Wen was very satisfied, and was ready to lead it to the next place to explore, they had almost left the range of the fourth floor of the dragon cave.

At this moment, Shanai Duo, who had been sensing the position of the leaf spirit, changed his expression, and Shanai Duo's anxious voice came from the telepathy.


"Lord Yang Yan, I feel Ye Elf's position!"

"Found it?" Lin Wen was shocked. The loss of the main elf had a great impact on him. During the period of upgrading the mini dragon, he also missed his first elf very much, and he has been following him since he was a child. Oneself, step by step, grow into the current Leaf Elf!

Now that Shanaido has finally discovered the location of the Leaf Elf, Lin Wen hurriedly asked, "Where is it now?"

Shanaido closed his eyes, the invisible spiritual power scattered, and its voice came from the telepathy again.

"Master Yangyan, Ye Elf is constantly moving, there are enemies, and there are enemies who are chasing it behind!"

At the end, Shanaido has already opened his eyes and looked at Lin Wen with a slightly anxious gaze: "Master Yang Yan, we must help it quickly!"

There are also feelings between elves. As the first main elves to get along with the leaf elves, Shanaido is also an early elves of Linwen, and the relationship with the leaf elves is already very good. The main reason is that the leaf elves are powerful but gentle. The love of elves.


Lin Wen was burning with anger, and now he still has the idea of ​​​​a elf who dares to hit him? .

Chapter [-]: The Hunted Leaf Elf

As the only Pokémon, the Elf King Ye is not to mention the preciousness, and it is also his most valued partner, the first elf. In the entire Elf world, there is only such a King Leaf Elf King, and its preciousness is comparable to that of a divine beast!

It is precisely because of this that its appearance has been widely circulated among players for a long time. There are countless pictures of Leaf Elf Kings on the forum, and even players have made emoticons scattered around, making those players envious.

As long as you have been on the forum, basically all players know the appearance of Elf King Ye, and they all know that this is the elf of his heart of Yang Yan.

Now... there are still people who dare to attack Ye Elf!

What is the difference between this and declaring war with him and directly hitting him in the face?

Lin Wen sneered in his heart, his heart is really an old birthday star who hanged himself, impatient to live! "Four Three Zeros"

"Shanaiduo, locate the specific location of the leaf elf, let's go over immediately, and get closer. You can use telepathy to contact it, let it get closer to us, and avoid other accidents."

"In the northeast direction!" Shanaido floated ahead to guide the way.

"Okay! Let's go quickly!" After Lin Wen finished speaking, he quickly ran towards the northeast with the mini-dragon in his arms.

Although the mini-dragon is a new elf of Linwen, he has never seen the existence of the leaf elf, but he can see that his partner who has been training with him for so long is so anxious, and it is also emotionally infected. Worry, there is a trace of worry and curiosity in the small eyes.

"Brother Yang Yan? What happened, please?"

The cute night cat saw that the other party suddenly ran up, followed without even a question, and asked a worried question.

"Shanaiduo has found the location of the Leaf Elf, but it is being hunted. It seems that someone is going to attack the Leaf Elf while I'm not around!" Lin Wen replied.

"If I guess correctly, it should be the big union in the Chengdu area. They are the only ones with such strength and courage. The other players are not enough for Ye Elf to be appetizing. I don't recommend you to participate in the next battle."

"The Great Guild..."

The cute night cat's face is a little gloomy. She has never liked these guys, and now she has taken action against her rare friends, and she must not be lighthearted.

"Ye Elf is also my friend, I won't stand idly by when it happens!" Xiaoye Mao replied firmly, determined to follow Lin's tattoo closely, ready to help him teach this group of ignorant guys!


at the same time.

The other side of the Dragon Cave!

Ye Elf King's vigorous body dodged nimbly, and escaped quickly in the dragon cave with many rocks and rocks!

And not far behind it, there is a team of seven people wearing the same clothes and riding a giant pliers mantis!

Money Hunter!

There was annoyance in Ye Elf's eyes. After jumping over a big rock again, he glanced back at the money hunter detachment riding a giant tong mantis in pursuit. He was very angry.

After Lin Wen and the cute night cat fell into the fourth floor of the dragon cave, it came to the place where they fell, and planned to jump down to find the owner as soon as possible. However, this group of humans suddenly interrupted its thoughts. !

After this group of humans suddenly appeared, they attacked it immediately, making Ye Elf a little embarrassed.

Although the strength of Ye Elf is strong, after all, there is a small team of human beings, and the number of elves that can be controlled is as many as ten. As one of the teams of Money Hunter, if they can be selected to enter the Dragon Cave, they can see their strength. .

In addition, Lin Wen was not by his side, and Ye Elf King's own strength was limited, so even if it was him, he had no choice but to flee.

It has been walking around with this group of humans for a while, but the group of humans is still reluctant, which makes Ye Elf's good-natured temper can't help but get a little angry.

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